‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.

Things to do.

"God, I'm going to get so much hell for this." I said as I parked the car in front of the restuarant we were meeting everyone at.

"Well, don't tell them."

"No. I need to get it ova wif. Plus, why would I want to keep a prettah fing like yeh a secret?" I asked with a grin causing her to roll her eyes as we got out of the car.

I chuckled and grabbed her hand as we crossed the street.

I squeezed her hand lightly before opening the door for her and she snickered as she pulled me in.

My eyes instantly fell on the loud table where all the guys sat plus, Macy and Kerri. I sighed determined not to drop her hand until we sat which I managed to do.

Matty watched me with a knowing smirk on his face and once he sat his glass down he spoke, "what was that?"

"What was what?"

"You were holding her hand, mate." Matt said chuckling from beside him and I rolled my eyes, "so?"

"So. Yeh don't hold birds hands." Matty responded a grin now on his face as if he knew he'd get it out of me.

"Why can't I?"

"Didn't say yeh couldn't just neva knew yeh wanted to."

"I don't. I juss wanna hold hers." I said thanking the waitress as she sat my drink down.

"Why?" Oli asked seriously and I shrugged, "Because, she's my girlfriend."

"What?!" They all managed to ask at the same time and Ellie began to giggle from beside me.

"Yes. She's my girlfriend." I said as the waitress came up to take our orders. I ignored their stares and ordered for me and Ellie.

"Um, are none of yeh eatin'?" I asked calmly and they just started at me as if I was speaking another language.

They quickly ordered and once the girl was gone the questions fell out.

"Um, girlfriend?" Macy asked.

"Yes. Girlfriend. Ellie. Yeh know, this bird right here? Yeah, she's mine." I said linking my hands and placing them on the table.

"I am..." Matty began and Jona cut him off, "stunned?"

"Even that isn't a good enough word." Matt stated.

"Well, it's true."

"Fought yeh were against birds?"

"I...well, not her." I said realizing they were starting to break down the confident me.

"Course not." Matt said with a grin, "so, this is for real?"

"Would seem that way, huh?"

"So, he like asked yeh and all? Or is he just assumin' yeh wanna be?" Oli asked jokingly.

"No he actually asked."

"So...weird..." Matty added and I rolled my eyes, "can we move on now?"

"'Fraid not mate. This is some big event!"

"Not reallah." I mumbled.

"Reallah?! Yeh have a girlfriend! Yeh! Tha one person who said they would neva date cause it's a deaf sentence!" Oli said and I rolled my eyes. Clearly Ellie found this amusing though.

Matt smiled, "well, I for one am propa proud of yeh mate for givin' it a shot for once."


"I'm going to the restroom. Be back." Ellie said giving me a grin before leaving the table.

"Awe, Lee. I'm so happy for you. Ellie is a sweetheart." Macy said with a grin.

"Is this for real?" Oli asked seriously and I rolled my eyes, "Yes. Very real."

"Yeh know that means yeh can only sleep wif her right?" He asked with a raised eyebrow causing Matt to start laughing.

"I am aware."

"And yeh are ok wif that?"

"More than ok." I said honestly.

"Have yeh two even slept togetha?"

"None of yeh business, but yes." I said rolling my eyes.

"I feel like I'm bein' punk'd..." Oli said throwing his hands up.

"I think it's sweet." Macy said with a grin and Matty chuckled beside her.

"It is." She said hitting his arm and he spoke, "I didn't say it wasn't!"

"Matty use to be sweet too."

"Hey!" He said defensively.

She shot him a look and he narrowed his eyes at her and before I knew what was happening they were kissing.

"No, yeh two are ridiculous."

Matty shrugged with a grin, "she loves meh. Don't let her fool yeh."

"She's juss young and daft." Oli joked and she hit him causing me to laugh.

"Yeah, well she already married meh so she's fucked." Matty said placing his arm over her shoulders.

"Stupid me." She mumbled and he kissed her cheek, "But I love yeh."

I rolled my eyes and Oli spoke, "see mate, that's gonna be yeh soon."

I shrugged unable to object simply because I wouldn't say no since it was Ellie and apparently she screwed with my frame of mind.

Ellie made it back to the table and the way Oli was looking at her made me shift in my seat.

"So, do yeh seriously want to date this bloke?" He asked.

She laughed, "Would look that way, huh?"

"But, why? I mean, he's a slag."

"He's not." She said laughing.

"Yeah, no telling how he is around her." Macy said defending me.

"I'm a propa gent."

"He is." Ellie agreed causing me to smile.

"I'd like to be a fly on tha wall just ta hear him when it's juss them two." Oli said causing Jona to laugh, "what if they don't talk juss shag?"

"I'd be a fly. I'd fly away." Oli said seriously and Ellie and Kerri died out laughing.

"I bet he goes all Tom." Matty chimed in and I groaned, "ok, enough bout meh."

"No, do tell us El." Matty said smirking and I rolled my eyes, "like she knows how Tom was wif Katie."

"He still is the same, so yeah. So on a scale of one to ten. What would Lee be?"

I shot her a look and she laughed, "Um, I'm getting the vibe that I shouldn't answer."

"Oh, don't pay attention to him." Oli said waving it off.

"Yeah, El, what is it?" I asked with a smirk and she rolled her eyes, "Not a ten that's for sure."

I glared at her and she laughed, "Do you want to be a ten?"

"Well, not necessarily..."

"Good because you're an 8."

"An 8 is prettah high mate." Matty said laughing.

"Yeah, I only have a 5." Macy stated and Matty stopped laughing and glared at her.

"Bullocks! He's a 9!" Oli shouted.

"Why would I be a 5?!"

She shrugged with a grin and he rolled his eyes, "I have the most ungrateful bird eva."

"Really Matty? Want to get into that?"

I chuckled, "That is not goin' ta be us, Oli. Sorrah ta disappoint."

"Yeah, maybeh I do." Matty said shifting in his seat to face her.

"You'll lose."

"Yeah what's bloody new?!" He grumbled, "All I'm sayin' is neva get married. They get mood swings and yeh can't send them home so they bitch at yeh and sex? Ha. mine as well be a foreign language!"

"Watch Matty get killed." Kerri said to Ellie and I chuckled, "Matty, even I know yeh need to shut up..."

"Oh? Is that so Matty? Well, maybe you can find someone who actually wants to have sex with you." Macy said crossing her arms.

She rarely got mad, but when she did I could only imagine being on the recieving end.

Matty groaned, "I was bloody kiddin'!"

And just like typical Matty when it came to Macy, he didn't fight back.

"No. See a normal husband would probably ask what was wrong and why his wife didn't want to sleep with him anymore, but no. Not my ignorant one!" She said sliding back her chair as we all stared at her including Matty.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked his voice going into a serious tone that he never used unless it was important.

"I'm pregnant, you asshole." She said throwing her napkin on the table and stomping off. The table was now silent and Matty hadn't even blinked.

"Mate go afta her." Jona finally said and Matty shook his head and flew from the chair and after Macy.

"Do we live in a fuckin' British soap opera?!" I asked throwing my hands up.

"Awe, she's pregnant." Kerri said with a grin and Jona groaned, "yeah, her, not yeh. Don't get any ideas."

Ellie giggled from beside me and I just shook my head in disbelief.

"Well, this makes my situation so much betta." I grumbled and she linked her arm with mine.

I gave her a grin and brought my hand to her cheek, "Yeh not so bad afta all." I joked.

"Oh, ha, ha." She said with a smile and I chuckled before kissing her quickly.

"Kiddin'. Yeh prettah amazin' if I do say so myself." I whispered pecking her nose.

She giggled and I pressed my lips to hers once more.

"Of course she forgave him." Oli said causing us to look at the window only to see Macy and Matty in an embrace.

"No snide remarks about them havin' a kid?" Oli asked and I shrugged. One, because for some reason it didn't cross my mind and two, now that it did I didn't want to hurt Ellie's feelings by doing so.

"Is that because she's here or..." Jona began to ask and I nodded, "yeah basically..."

He laughed and Ellie gave me a look.

"What baby?" I asked as the waitress finally appeared with our food.

"Someones goin' ta get tha talk when they get home."

"Uh no. We don't have talks, nor do we fight, have maybe pregnancies or yellin' matches in a restaurant."

"Give it time. Give it bout 5 months." Jona said and Kerri gave him a look.

"Not talkin' bout us love."

"Yeh bein' quiet." I said softly to Ellie as she played with her fries and everyone else talked around us.

She shrugged and I grabbed her chin making her look at me, "El, what's wrong love?" I asked softly and she shook her head with a forced grin and I got nervous from her acting like this. If there was anything I was sure of it was Ellie and I knew this wasn't her.

I kissed her gently, and I know I still had a stern look on my face, but I couldn't help it.

"Gonna talk to me lata?"

She nodded and in all honesty I was about to throw money on the table and take her out of here simply because she worried me.

So this is what this felt like...

Caring for someone was a new experience and all I wanted to do at the moment was wrap her in my arms and try and understand why she looked so hurt, but I didn't know how or what I would say, although I wanted to for her.

Add that to the list of things I needed to work on...
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought I'd bring in the old crew. Matty and Macy. Awe. :3 wonder what's up with Ellie?! :(

If you like Kennedy Brock you should subscribe to my story that will be put out soon! Cold As You :)

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