‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.


"Lee!" Jona said snapping his fingers in front of me.

"Oh. Huh?" I mumbled regaining my thoughts and he chuckled, "what were yeh finkin' bout?"

"Oh uh, nuffin."

"No. I know that look. Lee..." he said sternly and I shrugged, "I don't know what yeh talkin' bout."

"It's Max's girlfriend!"

Well maybe he did know what I was talking about...

"I didn't say anyfing! Stop jumpin' ta conclusions!"

"Lee, I know yeh way too well. She has a boyfriend. Max is like our brotha and yeh need ta stop screwin' shit up." He said seriously.

"It's what I do bess mate. Don't worry bout it." I said patting his shoulder as I got up.

He groaned, "Fine, but when Max kicks yeh ass I'm not gonna stop him!"

"Matt will." I said with a grin.

He rolled his eyes and I went on a mission to find something to drink in this god forsaken place.

"Yeh a good uncle." I said coming up beside Tom who was pouring a beer into a red plastic cup.

He chuckled, "want one?"

"Hell yes."

He finally handed me a cup and I thanked him before downing half of it.

"Have yeh met Max's girlfriend?" I asked.

"Oh, Ellie? Yeah. Cool bird. Why?"

"Oh, juss wonderin' didn't even know he had a bird."

"Please don't start that whole, 'I can't believe yeh have a girlfriend yeh are a disgrace' fing." He said rolling his eyes.

"Why must that be tha only fing that crosses my mind?!" I said defensively.

"Cause it's true." He said chuckling as he left me alone in the kitchen which was surprisingly the most peaceful place to be.

"If you're going to drink you should offer other people stuff." I heard and looked over to see Ellie of all people. A grin hit my lips and I handed my cup out to her.

"No thanks." She responded pulling herself up onto the counter.

"Then why would I need to offa?"

"Offering alcohol and offering your drink are two different things."

"Oh, so yeh want alcohol but not my drink?"

"Correct. I don't know what you have."

I laughed, "true, although, I know for a fact I don't have anyfing."

"Plus, how do I know I wouldn't get anyfing from yeh?" I added.

She smiled as she brushed her auburn hair behind her ear causing me to notice the freckles that lined her cheekbone.
She was a simple looking girl which is why I didn't understand my physical attraction to her. Then again, maybe it was just the thrill of it all.

"Good point I guess."

"I'm prettah logical."

She laughed, "Not from what I hear."

"Max is an arse. Don't listen ta that bloke."

She chuckled, "No he isn't."

"How long have yeh two even been togetha?" I asked swirling the beer around in my cup.

"About a month."

"Ah, no wonda everyfing is fantastic." I said with a grin and she rolled her eyes and hopped off the counter.

"Everything is fantastic because I'm fantastic." She said grabbing my cup and downing the rest of my beer.

She flashed me a smile as she sat down the cup down on her way out.

I couldn't help but laugh as I poured myself another beer.

I had to have that girl just to say I could.

I finally emerged from the kitchen as they were opening some of Nick's presents. I pretended to be interested although my eyes kept wondering to Ellie who was sitting casually in Max's lap.

Not to sound arrogant or anything, but I was pretty certain I was better looking than him. My hair may be long, but his was too shaggy and those plaid button up shirts he wore all the time weren't that great. Not that I cared or anything, just had to measure up the competiton.

"Lee." Matty grumbled from beside me and I shot him a look, "What?"

"Yeh bloody know what! Plus, she is definitely not goin' ta be in ta yeh."

"What does that mean?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Meanin' she is propa too good for yeh ta even consida."

I shrugged ignoring the comment and shifting my eyes back to her.

"I juss wanna see if I can."

he sighed, "yeh do that and when she is uninterested and tells Max, dont 'pect him not to beat tha shit outta yeh."

"I'll gladly let him if that's so."

"Yeh impossible."

"Nuffin I've neva heard before." I stated crossing my arms.

Of course once the party was over we all decided (excluding me) to help clean up. I sat on the couch watching boringly until Ellie threw a empty cup at me.

My eyes shot to her immediately and she smiled, "you're lazy."

"Yeah? Least I don't frow fings."

"Good comeback." She said seriously before throwing another cup at me.

"Chill out crazy bird!" I said as she placed more cups in the trash.

"Chill out crazy bird." She mocked as she grabbed up a few plates.

I fought back the grin that theatened my lips as Max walked up.

"El, seriously?"

"What?" She asked a confused look plastered on her face.

"Lexi is goin' ta murda yeh."

"She'll get over it." She said shrugging and I took the initiative to pick up the cups she threw at me and get off the couch.

"Here. Although, I shouldn't." I stated putting them in the bag she was carrying.

"Yes you should."

I stifled a laugh, "only yeh would fink it would be logical to."

"Only you would think it wasn't."

I chuckled as my eyes locked with hers. This would be a war with myself, I could just feel it.

I forced myself to move away from her and headed to find anyone but her or Max.

"Mate. I've gotta have that bird." I said seriously to Matty as I placed my hands on his shoulders.

He gave me a weird look, "Please tell meh yeh not talkin' bout El..."

"'Fraid I am."

He sighed, "Hello, Max."

"Hello, since when has that stopped me? As long as it isn't one of yeh mates I don't care."

"How considerate."

"I try." I said with a shrug causing him to roll his eyes.

"I'm not helpin' in any way or form, but her and Macy just might be at the pub wif meh tonight."

"Max?" I asked quickly.

"I don't fink so."

"Yessss." I said doing a small fist pump and he rolled his eyes, "honestly, I just want to see yeh get denied."

"Don't undaestimate my charm."

He laughed, "I honestly cannot believe yeh that sure of yehself because yeh in for a surprise."

I shrugged as he walked off and I looked into the living room were Ellie was laughing with Max.

Guess we will find out won't we?
♠ ♠ ♠
Lee is super determined huh?! :3

Thanks for commenting;

StellaSykes(not sure yet. We will see. Lol)
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