Status: Hiatus

A Lethal Combination

Chapter 4: Don't Make The Same Mistake

I got back to the cave and could not stop thinking about Sara. I started walking down the steps when I was launched [Every time I see this word I think of lunch and I get hungry] back. I landed hard on my back and saw Gerard walking towards me with anger in his eyes,"What the hell Frank?!" he yelled. I got up,"What the fuck is wrong with you Gerard?!" "You can't have second thoughts. Drain her of her blood or leave her alone." he became sad,"She won't like what you are. She'll run and you'll never see her again." My face softened, I knew this had happened to him before. I remember how devastated he was and how we literally had to drag him out of the cave for him to feed. He looked down and I walked over to him, "Gerard," I said,"I can take care of myself." He nodded,"I'm just worried your like my brother." "Excuse me," we heard Mikey say as he walked out,"but I believe i'm your brother. I'm glad to see Gerard didn't kill you Frank." I nodded and Mikey took my place beside Gerard and they sat down.
I walked into the cave,"He lives!" Ray called. I laughed and sat down on the couch. Bob picked up his IPod and so did Ray. They were just playing games so I grabbed my IPod and went to the part of the cave that we slept in. I put my earbuds in and jumped up to the bar that we used to hang upside down. I put my IPod on shuffle and placed it in my hood after I got situated. I fell asleep listening to Welcome To My Life and when I woke up it was night and Little Things was playing. I pulled my IPod out of my hood and hopped down. I felt going to the boardwalk so I walked outside, hopped on my bike and left.
I was speeding through streets when I saw Sara's car up ahead. I stopped in front of it and loated Sara's room,"Sara." I whispered then Immediately regretted it. She was probably gonna think I was some weird stalker dude and would never talk to me again. She opened the window and looked out,"How did you find my house?" she called down. "I was riding by on my bike and saw your car. Do you wanna go to the boardwalk?" I couldn't believe it when she said yes.
A few minutes later we were both sitting on my bike. She wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head on my back. We sped off,"Don't fuck this up Frank." I heard Gerards voice. "I wont." I thought.
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IM ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know ive been MIA for 12 days but someone reported this story for lack of paragraphs exactly 12 days ago and I kindof wanted to wait till after the editors were done checking it but i'm not waiting any longer. If anyone knows how much longer I should have to wait before they check it could you please let me know. To the jerk who reported this story: THERES YOU GODDAMN PARAGRAPHS YOU DICK YOU PISS ME OFF! thank you. I wanna take some time to thank my friend Miranda (MyChemicalWarfare) for her awesome Christmas presents you fucking rock! Hopefully I will start posting more often and hopefully the whole reporting thing gets resolved. Kay bye all my readers who haven't reported me rock.