‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.


When I woke up the sun was shining in and Ellie was cuddled up to me.

I wrapped my arms around her and placed soft kisses down her cheek causing her to stir in my arms. Why she made me want to do these things I still couldn't figure out.

"Ellie." I cooed brushing my fingers against her cheek.

"Stop waking me up. It's a bad, bad habit of yours." She said causing me to laugh.

"But yeh so cute." I whispered kissing her jaw.

"Am not."

I stifled a laugh, "yeh daft."

She snuggled up against my chest and I held her to me, "what time is it?" She mumbled.

"I don't know. Does it matta?"

She giggled, "well no I guess not."

"We can stay here all day if yeh want."

"You would lay here with me?"

"I would." I whispered kissing her head. In fact I would do anything for her I had decided.

"Well, hold that thought." She said moving away and attempting to crawl over me.

"Where yeh goin'?" I asked with a chuckle.


I couldn't help but laugh as she ran to my bathroom.

I sighed and placed my hands behind my head. I couldn't fight the grin that took over when she was around.

"You have the cleanest bathroom for a guy I've ever seen." She said when she finally came out.

"Thanks?" I said laughing.


"I'm a clean dude."

She rolled her eyes before crawling on top of me. A grin hit my lips and I instantly kissed her cheek, "so are yeh gonna tell meh what happened last night?"

"Max." She said laying her head on my chest. I sighed and removed my hands and placed them on her back, "tell meh."

"No. He's just stupid and I broke up with him."

"Yeh broke up wif him?"

"Yeah." She mumbled into my shirt. Hearing that for some reason excited me yet I was still unsure as to where we stand. She apparently likes me and I undoubtfully like her, yet there was still so much unanswered. Where do we go from here?

I didn't bother to say anything else, then again I couldn't. I just repeatedly ran my hand over her back as I tried to find words.

"Will you take me home?" She finally asked.

"Yeah, of course. Now?" I asked hoping she'd say no because I wasn't ready to let her go.

"Mhm." She mumbled causing me to chuckle, "what does that mean?"

"Shhh." She said and I couldn't help but laugh, "so are yeh just goin' ta sleep on meh?"


"What if I don't want yeh to?" I joked.

"You don't care."

Oh how true that was.

"Fine." I whispered wrapping my arms around her and closing my eyes as I focused on her breathing.

"Hey Lee?" She finally said breaking the silence and raising up, making me open my eyes.


"This is the part where you ask me on a date." She said causing a grin to hit my lips, "who said I wanted to?"

"Oh, you do."

I chuckled, "oh do I?"

She nodded with a grin and I brought my hand to her cheek, "fine. I do."

"Exactly. So ask me so I can give you an answer."

"Yeh propah ridiculous yeh know?"

"Yeah, well, it seems to attract people."

I laughed, "Ellie, will yeh go on a date wif meh?"

"Well, I don't know..." she teased and I glared at her causing her to laugh, "kidding. I will."

"Oh, I know you will."

She giggled and I pulled her face to mine, pressing my lips to hers gently.

"It's 1 in tha aftanoon by the way."

She groaned, "I hate sleeping late. The whole day is wasted."

"Well, here's an idea. I'll take yeh home then we can go out tonight."


I nodded, "I mean, if yeh want."

She gave me a nod and I couldn't hold back my smile, "good. Now get up and get yeh shoes."

She climbed off of me and I got up grabbing up my own shoes and trying to fix the mess I called hair.

"Ready?" She asked sliding on her jacket.

I gave her a good and we walked down to the living room.

"Well ello." Oli said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, "Look, just because yeh family isn't here doesn't mean we can pretend it's las' yea'."

"Lovely to see yeh too. Yeh too prettah lady." He said giving Ellie a smile.

She laughed, "I on the other hand have no problem seeing you. Good morning Oli."

He smiled, "See, I like this bird!"

She giggled and I rolled my eyes as I placed my hand on her lower back and walked her to the door.

"Where are yeh goin'?"

"To take her home."

"Oh, well, I can. I'm goin' home mehself." Oli said getting up from the couch.

I looked over at her and she shrugged. I really wanted to take her home myself, but I didn't want to vocalize that.

"Fine." I mumbled and Oli smiled at her, "well, let's go!"

"7." I said to her as I grabbed her arm. She gave me a grin and a nod to let me know she understood. I desperately wanted to pull her to me and kiss her goodbye but, some part of me wouldn't let me since Oli and Matt were around.

I dropped her arm and once the door was shut I let out a sigh.

"You have got to get ova it mate." Matt said ad I fell onto the couch.

"Get ova what?"

"That whole, I can't touch yeh when my friends are round."

"I don't do that..."

"Oh yes yeh do! Yeh can't fool meh..."

I groaned, "well, if it makes it any betta we are goin' on a date tonight."

"Yeh are goin' on a date wif a bird?" He asked as if it was a joke.


"A real one? Like, yeh aren't gonna shag her at tha end of tha nigh'?"

"Shockingly no."

"Wow...this is different."

"Yeah, I know. I'm propa nervous." I responded with a sigh as I ran my hand into my hair.

"Well first fing, yeh can't go like that."

I rolled my eyes, "finks for pointin' out tha obvious."

"Yeah, well, knowin' yeh I have to."

"Dude, should I be this nervous?" I asked rubbing the palm of my hands on my jeans. The more I thought about it the closer to a heart attack I got.

"Well, no. Since it's no where near time."

"But it's El. I mean...." I said taking a deep breath.

"Chill out mate. Yeh know her, she likes yeh, yeh like her. Yeh two spend a lot of time togetha already."

"Actuallah no."

"Well minus that week hitaus."

I sighed and he chuckled, "I see why yeh dont date now."

I groaned, "I'm goin' ta go showa."

"Chill out. It'll be fine. Yeh already kiss each otha I mean, I don't get it."

"Matt, I haven't been on a date in years. I mean, what if I screw up?"

"Oh she's use to that."

I shot him a look and he laughed as I headed upstairs. He was right on a certain level. I mean, we know we like each other, we've kissed already, how could I screw this up?

Saying that over and over again though, didn't make it any more believable and by the time I had to go get her I was freaking out inside.

"Matt, I can't do this." I said pacing the floor as he watched me from my doorway.

"Yes yeh can."

"I can't. I mean, this, this is crazy. I don't date and..." I began to ramble and he cut me off, "it'll be fine and yeh will be glad yeh went."

"I can't mate. I physically can't."

He frowned, "Lee, look at meh."

I sighed and looked over at him as I came to a stop in the middle of my room.

"Do yeh like her?"

I nodded as I crossed my arms.

"Ok, then yeh can't stand her up, mate. She likes yeh and if yeh do that it'll be ova for good Lee. I'm serious."

I groaned and placed my hands over my face.

"Chill out. It'll be fine. Now go before yeh late."

"Ok." I mumbled before walking by him. He patted my shoulder on my way out and I had to tell myself to keep walking.

I knew he was right so I managed to pull myself together and drive to her place. Once I reached her door I was shaking like it was below freezing.

I knocked once and the door opened immediately.

"Matt sent me a text telling me you were having a panic attack." She said and I instantly felt myself blush.

"What?" I managed to get out and she grinned, "you're nervous."

"I'm not. I just haven't been on a date in well, foreva." I mumbled hating that she was so calm about it.

She smiled and closed the door behind her which closed the space between us.

I breathed in as I shoved my hands in my jacket.

"Yeh look propah lovely." I whispered and she wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed herself against me.

"Thank you." She whispered back now only inches from my face.

"Oli said it must suck for you because you've met your match."

Well that was an understatement.

I chuckled at that, "Yeh?"

"Yep. Because from what I hear, usually you're confident, intimidating one."

"Oh and yeh are?"

"Well you know, it takes one to know one."

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her waist, "fine. Maybeh yeh scare meh a bit but that's juss because I've neva met a girl like yeh. Someone so bold and confident as yeh. And yeah, ta beh honest, it's like gettin' a doze of my own medicine." I said with a small grin.

"Minus the whore thing which I'm not."

"Oye! Yeh callin' meh a whore?"

"Well, yeah. A man whore." She said with a laugh and I chuckled, "ok, maybeh I was."


"Well, I'm not now! I haven't looked at anotha girl since we met."


I rolled my eyes and she smiled, "I think it's cute."

"Somefin' I'm not."

"Oh yes you are." She said kissing my lips quickly causing my heart to almost leap from my chest.

I tightened my arms around her and kissed her back, "Not like yeh are, darlin'." I whispered before pecking her lips a few more times.

"Are you ready?" I finally asked and she nodded, "Yes. I'm freezing."

"Why didn't yeh say so?" I chuckled as I linked my hand with mine and headed to my car.

"Because, I like kissing you."

"Yeh can kiss meh in tha car, yeh know?" I joked, smiling like an idiot from her comment.

"Yeah, I know."

I chuckled as I opened her door for her. Matt was right. I was already glad I had went through with this and it hadn't even started.
♠ ♠ ♠
Merry Christmas eve, eve! :3

I won't be updating tomorrow or well, Christmas so this should hold you over. I hope all of you have an amazing holiday! :)

For everyone who asked, Yes I will be doing a Matt Kean story after this! So, now I'm doing my Oliver story, my Kennedy Brock one and this which I haven't finished writing! Whew. I think I've taken on too much...haha.

Thanks for commenting;
Majoji (yeah I find myself typing in it all the time! Haha. Um, if you read all my stories, you're probably my favorite person now....lol)
StellaSykes (no babies! Lol)

And yes, my new Oli story will be in both character's POV. If you haven't, you should subscribe to it Caught Up In You. the picture is pretty sexy thanks to As Above_So Below. Haha.