

I drew in a deep breath as I slowly walked over to the edge of the cliff, I peered my head over and gulped at how far down it really was.

It would be like jumping out of a four story window. To someone who's terrified of heights as it is, that's like being in a skyscraper looking down from the roof. 

Why I decided on this is beyond me, but if I didn't do it now, I don't think I ever would. This was the place you came when you wanted to die. This was the ideal place for suicides to occur. Almost every suicide to happen in this town was done here.

I walked closer to the edge and took in a scared breath. I can't do it...

Was it too much to ask for a little courage? After everything that had happened it only seemed fair that I would have a way out.

I bit my lip as all the horrible things that drove me to this spot right now replayed in my mind like a fucking movie.

I took the folded note out of my pocket, there were only two people that deserved this note, and I knew they'd be torn up about this.

I only hoped they'd listen to the letter.

I placed a heavy rock over the note so it wouldn't fly away and walked closer to the edge than I had ever dreamed of being. If I didn't do this now, I never would.

One foot was out and all I had to do was lean, one small gesture and I'd be free.

I actually sighed with relief, before leaning forward.

The words on the note I left replayed through my head the whole way down.

Dear whoever finds this,
Suicide notes are ridiculous, this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. I never wanted to hurt anyone, my apologies are endless.
Forget about me.
-Mackenzie Baker
♠ ♠ ♠
This is terribly short, but it's only the prologue!

I've been wanting to do a story like this for too long, and I couldn't resist anymore.

So tell me what you think about this, the next chapter will be longer and less confusing, I promise. :)

Denise. <3