

I couldn’t remember when I started watching him exactly. I couldn’t remember what was so interesting. Maybe it was just him, the way he moved, or the way he laughed or the way he always kept his head down and a sheepish expression on his face. He was interesting to me for some reason.

It wasn’t hard to watch him really, the rest of the world was doing the work for me. The snapshots in the morning papers, the fabricated tales of his woeful love life. I liked watching the way he reacted to those the most, I never knew a boy could blush like that before I saw him do it. If I had the right expression I would look like many of my fellow classmates, staring disdainfully at the distasteful behavior mucking about three tables down.

I always got to my own table earlier than he did, which was no easy feat but as it seemed neither of us were fond of mornings. No one ever asked questions as to why I stared at his table or why I lingered within the Hall for so long. No one said a thing because no one ever said anything to me if they could help it.

I couldn’t remember when I started watching the Boy Who Lived exactly, I could only remember the way he slouched while he walked, the way he tilted his head slightly back when he laughed, the way his hair stuck up in the back, and the way he seemed embarrassed when his name was mentioned.