Sometimes Goodbye Is a Second Chance

My Legs Are Dangling Off The Edge.

“Damn it,”I growled and kicked the door.

“Jay, let me in,”he called from outside the door.

“No asshole,”I yelled back.

“Babe, it wasn’t what it looked like,”he yelled back.

I opened the door and stuck my head out,”So you weren’t fucking some random whore on the couch.” He was silent and with that I slammed the door shut. I walked over to our walk in closet and pulled out my suitcase. I packed it to the brim with all my clothes and as much of my toiletries as possible. I grabbed an extra duffle-bag for all my shoes and put all the jewelery in their original boxes and shoved them in that to.

I threw the strap to the duffle-bag over my shoulder and pulled the suitcase right behind me. He was right outside the door

He stood up,“Babe-”

I cut him off,”Don’t you ‘babe’ me, you know what I am so happy we decided not to get married because then I would have been stuck as Mrs. Dumbass and it would have took months for it to change,”I growled,”I should have listened to everyone back in Cali because they warned me but no.”

“You’re blowing this out of proportion baby,”he grabbed my had,”I love you.”

“You don’t know what love is,”and with that I ripped my hand from his and stormed out to the garage. “Daxter!”I yelled. He came running up and hopped into the passenger seat of my car.

I slammed the key into the ignition and hit the gas, good thing the garage door was open. Daxter just jumped to the back seat and laid down. “Don’t worry we’ll be gone soon,”I said reaching back and patting his head. His response was to cover my hand in goob. I just laughed and wiped my hand off on my pants.

My hands gripped the steering wheel as my phone rang I reached down,”What,”I hissed.

“Bab-” I hung up. I looked into the rear-view mirror, I had my sunglasses perched on top of my head and absolutely no make-up on. I had an old Motley Crue shirt on, a pair of shorts and my converses. All of my piercings were out and the only accessory I had on were my Equality dog tags and my replica of Dean’s elephant hair bracelet from ‘Supernatural’.

I had been driving for hours and I finally pulled over cause the sadness hit me. Fresh tears poured from my eyes. Daxter leaned forward, licked my cheeks and nudged my face. I laughed and pushed back. I looked at my phone that still remained on the passenger seat. I grabbed it and scrolled down my contacts list. I found who I was looking for and I hit call.

“Ronnie?”I asked as the person picked up the phone and another person asked who it is.

“Jace?”he asked,”what’s wrong?”

“He cheated,”I spat,”I found them on my couch.”

I heard him shuffle something around and excuse himself. The door shut,”What happened?”

“I came home from shopping today,”I took a deep breath,”and I walked through the living room, I saw Josh and some whore fucking on the couch, and then he had the audacity to say it wasn’t what it looked like, and I know you want to say ‘I told you so’ but please don’t.”

“Come to Cali,”he said,”text me once you get to LA and I’ll tell you the address and you can stay with me.”

“I can’t do that,”I argued.

“Yes you can, you are my sister,”he argued.

“But what about your fiance and plus I have my puppy with me?”I asked.

“She won’t mind and plus I haven’t seen my little sis in forever,”he whined.

“Fine,”I gave in,”but once I get money then I’ll be out of your hair.”

“What ever floats your boat,”he said, most likely smirking.

“You suck,”I sighed

“Yeah yeah,”he replied,”just get your ass back in California then we will talk.”

“I’ll be there in like 3-4 hours,”I sighed not really looking forward to that long of a drive.

“Just hurry up cause then you get to meet my new band,”he replied excitedly.

“I’m hurrying but I gotta go,”I said.

“Okay see you soon,”he shouted into the phone.

“Bye,”I shouted back and hung up. I started my car and took off.

I crossed into LA at about 10 at night. I sent Ronnie a text asking for the address. He quickly replied. It turns out he was a few minutes away from where I was. I soon pulled into the driveway of an average size house.

I walked up to the door. The door swung open and I was immediately pulled into a hug.

“Jacen, I missed you!”Ronnie’s voice boomed into my ears.

“Ronald, I missed you too!”I shouted back.

“Honey who is it?”a voice asked.

I saw a very pretty girl walk up,”Ronnie, you told her right?”I asked.

“Yes of course,”he replied almost offended,”Jacen this is my fiance Neveah, Neveah this is Jacen.”

“You’re right she is pretty,”Neveah said and turned to Ronnie.

“Ah my big bro is talking about me, I feel so loved,”I cooed and pinched Ronnie’s cheeks in between my fingers.

He slapped my hands away,”Anways,”he began,”my friend, Mika, is camping out on in the basement, so you’ll be in the guestroom upstairs.”

“Okay, let me go get my bags,”I began to turn and walk out.

“Nah, we’ll get those tomorrow,”Ronnie said,”you can just use a pair of my sweats and a shirt.”

“Okay,”I yawned out,”can you please get Daxter though?”

“Yeah, Neveah can you please show Jace where the guestroom is?”Ronnie asked.

“Yeah, come on Jacen,”she said turning and beginning up the stairs.

“Thanks,”I said gratefully to Neveah.

“It’s no problem honey,”and she hugged me,”good night.”

“Nighty night,”I yawned again and Daxter came bounding up the stairs and slipped through the door as I was shutting it. Ronnie popped in and handed me some sweatpants and an old wifebeater.

“Nighty night Ronald,”I sang.

He sang right back as he shut the door,”Night night Jacen.”

I quickly stripped and got dressed. I threw my clothes by the end of the bed. Pushing the covers back, I slid in and called Daxter up. He curled up behind my legs and fell immediately to sleep and so did I.
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So this is a side project so don't expect daily updates because I'm just writing this until I find inspiration for the other story I've already started.

Show me some love and comment what you liked, disliked, and/or what I could've done better.

(the chapter title has nothing to do with the chapter it just happens to be what I'm listening to at the moment)

Peace (*insert peace sign*), Love(♥) and Music( ♪♫).