‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.

Love or something like it.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked once we were back in the car.


"Yeh lyin'. Is that a way ta start off this relationship?" I joked and she smiled weakly.

"Was it somefin' I said?" I asked seriously and she shook her head, "No. Of course not."

I sighed, "Come on El. Yeh worryin' meh."

She looked back out the window and I groaned, "El..."

She didn't respond and I drove the way to her place in silence trying to come up with some explanation.

Once we got in her apartment I was unable to stay quiet.

"Ellie, tell me what's wrong right now. Yeh worryin' meh ta deaf!" I said throwing my hands up.

"I just..." she said hesitating and I stared at her confusingly, "Do yeh not wanna be wif meh?" I asked because it was the first thing that popped in my head and the only worry that kept coming back.

"What? Of course I do, Lee. In fact, I'm kind of, I don't know, falling in love with you." She said so cutely that she made it sound not as serious as it was.

She fiddled with her fingers and I finally found my voice once I got the nerves under control, "Is that a problem?"

She nodded and I swallowed quickly, "Why? I mean, why?"

"Because, either you're not going to fall for me or you will."

"Why can't I?" I asked and she grinned shrugging it off and I just stared at her puzzled from this whole conversation.

"Well, I am." I finally got out and her eyes locked with mine, "you shouldn't."

"I see no reason why I shouldn't."

"Because Lee, lets say for instance we are 'in love' that means you plan to spend a good amount of time with me...."


"So, imagine, I don't know, 7 years from now, if that is true."

"Ok? It doesn't seem so bad. Can yeh juss tell meh where yeh goin wif this?" I asked nervously.

"Well, hypathetically speaking where would we be in 7 years?"

I sighed and ran my hand down my face, "Is this a trick question?"

She shook her head no and I breathed in, "I don't know, like Matty and Macy." I mumbled with a shrug embarrassed because I was even thinking it.

She smiled and shook her head.

"No?" I fumbled out.

"No I mean, that would be great, but it won't happen." She said falling onto the couch.

"Why can't it?" I asked sitting beside her cautiously.

"It won't not it can't."

"I'm not followin'. Yeh know I'm not askin' yeh ta marry meh any time soon righ'?" I asked a bit nervous even at the topic.

She chuckled, "I know."

"Ok, so why won't we?"

"Because, I can't have children." She said shrugging and I chuckled, "well, I already know yeh don't like them so..." I said scooting closer to her and cupping her face.

"Not what I mean. I mean, some people don't like them, but they can still have them. I am not one of those."

Well, that explained it all now and I instantly felt bad for no real reason except that I loved her too much to see her hurt.

"Cause you know people tend to want that to happen after a few years." She said softly and I sighed, "Ellie, I want to be wif yeh. I don't care what we can or cannot have in the future. I want yeh."

She shrugged and I pulled her into my lap, "My love..." I cooed, "don't worry bout it. We bof hate children anyways."

She laughed softly at that and I smiled, "If it makes yeh feel any betta I fuckin' adore tha hell outta yeh but, I don't see yeh takin' care of anyfing. I'd be nervous leavin' a dog wif yeh."

"Lee!" She said laughing and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her shoulder.

"Yeh can take care of meh though." I mumbled into her shirt.

"Which wouldn't be hard."

"Should I be offended by that remark?" I asked with a grin.

She giggled, "No."

"No." I repeated tickling her side and she laughed, "Stop it."

"Give meh a kiss prettah bird." I whispered and she quickly leaned down and pressed her lips to mine causing me to grin.

"So yeh fallin' for meh?" I asked brushing my fingers into her.

She began to blush and nodded slightly, "Maybe."

"Juss maybeh?"

She nodded again and I placed kisses down her jaw, "Well, I'm fallin' for yeh reallah hard."


I stifled a laugh, "Doll, I asked yeh ta be my girlfriend, I am definitely not lyin'."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I kissed her softly, "If it eva came to that love, if we even make it that far which, I don't see why we wouldn't. There are ways to go bout that." I said referring to the whole kid thing.

Why I wasn't freaking out talking about this was beyond me. She made all my previous thoughts on the future seem ridiculous now.

"That is the least of my worries. As long as I have yeh I'm fine." I added kissing her cheek.

"I mean, not that I want them any time soon or ever, but you know..."

"I know, I get it. I'm sorrah." I said against her shoulder.


"Mhm?" I mumbled closing my eyes as my hand ran repeatedly over her stomach.


I chuckled, "Yeh can't say that and then not tell meh what yeh were gonna say so out wif it."

I looked at her and she bit her lip.

"Don't do that." I said bringing my thumb to her bottom lip as she released it.

I pulled her closer and kissed her gently, "so what is it?"

"I, I love you." She said sending my chest into cardiac arrest.

I smiled and instantly pressed my lips firmly to hers as I grabbed her up from the couch. Hearing her say that made me overly happy yet I couldn't seem to form the words to say it back although, I badly wanted to.

I felt as if that would be the downfall.

I carried her to her bed and laid her down gently as I kissed down her neck.

I wanted to hear her say it again. To make sure she really meant it, but if I couldn't say it back why should she?

To be honest it terrified me simply because I knew I meant it and once it was out there, there was no way to take it back.

"Yeh have no idea how much I truly adore yeh." I whispered running my hand up her side.

"I might have an idea."

I chuckled and pulled her shirt off quickly, wondering how long it would take until she questioned me telling her that instead of saying I love you.

I pushed that thought away though once her lips hit mine again.

I brushed her hair lightly and kissed her cheek as she laid against me. My feelings were everywhere and the closer we got the least I could hold them in.

"I wouldn't mind yeh bein' wif meh foreva if I'm bein' honest." I whispered. It was always easier to be this way with her when we were alone, wrapped up in her sheets and in the dark.

"And to think I could be with Max right now." She joked.

"Ha ha." I grumbled holding her to me.

She laughed and kissed my cheek, "I'm kidding."

"I know yeh are. Yeh said yeh love meh. Yeh not goin' anywhere."

"Yeah you're probably right."

I grinned and stroked her cheek, "Plus, I don't want yeh ta go anywhere."

"You're definitely being a ten right now."

I glared at her and she laughed, "Not a bad thing. It's cute."

I groaned, "Juss don't tell anyone."

"Why not?"

"Cause it's embarrassin'!"

"Fine. You're ten status is safe with me."

"Yeah, it should be cause it's only for yeh."

She smiled, "Awe."

"Don't do that shit."

She giggled and I kissed her forehead, "Yeh somefin' else yeh know?"

"A different breed of the human species huh?"

I laughed, "Pretty much. Sort of like a religion. El-ism."

"I should start that." She said laughing.

"I'll be yeh first memba."

"The only one."

I chuckled, "Maybeh, but I don't care."

"Do you care about anything?" She asked laughing.

"Yes. Music, my mates, yeh. Especially yeh." I said brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Especially me."

"Yeah, yeh." I said chuckling.

"Is it weird for you?"

"Is what weird?" I asked against her cheek before placing kisses down her jaw.

"You being like this."

"Strangely it comes natually round yeh so no. I mean, to everyone else yes, and I'm surprised that I can be like this,but no."

"Just wondering."


"Because they all seem to think so."

"El, I'm not gonna lie and say I was a great guy because I wasn't. I slept with a different bird almost every night, but I don't know, yeh make me wanna be different." I whispered, "I am different round yeh..."

"Trust me. I know. You don't hit on me anymore."

"Ha! I don't have to."

"Who said?"

I chuckled, "This clearly states that I don't, but if yeh'd like meh ta shamelessly flirt wif yeh in public I will. Just wait."

"That worries me." She said through her laughter.

"Nonsense. Just wait. It's gonna be on when we go out again."

She laughed, "Don't ever say that again."

"Oh. It's so on." I repeated and began tickling her causing her to giggle.

"Lee!" She said through her laughter and I stopped my hands on her sides.

"Yes?" I asked kissing her cheek.

"Stop it."

"No." I whipered kissing her quickly.


"No." I mumbled against her lips and before she could respond my phone began to ring.

I groaned and reached over her to grab it from the dresser.

"I swear, alone time wif yeh neva reallh happens." I said causing her to giggle as I put the phone to my ear.


"Oye mate. Look, we're goin' out in a bit so get yeh girl and get ready!" Matty said and I rolled my eyes, "Is this yeh new fatherly duties?"

"We're celebration!"

"Ok, ok. We will see yeh in a bit."

We said goodbye and I sat my phone back down.

I looked at Ellie who gave me a grin, "What?"

"Go get ready baby."

She groaned, "I don't want to go out."

"Oh yes yeh do."

She giggled, "No I don't."

I kissed her forehead, "go do what yeh need to do and I'll come by to pick yeh up in an houa."

"Fine." She said with a sigh and I pressed my lips to hers before climbing from the bed.

"Yeh betta be ready when I get back."

"I will! Go!"

"I see how much yeh wanna get rid of meh..." I joked.

"Get out."

I laughed as I blew her a kiss and headed out of her apartment.

God only knows what Matt would say when I got home simply because I would be without Ellie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe, Lee can't tell her he loves her. :3

First and for most, my first chapter to my Kennedy Brock story is up! Go read it ->Cold As You :)

Second, Thanks for commenting;
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