‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.

You win this time.

I reached the pub conveniently at the same time as Matty and Macy. Of course she looked at me and a confused expression covered her face.

"Oye, didn't know yeh'd be here." I said patting her head and she gave a look to Matty.

He gave her a forced grin and she placed her hands on her hips as if that alone was enough to tell him what he needed to know.


"Oh yeh in troubleee." I joked as we walked inside.

"I didn't know I couldn't invite him!" Matty said defending himself.

"I know why so don't act stupid."

"Don't yeh wanna see him get shot down?" He asked with a chuckle as we found a table.

"Well..." Macy said and Matt laughed loudly.

"It isn't gonna happen. Watch." I said confidently as I sat back in my chair.

Matty leaned over kissing Macy's cheek and whispering something to her as he brushed her hair back.

It was uncomfortable watching them because it made me realize a lot. Like for instance, I couldn't remember the last time I was that way with someone. I also found it odd how someone could be together after so long and still feel the same way. How was that possible?

I shifted in my seat and moved my eyes to the people around us trying to push that out of my head.

"There you are!" I heard knocking me out of my thoughts.

Ellie reached the table out of breath and I chuckled, "did yeh run?"

"Um, it's scary out there alone."

"Where's Max?" I asked and she waved her hand as she sat in between me and Macy at the round table.

"I'm gonna go get some drinks." Matty said shaking his head as he got up.

"Wait. I'll come. No telling what you'll get me and El." She said causing Ellie to laugh.

I placed my hands on the table as the silence filled the small space between us.

"Why are you here? I mean, not saying that you can't be, just that I didn't know you were coming."

I chuckled, "Matty asked, I said yes, here I am."

"Oh I see."

"Is that a problem?" I joked.

"Nope. None at all. You're kind of entertaining."

I laughed, "What does that mean?"

"Meaning, what I said."

"And why am I entertaining?"

She shrugged, "because you aren't as cool as you seem to think you are."

I actually laughed at that and leaned back in my seat, "Oh yeah? Who said?"

"Me. I can tell. For instance, you've been trying to flirt with me since we met."

I couldn't help but be a little taken back by that statement because well, it was true.

"All the while, being friends with Max. Not very gentleman like if you ask me." She said with a smirk as if she had caught on to my game.

"Who said I was a gent?"

She shrugged, "I think you wish you were."

I laughed, "I could be if I wanted. Eitha way, Isn't goin' ta stop me from doin' it." I said leaning onto the table with a smirk of my own.

"Yeah? Well the fact that I'm not interested should." She said leaning closer to me and I couldn't help but smile at her boldness.

"No. Probably not."


"No, love. Confident."

"Confident in what?"

"In my abilities to get yeh inta my bed." I said with a smug look and she groaned, "don't make me throw up."

I smirked as Matty and Macy arrived back with our drinks.

"Your friend needs help." She stated and Matty rolled his eyes, "coulda told yeh that one."

"What did he do?" Macy askd innocently.

"He just said he's trying to get me in bed." She said not bothering to censor anything.

Macy shot me a look and I shrugged with a grin, "what? I'm a man. Men have urges. I have tha urge ta shag her."

"You just met her!"

"I'm a guy!" I said in the same tone and Matty went into a fit of laughter, "he's got a point Mac, we don't care. Well, he doesn't, I didn't."

"Smooth Matt." Ellie responded before taking a drink of some mix drink Macy had gotten her.

"Do you work?" I asked her randomly and she chuckled, "Yes."

"Dude, she does merch for a few bands. How else do yeh explain Max knowin' her?" Matty asked as if that would have crossed my mind.

"Well, I work at h & m part time so..."

"See!" I said defending myself.

The girl laughed as she sat her now empty cup on the table.

"Want anotha?" I asked realizing my own drink was low.

"Not from you." She said with a grin as she got up and went to the bar. I chuckled and Matty spoke, "told yeh."

"She's a fiesty fing. I like it."

"You do realize you're not getting anywhere right?" Macy asked and I shrugged, "patience is a virtue..."

He rolled her eyes as Ellie returned and I wondered if it would be as hard to accomplish the task if she was drunk.

Of course I wasn't able to find out because after a few more drinks it was some how concluded that we would leave.

"So, I'll walk yeh to yeh car so yeh aren't scared." I chuckled.

"Oh thanks."

I nodded and we said goodbye to Matty and Macy who were shooting daggers into me.

"Yeh work tomorra?"

"yep. In the morning." She said crossing her arms as I let her lead us to her car.

"Maybeh I'll stop by and see yeh." I said leaning against her car as she tried to unlock the door.

She laughed, "please don't."

I grabbed her hand from the door causing her eyes to immediately hit mine.

"Clearly I need ta help yeh." I said gently taking the keys from her hand.

"I think I can handle it."

"Reallah? It's propa freezin' and yeh takin' foeva." I said unlocking the door for her quickly.

"Thanks." She mumbled and I nodded as I handed her the keys.

"So, I'll be seein' yeh tomorra." I said confidently and she laughed, "if you come in you buy something."

"Fine, I'll buy somefin as long as I can see yeh." I said with a grin.

She rolled her eyes, "you almost sounded cute there."

"Who said I couldn't be charmin'?"

"Goodnight Lee."

"Goodnight Ellie." I responded as I leaned off her car.

She laughed as she got in and I walked away with a smile on my face. This was going to be interesting.

I made it home safely and Matt was of course glued to his laptop when I walked in.

"I take it the mission wasn't successful?" He said not bothering to look up.

"Oh it will be. One step at a time."

"Why can't yeh be normal?"

I shrugged as I fell beside him, "I'm seein' her tomorra."

He shook his head, "poor girl."

I shrugged, "she likes meh..."

"Yeh reallah are stupid..." he chuckled.

Maybe I was, we would find out.

The next day I woke up determined as ever. I showered and got ready before heading to that clothing store I don't think I've ever even been in.

"Well, well, well, you came." I heard and spun around to see Ellie. A grin hit my lips, "I'm true to my word."

"Just in time for me to go on break and for you to buy me coffee." She said patting my chest and I simply nodded as I followed her out of the loud store.

"Yeh seem glad ta see meh."

"I am. I really wanted some coffee."

I chuckled as we headed across the street. I liked how she wasn't the least bit shy. It amused me...

"Yeh somefin else yeh know?" I said with an amused grin as I headed the cashier my card.


"Yeh aren't like otha birds."

"What does that mean?" She asked as we sat at a table.

"You're not shy, or subtle or embarrassed easily."

She shrugged, "sorry?"

"No. It's prettah brill."

"Well like I've said, I'm a cool person." She said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and she sat her cup down, "so Lee? What is the motive here?"

"Can I not buy yeh coffee that I didn't plan?"

She laughed, "No not really."

I sighed and placed my hands on the table, "yeh know what I want."

"So hypathetically speaking, if I slept with you right now, you would leave me alone?"

"No, no. I want yeh ta want to." I said with a smirk.

"So do tell me Lee, are there actually girls out there who want to?"


"The desperate kind."

He shrugged, "why do I care?"

"Because you're a human being."

He laughed, "so?!"

She rolled her eyes, "let's say you had a sister..."

"I do."

"Is she older than you?"

"No. She's younga. In fact she still lives at home...neva mind that, what are yeh gettin' at?" I asked trying to get away from my personal life.

"What if some guy was doing this to her?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, my amusement for this no longer visible, "I'd murda someone." I said seriously.

"Right...well, thank of that next time." She said with a grin as she got up from the able.

"Thanks for the coffee." She added before leaving me sitting at the table.

I just watched her as she ran across the street and back into the store.

What just happened?

All I know is for some reason I now felt like she had won this round.

Ellie-1. Lee-0.

This wasn't going as planned...
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm going to see The Maine Tuesday! I'm super excited! :) Their new cd is seriously amazing. Anyways! Saying that means there might not be another update for a few days. I'll try for tomorrow. We shall see!

Thanks to;
Ricky Olson
For commenting :)

You guys rock my socks...even though I'm not wearing any.... :3