‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.


I walked into my house and the coast was clear so I sprinted to my room only to see Matt already standing in my bedroom doorway with a smirk on his face.

I groaned, "What?"

"Nuffin mate. Juss wantin' ta know how this happened." He said as I brushed past him.

"How what happened?" I asked as I began to dig through my closet for something to wear.

"How did yeh fall in love!"

I rolled my eyes, "No one said I was in love."

"Bullocks. Yeh can tell!"

I looked over at him and sighed, "Maybeh I am mate, but I can't tell her."

"Why not?" He asked seriously and I shrugged, "I don't know. I want to, I just, I can't seem to do it."

"Are yeh scared?"

"I don't think so, I mean, I don't know what it is."

"Has she told yeh she loves yeh?"

I nodded, "Yeah, and I don't know, cheesily, it was fuckin' amazin'. I haven't had a bird tell meh that in foreva, and since I feel that way bout her, it made it betta."

"Dude, yeh need ta juss tell her then! I mean, what? She said she loves yeh and yeh said fanks?"

"No. I just kissed her." I said shrugging.

"Yeh need ta tell her mate before she thinks yeh don't feel that way."

"I know." I grumbled throwing a pair of jeans on my bed.

"I'm happah for yeh. No matta how much shit tha guys give yeh, they are too."

"Fanks man."

He gave me a smile and patted my shoulder, "she's a lovely bird Lee, don't screw this up."

I nodded as he walked out and I took a deep breath. I knew he was right I just didn't know how to go about it.

I showered, got ready and I was out the door not even an hour later. Knowing Ellie she was probably not done.

I knocked on her door before letting myself in and Ellie popped her head out of her bedroom door.

"You said an hour!"

I chuckled noticing her hair was half up and she held a makeup brush.


She rolled her eyes and I followed her into her bedroom where she went back to the mirror.

I sat on the bed watching her in silence as she finished putting stuff on her face.

"I like yeh freckles. Must yeh cova them up?" I asked and she looked at me in the mirror.

"Yes, I must. I hate them."

I frowned, "But I don't."

"But you don't have them."


She shook her head and I sighed looking around her room getting kind of bored waiting.

"That dress is...well..." I said looking her over and the dark fabric that fit her body perfectly.

"Is what?" She asked taking her hair down letting it fall over her shoulders as she ran her hands through it to fix it.

I stood up quickly and walked over to her placing my hands on her waist.

"Amazin'." I mumbled kissing her neck and she laughed, "Come on we have to go."

"Well we don't have to..."

"Lee! I was the one who didn't want to go and now I'm ready so we are going!"

"Ok, that may be true but that was before I realized how fuckin fit yeh look and I don't want anyone tryin' ta hit on yeh."

"Well you said you would so..."

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her, "I did huh?"


"Truss meh, I will." I said kissing her cheek.

"Come on." She said grabbing my hand and I sighed, "Let's stay home. Get you out of that dress, order food, get you out of that dress..." I joked and she hit my arm causing me to laugh.

"You said you liked it!"

"Oh I do. So much that I want to take it off of yeh."


I laughed as we walked out of her apartment hand in hand.

"Not my fault that I fink yeh beautiful." I said kissing her cheek as we reached my car.

Once we arrived at the pub we were meeting everyone at it was aready a bit crowded and I held her hand tightly as we made our way in.

"There yeh guys are!" Matty said throwing his hands up as we sat down.

"Unfortunately." I mumbled, which earned me a look from Ellie.

"Let meh go get my bird a drink so she'll be nica." I said as I got out of my seat.

I waited forever at the bar for two drinks and when I turned around I was met with Oli.

"Some blokes hittin' on yeh bird." He said pointing back to the table.

My jaw instantly grew hard and I looked back behind him causing Oli to laugh at how serious I looked.

"Someone wants ta die." I said shoving the drinks into his hands and he laughed as he followed behind me.

Ellie seemed annoyed by the brown headed bloke trying to woo her.

"Uh 'cuse meh." I said crossing my arms as the guys eyes landed on me.

"Uh, can yeh see I'm busy?"

I stifled a laugh, "Yeah see that's my bird so unless yeh want us ta get busy outside yeh should juss walk away."

The guy threw up his hands and walked away. Ellie had a smirk on her lips and I rolled my eyes.

"Not funnah." I grumbled and Oli was now laughing so hard he had to sit down.

"Sod off." I grumbled at him as I grabbed our drinks from him.

"Someone is supa protective." Jona chimed in.

"Would yeh like meh ta find a bloke ta hit on Kerri?"

His laughing came to a halt, "Ok, I get it."

I sat back beside Ellie protectively. This was new to me. Feeling so protective of someone. It was so strange. A weird emotion I had trouble understanding.

"Relax." Ellie said rubbing my knee and I shrugged not in the mood to even speak at the moment.

"Lee." She said making me look at her.

A grin hit her lips, "What's wrong?"


She kissed me several times and I finally gave in and kissed her back.

"I love you. You really have nothing to worry about." She whispered.

There were those words again.

I brought my hand to her cheek trying to get the words from my head to my mouth, yet coming up short.

I kissed her sweetly and yet, I felt a bit shameful how I couldn't admit my feelings to her.

"I adore yeh." I whispered against her lips.

I was such a coward and I think she was starting to notice because she gave me a small grin and grabbed up her drink. I sighed and looked at Matt who shook his head as he brought his beer to his lips.

I sighed and reached for my drink. I was already ready to go. It was safe to say Macy and I were the only sober ones after several hours and we just sat together and watched everyone laugh and carry on.

"Maybe we should get these idiots home." Macy stated and I nodded as I sat my empty cup on the table.

I looked at Ellie who was laughing at Oli as he tried to drink two shots at once.

"El..." I calld out and she looked at me quickly.

"Yeh ready ta go?" I asked and she shrugged as Oli slammed the shot glasses on the table.

"Oh my god. Neva again!" Oli yelled and she giggled causing me to roll my eyes. It was safe to say she was drunk.

"Come on drunkard." Macy said grabbing Matty's hand who gave her a drunken grin.

"Baby, do yeh realize we're havin' a baby?" He said to her and she chuckled, "I'm aware."

"I'm prettah stoked. I mean, I love yeh so much." He said smiling like an idiot and she rolled her eyes with a grin, "come on lover boy."

I sighed as I got up and walked over to Ellie.

"Come on sweetie." I said holding my hand out to her.

"Noooo. I wanna stay with Oli." She said linking her arms around his and he chuckled, "I love yeh bird, mate."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, well yeh need ta come on too if yeh want a ride home."

Oli groaned, "Fine."

Ellie removed her arms from Oli and he helped her from her chair.

"See, Oli, who isn't even in a relationship with me and he can tell me he loves me, but you can't." Ellie said and I instantly winced at her words.

"Oh, come off it. Lee loves yeh. Righ' mate?" Oli said as he threw his arm over her shoulders and we headed outside.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and I could feel Oli's eyes on me.

"Mate?" He questioned and I looked over at him.

Ellie shrugged, "Leave him alone, Oli. It's fine."

"No it's not."

"It's none of yeh business." I stated and Oli shrugged, "Not my problem that yeh stupid."

I bit my tongue as we reached my car where Matt was standing waiting. The others rode with Macy.

Oli and Ellie climbed in the back and I was now a bit pissed off at this whole situation.

"I have a super nintendo! You should come over!" Ellie said and Oli laughed, "bloody hell I will!"

"What is this fuckery?" Matt asked pointing to the back seat.

"They're now best mates." I grumbled.

"Probably cause I have no problem admittin' I love her." Oli stated and Matt shot me a look.

I grasped the steering wheel tighter and decided to head to Oli's first before I killed him.

"Get out." I grumbled as I pulled into his driveway.

"Ok, ok. Bye love." Oli said patting Ellie's head before he fumbled out of the car.

"Actually, I'll stay here." Matt said giving me a look before he jumped out and yelled after Oli.

I sighed and pulled back onto the road as silence filled the car. I was angry at Oli and more than that I was angry at myself.

"Are you mad?" Ellie finally asked.

"Yep." I answered honestly and she sighed, "Why?"

"Oh. Don't ask me that."

She was quiet the rest of the way to my house and she didnt wait on me once out of the car. I groaned and followed behind her.

"Because of Oli?" She asked once we were in my room.

"Don't talk ta meh righ' now, Ellie." I answered simply because I feared I'd yell at her and that was not what I wanted to do.

"I didn't do anything!" She said as she stepped out of her dress.

I breathed in as I pulled my shirt off and threw it to the floor.

"We'll talk in tha mornin'." I grumbled as she threw on one of my t-shirts with a sigh.

"Should I go sleep in Matt's bed?" She asked seriously and I rolled my eyes, "Don't be ridiculous."

She didn't respond just climbed into my bed. I turned the light off and slid in beside her, I wasn't necessarily mad at her, if anything I was mad at myself. Why couldn't I just say it? What was so wrong with it? Especially when I meant it! Oli was definitely not making it better.

I sighed and looked over at her realizing she was already asleep. I hated that she fell asleep thinking I was mad at her. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead. I'd make it up to her tomorrow. That I would make sure of.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to
Stella Sykes

For commenting!

Who knows, maybe they will adopt in their future. :3