‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.

Too Close.

The next day seemed to drag on and I felt myself anxious at the thought of seeing Ellie. Which was stupid I know, because there wasn't a reason why I should be. She was just a girl and after we slept together she'd be nothing else.

"Yeh nervous?" Matt teased and I rolled my yes, "No."

"I can't believe yeh like her..."

"I don't! Sod off!" I grumbled as we got into his car.

"Nuffin ta be mad bout!"

"Matt, I swear if yeh keep talkin' I'm gonna punch yeh in tha face."

He chuckled and we silently drove to Max's house.

"You came." Ellie said once I found her out on the back porch. I grinned and shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Well, yeh said I would so..."

She smiled and I leaned against the door frame just staring at her.

"Where is that boyfrend of yours?"

"He's doing a beer run with Matty."

I nodded and she stepped closer to me causing my breathing to enhance.

"Don't you look cute in this." She said tugging on my beanie and I narrowed my eyes at her.

She smiled and lightly grabbed my arm as she passed by me.

I quickly placed my arm around her waist and pulled her back to me.

"Where yeh goin' lil bird?" I whispered.

She laughed not phased by our closeness, "to get a drink."

"I'll get yeh one."

"I don't trust you remember?" She joked.

"Gotta learn how since I'm gonna be 'round a lot."

"Guess so..."

"I'll make yeh a drink." I said grabbing her empty cup from her hand.


She gave me a smile and kissed her head before dropping my arm and heading inside.

"What was that?" Matty asked a puzzled look on his face as he followed me to the kitchen.


"That sweet gesture."

I shrugged as I mixed a drink for her, "Told yeh I was pretendin'."

"Yeh like her..."

"I wish people would stop saying that!"

He smirked, "oh my god. Yeh do. Yeh do."

"I do not! Stop sayin' it before someone hears yeh!"

"He does." Matt said walking in and I groaned, "all of yeh leave meh 'lone. I do not."

"Go take yeh drink ta tha bird." Matty said with a smirk.

"Sod off." I grumbled leaving to find Ellie. They had no idea what they were talking about...

"Here yeh go, love." I said holding out her drink.

She flashed me a smile, "thanks, love."

I chuckled and watched her as she took a drink.

"Not bad."

"Oh yeah?"

She nodded and before she spoke Max came up throwing his arms around her.

"Heyyy babyyy." He said kissing her cheek causing her to giggle.

I tried to contain my eye roll and Max looked at me, "that bird yeh left wif lass week is here."

I groaned, "great."

"I'm gonna steal her for a moment. She's in tha living room. Be on the look out." He said chuckling as he grabbed Ellie hand and pulled her away.

I was officially not happy anymore.

"Awe. Are yeh hurt now?" Matty asked and I turned around to glare at him.

"I've gotta go. That girl I can't rememba her name, that I slept wif last week is here."

Matty went into a fit of laughter, "so?"


"I don't want a soap opera on why I neva called."

"If yeh'd stop doin' it, yeh wouldn't have to."

"Well too bad."

I sighed and had to come up with a plan to sneak out of this house quickly.

I stood next to the wall peering into the living room and immediately my eyes hit the girl I was avoiding. Well, she was fit. I had to give myself some credit.

"What are you doing?" Someone whispered and I looked to see Ellie.

"I've gotta get outta here."


"That girl." I said pointing to the blonde who was laughing annoyingly.


"So? She could go crazy on meh."

"Well, she probably needs to..." she said laughing and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on." She said tugging on my arm and I let her pull me from the wall and through the back door.

"Yeh a smart lass."

"Yeah I know." She said as she walked me from the porch to the gate.

"Glad you came." She said with a grin.

I shrugged, "yeah well...it's whateva."

She chuckled and leaned against the fence.

"Come wif meh." I said with a grin.

"Come with you where?"

I shrugged, "I don't know."

I stared at her as she seemed to be debating on it. She ran a hand through her hair and I fought back the urge to just pin her to the fence and kiss her.

"I can't leave Max, he might think I got kidnapped." She said with a grin.

"What if I do kidnap yeh?"

She shrugged with a grin and I sighed, "Ellie..."


I placed my hands onto the fence pinning her between it and myself.

"Do yeh wanna come wif meh?" I whispered.

I for once wanted to make her nervous. It seemed to be impossible with this girl.

"Not really." She said with a playful grin.

"I fink yeh do." I responded removing one of my hands and placing it on her side.

The contact with her was killing me and I was now grasping the fence so tight it was hurting my hand.

She chuckled, "you think a lot of things."

I sighed, "fine. Will yeh hang out wif meh tomorra?"


"Maybeh?" I said shaking my head with a laugh. This girl was impossible.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what I'm doing."

"Look. Yeh gonna meet meh at that coffee shop 'cross from your work at 10. Can yeh handle that?"

She laughed, "well, yeah..."

"Good. Then I will see yeh then. Have a good night." I said before giving her side a squeeze and kissing her forehead.

"You too." She said softly and I gave her a wink before walking out of the gate to Matt's car where he conveniently was already standing.

"There yeh are. Figured yeh would be needin' a ride."

"Fanks mate." I said patting his shoulder before climbing in.

"Where were yeh?"

"sayin' goodbye ta El."

He chuckled, "Oh is that so?"

"Shut up. It's all part of my plan."

"Don't believe so mate. Sorrah."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I wasn't going to argue with him anymore about it. Maybe I had in fact gotten to know her more than I'd like, but that wasn't going to stop me any...
♠ ♠ ♠
For starters, The Maine is simply amazing live.

No opening act, they played their whole new cd and more and well, I now love Kennedy since I was in front of him for 3 hours. He's simply adorable and very sweet. :3

Anyways! Saying that, after the show I came home, had a dream about them, and got a GREAT story idea. So I'm going to see where it goes. Maybe it'll turn out to be something I actually want to post. P.S. it will be about Kennedy. :)

Ok. This has turned into nothing but about the maine. Haha. Thanks for commenting and subscribing to this LEE story. :p