
I couldn't help but look over at her, and want to call her my savior. She's the one who's gotten me out of this rut, this just breathing, hardly living lifestyle. I've been waking up happy, excited to see her. She's made me think about so much, consider so much about life, and be able to let go of all that bad stuff. She was exactly the right kind of person I needed in such a messy time in my life. She saves me, just by smiling.

As a senior in high school, Noah Chris's home life is starting to go downhill. His parents' relationship is worse than it has been in a while, his mom has taken to drinking and his dad is doing his best to stay away. He steps up and silently takes care of his four year old sister, not wanting her to get lost in the mess the home life has become.

A girl he once knew, back in middle school seems to be appearing again, and he can't help but notice her every time she's around. As odd and fast as their friendship starts, he realizes he wants nothing else but to be with her, and he quickly finds she might exactly what he needs.
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