Life as a Cold One

Chapter 2: Reborn

The room was dimly lit, only a table stood in the middle of the room. There on that table was the still lying body of Katherine Williams. Her eyes were closed and they had sunk back into her skull and her skin, once filled with color, was the color of snow. Her once brown hair was now dry and dead as she was. Her dress still stained with blood showed how much her body had collapsed since her death.

The door cracked open and in walked the man with blond hair and golden eyes, he looked at Katherine’s body, “Just in time.”

He watched her skin change color rapidly, some of its color came back, but it wasn’t as creamy as it was when she was alive. Her hair became full again; it was coming back to life. The blood that stained her clothes disappeared and the gunshot wound healed instantly, she was coming back to life.

Her eyes shot open, no longer were they grey, they were as crimson as any could be. Katherine sat up, taking deep breaths. She looked around frantically and the man grabbed her, “Where am I, who are you, why am I starving, where is Emily?”

“Katherine, let me explain everything,” the man started to stay.

He grabbed her hand, his skin cold as ice, but hers was also, “What has happened to me,” she asked the man as she looked in the mirror at her new eyes

“Just give me time,” he said and she followed him out the room.

Her hand lay on her chest, “I have no heartbeat.”

“I haven’t one either, you died from a gunshot and I found you dead, but I changed you into what I am, a vampire.”

Katherine wasn’t taken back, she knew they existed, but never had she met one. She took another look at herself, “I’ll never be able to see my family again will I?”

He looked at her as he was going to say something, but he shook his head, “No, I’m surprised that you are taking this so well.”

She sat down and he handed her a wine glass, “You saved my life, which is all that matters, I knew of vampires before had, my father used to hunt them before he was killed.”

He filled the glass with blood from a doctor’s storage bag, “I hunted them as well before I came one, my name is Carlisle Cullen, I have been studying to be a doctor, I appear as twenty-three years old but I’ve been alive for almost two hundred years.”

Katherine smiled, “A vampire doctor well, that explains the blood then.”

He turned around, his eyes almost glowing, “No, not human, animal blood, I’m one of the good vampires. I want to be a doctor and perfect my skills to help people, not kill them.”

“That must be rarely found, Mr. Cullen.”

“Please call me Carlisle, now drink that, you will feel better,” he said looking down at her untouched glass.

Katherine looked down at the think red liquid; she put the glass to her lips. She winced at her first sip, “I can’t believe I am doing this,” and she took another sip.

Carlisle sat beside her, “If you don’t then you starve yourself for years and then you still wouldn’t be able to die.”

“You sound like you regret turning me.”

“No, it’s just I couldn’t let an innocent person like yourself die, things are not supposed to happen like that. It’s how I got my partner Edward Cullen, but he rebelled against me, so I was once again alone in this world,” he told her while staring at the floor.

Katherine then understood why he changed her, he didn’t want to be alone; he wanted someone like himself to travel with, “Thank you very much for saving my life, how can I ever repay you for what you have done?”

Carlisle grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes, “Stay with me, we can be together through time, watch the world grow while we stay young, we can hunt together and help others, just please don’t ever leave me.”

Katherine nodded, “I promise,” she looked out the window and saw people walking down the street, she could smell them and hear every word they said, “Wow, my senses are a hundred times better than humans. Blood… I smell their blood.”

Carlisle grabbed her, “No, come on, we will find you blood, but not a humans, listen to me,” she looked into his eyes, “Gain control of yourself, do not let their scent get to you, Katherine, understand?”

She concentrated on him, his light voice and beautiful eyes, “Carlisle, get me some more!”

“Take my hand, I’ll show you what a true vampire can do,” he said with a smile.

She smiled back and grabbed his hand. Everything went by them in a blur, it seemed so impossible, but Katherine realized that she was running at the same speed as Carlisle. Carlisle stopped and Katherine did as well, “Watch as I do,” he said.

She saw what he was looking at, it was a deer feeding. It seemed like in one move Carlisle ran towards the deer, grabbed it and killed it on the spot, “Wow,” she said and joined him where the deer lay. Carlisle tasted the blood and motioned for Katherine too. The warm, fresh, blood tasted delightful to her lips, it was better than what Carlisle gave her in the glass, which was cold.

After a few more deer, she felt satisfied and Carlisle did as well, “So after this, what happens?”

Carlisle leaned against the tree and held his hand out to her, “We live.”