Status: Hiatus

A Lethal Combination

Chapter 2: My Next Meal

Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Bob, and I pulled up to the only diner in town just in time to see a girl walk out. She looked up and I knew she was my next meal. She had green eyes, black hair with purple bangs and blue streaks, and a lip ring. She was wearing a black hoodie that said TOBUSCUS on it [yes they exist and I want one soooooooooooo freakin bad], dark skinny jeans, and black converse coated in writing. She was the new girl so no one would miss her, except her family of course but I don't think she had much in town. Gerard saw me studying her and he saw the hunger in my eyes,"Go get her Frank."I nodded and walked up to her as she was searching through boxes in a trailer hooked up to her car.
"Hey," I said,"whatcha lookin for." "My IPod." she replied. I smiled, this was gonna be easier than I thought, most people wouldn't trust a guy like me. "Want some help?" "Sure, i'm Sara." "Frank." I said putting a gloved hand in her outstretched hand. We shook hands and proceeded to look for her IPod, occasionally making comments on some of the weird crap her parents kept around.I was digging through a box when I saw the IPod,"Found it!" I yelled, grabbing it and holding it up in the air. She squeeled and jumped up and down, ran to me and gave me a giant hug. "Thank you Frankie!" she yelled, grabbing the device from my hand. "Frankie?" I questioned, no one had called me that before, I kinda liked it. "Yeah, it's cuter than Frank." she said.
I nodded, I was thinking twice about draining her blood, I liked this chick,"Lemme introduce you to the guys." I said, grabbing her arm and dragging her towards my brothers."Sara," I said,"this is Gerard, Mikey, Ray, and Bob." "Hey guys." she said, in response to their small waves and nods. We heard her parents calling her angrily. She sighed and started to walk away,"Bye guys." she said. I couldn't let her get away, I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me, "Do I at least get your number?" She sighed and dragged me towards the diner.
We brushed past her parents and walked straight up to the hostess. I could see her tense up as we walked in, luckily Sara didn't notice. "Do you have a pen and paper I could borrow?" Sara
asked. The hostess handed her the materials and she wrote her number down. She handed
the paper to me and I stole the pen from her. I wrote my number down on the bottom and ripped the paper in half. After we were done exchanging numbers, she handed the materials back to the hostess and left. I growled at the hostess, I don't know why it just seemed like she knew too much. I walked outside just in time to see the guys wave at her, hop on their bikes and leave. I sighed and walked over to my bike when I heard muffled yelling. I looked at Sara's car and saw Sara with her ear buds in her ears and her parents yelling at her. I looked away, hopped on my bike and headed to our house.
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Sorry I updated late I was watching a choir performance last night till 8 and then I got sidetracked and had to post tonight. I just wanna say that Renee, your solo was fuckin awesome and im glad I saw it. Miranda, even though you didn't have a solo you still rocked, you killed it... literally your voice was so awesome it was like stabbing the people around you except for Renee whose voice was in like an epicly harmonious battle with yours. Anyways i'm glad I finally posted i'm excited to post more but naow I need sleep. kay bye!