‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.

Can't stay away.

"I mean, who does she fink she is?!" I said out loud as I paced the living room floor.

"Uh, she didn't do anyfing wrong. It was all true." Matt said calmly and I shrugged, "so?!"

He chuckled, "looks like she's givin' yeh a run for yeh money."

"Not for long." I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest.

"Doesn't look like yeh have a choice."

"Oh there's always a choice. I'll be back." I said grabbing up my keys and he shook his head which I ignored as I left.

I would wait for her until she got off. I'd show her...

On the way there I couldn't help but think about it all.

Was sleeping with her this big of a deal or was this becoming something way more than I anticipated? Like was I just trying to prove her wrong?

I sighed as I parked and looked around for her familiar car, which thankfully was still here. I climbed out and headed over to it, leaning against the door as I waited. Although I had no plan in mind at the moment, I found myself anxious.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waitin' on yeh." I said with a grin forcing my thoughts away.


I sighed and shoved my hands in my front pockets.

"I honestly don't know."

Which was sort of true. Yes, I felt like I needed to make sure I was winning whatever this was, but a part of me, well, a part of me found it not so bad to be around her.

"Probably because I'm the first person to tell you the truth." She said standing in front of me now.

"Maybeh." I answered truthfully.

"So are yeh gonna hang out wif meh or am I gonna have ta beg?" I asked stepping to her with a grin.

"Well, seeing you beg would be funny..."

I glared at her and she smiled, "why do you want to hang out with me Lee?"

"Yet again, I'm not sure. I juss do." I responded with a shrug.

She flashed a smile before placing her keys back in her bag and stepping off the sidewalk.

"Where yeh goin?" I asked as she began to walk and I quickly tried to catch up with her.

"To your car." She said and I chuckled as I followed behind her.


"Do you want to hang out in the street?"

"Well, no..." I responded as I unlocked my car for us.

She got in and I just looked at her. I was seriously taken aback by her. I'd never met a girl like this and that was saying something.

"Your car smells good." She said randomly once we began to drive.

I laughed, "fanks?"

She leaned over and nerves hit my stomach at the closeness of her face to mine. As quickly as she did so she was back in her seat.

"Wh- what was that?" I managed to get out and I didn't understand where this was nerve was coming from.

"I was smelling you."

I stifled a laugh, "why?"

"Your car smells like your cologne."

"Well, it is my car and you know, my cologne." I teased and she laughed from beside me.

"So, um, where am I goin'?" I asked seriously. I didn't hang out with girls. Not alone anyways. In fact the only times I was ever alone with a girl was in bed so this was something I hadn't experienced in a very long time.

"Where do you hang out?"

"Um, well, I don't hang out with girls so..."


"Well, I mean, yeah, Macy and them, but alone? No. Not with this much clothin' on anyways." I said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes, "that's sad. Take a right." She said pointing ahead and I did as told.

"Now a left."

I chuckled, "were are yeh takin' meh?"

"Somewhere cool."

"Yeh bedroom?" I asked and she punched my arm playfully causing me to laugh, "kiddin'."

"No you're not."

"Yeh right..." I said chuckling as we pulled up at a park.

"Seriously?" I said as I parked and looked at her.

"What? Do you molest children too?" She joked as she gave me a wink and got out.

I sighed and climbed out of the car. There weren't even any children around from what I could tell. Thankfully that is.

"Fought yeh don't like children?"

"I don't. But do you see any?"


She nodded with a smile and headed over to the swings. I watched her carefully as she sat in one and began to swing her legs back and forth. Her hair was blowing around thanks to the wind.

"Does Max not care that yeh hang out wif otha guys?" I asked crossing my arms as I stood near her.

She shrugged, "I don't know. It's just you though."

"Ha! I'm a bigga threat than yeh seem ta fink."

"Why is that?"

"Cause I'm not afraid." I said grasping the chains of the swing. She looked up at me and I smirked.

"Afraid of what?"

"Yeh boyfriend."

"You should be."

I stifled a laugh, "nah, plus, like I said, I don't care."

She rolled her eyes and I leaned down to her pressing my lips to her forehead before dropping my hands.

"Yeh will see." I said with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes before looking away from me. I for some reason couldn't take mine off of her.

"Are you just going to stand there?" She asked and I shrugged, "maybe."

She rolled her eyes and pushed me back lightly. I laughed and sat in the swing beside her.

"So Lee, gonna find you a girl tonight?"

I laughed, "Not unless it's yeh."

She rolled her eyes one more and I smiled, "what? I'm gonna be celibate. I'll wait for yeh love." I said placing my hand over my heart.

She laughed, "so you're going to wait forever?"

"If it takes that long."

She shook her head, "you're ridiculous."

"I know what I want. Call it ambition. That's attractive."

"Oh Lee. You are so stupid."

"Yeah it happens." I said with a grin.

She smiled and stared at her feet as she kicked the ground.

"So are yeh and Max serious?"

"I don't know?"

"are yeh two togetha or juss datin'?"



"You don't mean that."

I chuckled, "yeh right. I don't. Relationships are pointless."

"Then you haven't found the right one."

"Those don't exist."

"Yes they do."

"So yeh sayin' yeh wanna spend foreva wif Max?"

"Well, I don't know, but as of now, I want to be with him."

"Why bullshit around though? I mean, why be wif him if yeh don't wanna spend foreva wif him? What a waste of time."

She laughed, "Is not. Every relationship yeh learn something from. That's the point you know? So when you actually find the one you've already made mistakes."

"Yeh reallah fink that?"

"Yeah." She said with a nod and I gave her a grin, "yeh adorable yeh know that?"

We ended up spending longer at the park then I imagined and by the time I got her to her car the sun was setting. It was strange for me. Strange to have spent that long with a girl and actually have a conversation with her. It was sort of, I don't know, a relief that I could still do so.

"Let me have your number." She said as we reached her car.


"Give me your number." She said slower as she held out her phone.


"Yes. You're going to want to hang out again."

I chuckled as I put in my number, "yeh right. There." I said placing it back in her hand.

She smiled, "well pleasure hanging out with you."

I laughed, "oh tha pleasua was all mine."

"Goodnight, Lee." She said kissing my cheek which kept me from attempting to move as she got into her car.

I finally made my feet work again and my mind was in overdrive for the first time in forever. I needed to talk to Matt. Maybe that sounded girly but, he would tell me what to do.

"Matt!" I yelled as I walked into the house.

"In here!"

I followed his voice to the kitchen and he looked at me from behind the cabinet door.

"I don't know what to do..."

He chuckled, "where yeh been buddy?"

"At a fuckin' park wif that bloody bird!"

"Since yeh left?!"


"Did yeh at least kiss?"

"No." I groaned leaning against the counter.

"So yeh tellin' meh yeh sat wif a bird for houas doin' nuffin but talkin'?"

I nodded shamefully and he began to laugh, "tha world is endin'!"

I groaned and slammed my head into the palm of my hands.

"Yeh like her." He said and I didn't have to look to see the smirk I knew was on his face.

"I do not." I said defensively, "I juss wanna shag her. The end."

"Yeh a lia' and yeh know it."

"Am not! So what if I have ta pretend ta be nice for a while! So be it!" I said before pushing off from the counter and heading to my room.

I fell onto my bed with a sigh as I tried to figure out my thoughts. It was true. I just wanted to sleep with her. Nothing else! I just had to stay focused...

My phone went off in my pocket and I quickly grabbed it up only to see a text from a number I didn't know.

'Miss me yet? ;)'

She was making the whole focus thing really hard.

'Oh El, I knew you'd text me. Can't stay away huh?

'How did you know?'

I chuckled as I texted her back quickly, 'you should come over. my bed is big enough for the both of us. ;)'

'Hahaha. No.'

'Oh well. I'll ask again eventually. In the mean time, do I have to go to your job to see you again?'

'Nope. Party at Max's place tomorrow. You'll be there.'

'No. I want time with you. Not you and Max. I responded honestly.

'So I'll see you tomorrow night?'

'I hate you.'

':) goodnight.'

I sighed and dropped my phone knowing I would be at Max's tomorrow regardless of the situation. I was too intriqued not to.
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Thanks for commenting and subscribing! :3

2 things;

1.) I have to whore out one of my favorite people (hellxoxsunshine) new stories, [Catastrophic Meltdown. go read it. She's awesome, the stories awesome, Etc!

2.) I'm going to kidnap Garrett Nickelsen tomorrow night. I just wanted everyone to know.... :3 Marissa, do you want me to kidnap Kennedy too so we can shave that mustache?! Haha.

Anyways, Enjoy! :)