‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.

Better days.

When I woke up the next morning it was to an empty bed which caused me to immediately sit up and look around. Her dress was gone from the floor and the shirt she had on was folded and placed on top of my dresser.

This was not good.

I groaned as I got up and grabbed my shirt on my way out of the room.

"Where is my bird?" I asked noticing Matt on the couch.

He shrugged, "she left. Someone came and got her."

I groaned and hit my head on the wall repeatedly.

"Dude, don't give yehself a concusion."

"I'm so screwed."


"She left Matt. She left without tellin' meh! She's eitha a. Mad at me or b. upset and from last night probably bof cause I'm a douche bag!"

"Well, yeah, I witnessed it. What's the big deal wif yeh juss sayin' yeh love her? Do yeh?"

"Yes. I do." I said seriously.

"Then tell her!"

"I can't! I phsycially can't!"

"I fink yeh juss scared cause once yeh do it makes it that much serious and real."

I sighed, "Here's tha fing. I don't mind havin' that wif her..."

"Ok, well maybeh yeh juss need practice."

"Dude I'm not sayin it ta yeh..."

"Juss say yeh love Ellie."

I sighed and looked at him seriously, "Fine. I love Ellie."

"Fantastic! Now get dressed and go find her."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. I quickly got ready and basically flew to Ellie's house. I didn't want her mad or upset or anything besides happy when it came to me so I was nervous to say the least.

I knocked on her door repeatedly until she opened it.

"Why did yeh leave?" I asked before anything was said.

"Because..." she said and I sighed as I stepped in.

"Because, yeh fink I'm mad at yeh?"

She nodded as she pulled her hair up quickly.

"I'm not mad at yeh love."

"Seemed that way."

I sighed, "I'm sorrah."

She shrugged and I quickly wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me as I did so.

"Yeh mad at meh?" I asked brushing her cheek.

She nodded and I kissed her forehead, "I'm sorrah if I hurt yeh feelins." I whispered.

"It's whatever." She mumbled and I sighed, "What can I do to make it betta?"

"Nothing, I mean, if you don't, you don't. Not a big deal."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't act like that."

"Act like what? Act like it doesn't bother me? It doesn't. I can't make you feel anything you don't want."

"So, yeh'd be ok if we broke up?"

She shrugged and I glared at her, "That's bullshit."

"How?! If you want to break up, I'm not going to plead with you. It's not who I am."

I sighed and cupped her face, "I don't want to break up, Ellie."

"Ok, then we won't."

"Ellie! Stop. Look, I was just angry at myself lass night, not yeh."

"Why?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Because I couldn't tell yeh what yeh wanted."

"Why would that matter? You don't have to say anything."

I groaned, "why are yeh bein' so difficult?"

"I'm not! I'm just saying, don't say it. I actually would rather you not. Especially if you don't want to."

I frowned, "but I want to."

She grinned weakly, "No you don't."

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, "I do. I'm sorrah that it freaks me out a bit. I haven't said it to a bird in a very long time. A very, very long time, El."

"You act like I go around telling every guy I meet that I love him."

I groaned, "oh come off it. I don't think that."

"so, I don't understand where this is going..."

I breathed in deeply as I cupped her face, "I love yeh."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

She stared at me and I kissed her quickly, "I do. I love yeh so much. So, so much." I mumbled holding her to me.

"Do yeh believe meh?" I whispered kissing her nose.

She finally nodded and I pressed my lips to hers gently.

"Believe it cause I mean it."

"I do." She whispered as she laid her head against my chest.

I rubbed her back as I closed my eyes in relief. Now there was no reason we couldn't just be happy.

"Now I want my loud, bold bird back, ok?"

"Well don't be a douche."

I chuckled, "I haven't been!"

She looked up at me and I kissed her softly.

"I love yeh."

"I know, you told me."

I glared at her and she giggled.

"I'm gonna keep sayin' it now. I love yeh, I love yeh, I love yeh." I said placing kisses all over her face.

She giggled and I smiled as I pinned her to me.

"I love yeh."

"Love you too." She whispered back.

I kissed her one more as she held on to me.

"Are we ok now?" I asked and she nodded, "Perfect."

"Perfect like yeh." I whispered cupping her face.

She made a face and I chuckled, "What? Yeh are ta meh."

"You must love me."

I laughed, "I do."

I sat on the couch and pulled her into my lap.

"I'd neva expected any of this, but now that it's happened I'd neva go back."

"I should write a book! How to tame the bad boy."

"Ha, ha."

She giggled and kissed me quickly, "Just kidding. I don't want to give out my info. Might need it again."

I glared at her and she laughed, "I'm Joking. I only want you."

"Mhm." I mumbled as she laid against me. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I wrapped my arms around her.

Funny how things work out.

Lee Malia was in love and it wasn't going to change any time soon that he was certain of.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I should have warned you that this was the last chapter sort of. I decided to do a small epilogue after this one simply because I've loved writing this story, but then that's it. :(

Also, I posted the first chapter of my new Oli story so you all should go check it out. :)

Thanks for commenting and subscribing, you people are awesome!