Status: Hiatus

A Lethal Combination

Chapter 3: Welcome To My Life

My parents got in the car and I knew I was gonna get yelled at. The thing about my parents is that they have terrible tempers. I do one mildly bad thing and I get screamed at for hours on end. This time, I deliberately disobeyed them, they were probably gonna kill me. I put my earbuds in and turned up the music loudly as they got in the car and began to yell at me. They finally stopped yelling at me and we drove off to our new home.
We pulled up in the driveway and I ran inside to find my room. We already had it painted and had the beds moved over. My walls were black with blood red trim and the bed was purple. I set my IPod on the bed and ran downstairs to get my boxes. I grabbed box after box and ran them upstairs. I found my speakers for my IPod and set them up on the floor. I plugged in my IPod and set it on shuffle. "Doo you ever feel like breaking down?" I nodded and sang along with Pierre,"Do you ever feel out of place? Like somehow you just don't belong, and no one understands you. Do you ever wanna run away? Do you lock yourself in your room? With the radio on, turned up so loud, that no one hears you screaming." I put the song on repeat and started setting up my room.
I ran downstairs to get the boxes that contained my desk. My dad pulled me aside roughly,"I've been calling you for for awhile now! What are you doing up there?!" "I'm setting up my room! Do you have a problem with that?" I said, giving a little too much attitude then I meant to. My dad slapped me," To be hurt, to feel lost, to be left out in the dark. To be kicked when you're down, to feel like you've been pushed around." I heard from upstairs,"Turn that crap off!" my dad yelled. He let me go and I grabbed the boxes I needed and went upstairs to finish my room. It took me so long that I must've listened to every song on my IPod at least a million times by the time I finished.
Day slowly turned to night and I was listening to Little Things a bit quieter now while laying on my bed in my half finished room. I looked around and liked what I saw, the black walls went with my matching bed and desk, and it wasn't messy at all. I heard something outside my window so I walked over and opened it.
Frank was standing there staring up at me,"How did you find my
house?" "I was riding by on my bike and saw your car. Hey do you wanna go to the boardwalk?" he called up. I must've been crazy to say yes to this guy I met this morning but I did. I grabbed my TOBUSCUS jacket, slipped on my combat boots, and snuck out. I got on the back of his bike, wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his back. We sped off for the bardwalk at an unbelievable pace.
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Chapter 3! I didn't know I was gonna post today but my friend said this chapter was epic so I was like why not. I hope you like it that is how I wish my room looked but sadly it doesn't. Anyways i'm gonna go get a bowl of ice cream WHEEEOWOW anyways
Bless your face, peace off.