‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.

Take me by surprise.

I thanked Matt as he dropped me off and I went straight to my room. I knew if I went out and got drunk that things would fall out of plan so I grudgingly laid down.

I don't know how long I laid there staring at the wall, thinking of all the things that have occurred in the past few days, but the next thing I knew my phone was going off. I picked it up expecting it to be Matt, but once I saw Ellie's name on my screen I sat up immediately, clearing my thought before I answered.


"Hey, were you asleep?"

"Course not. What's up?" I asked quickly.

"Can you do me a favor?" She said softly and I was immediately curious simply because she wasn't her normal loud self.

"Uh yeah. Sure. What?"

"Can you come pick me up?"

"Pick yeh up? Why? I mean, I will, but why?"

"It's a long story...I'm at that park we went to. Do you remember?"

"Course. I'm leavin' now."

"Thanks a lot."

"No problem. See yeh in a minute."

I hung up with her and pulled my shoes back on wondering what could have happened since I left Max's. Apparently I had been out of it for longer than imagined because whn I walked into the living room Matt was walking in.

"Where yeh goin'?" He questioned as I pulled on my jacket.

"Ta pick up Ellie, what happened?" I asked wondering if he knew since he was there.

"I don't know. I didn't even see her when I got back."

I nodded and grabbed my keys up, "I'll be back."

I tried not to fly to the park like I felt like doing although I was a bit confused as to why I wanted to come to her rescue. She was just another girl.

It was dark and I wondered how I would find her as I parked only to have my headlights luminate the bench she was sitting on. I sighed and turned off the car before slowly getting out.

"Yeh ok?" I asked seriously as I shoved my hands in my pockets. I was definitely not good at things like this.

"Yeah. Thanks for picking me up." She said getting up with a smile even I could tell was forced.

"Whoa, whoa, tell meh what happened." I said grabbing her arm lightly.

"Don't really want to put my problems on you." She said and I rolled my eyes, "nonsense. Tell meh what happened."

"Well, Ironically that girl you were avoiding is Max's ex."

"What?" I spat out quickly. How did this kid get all these girlfriends I knew nothing about?!


"Ok, so that can't be the issue here. Yeh don't seem ta be tha type to care."

She grinned, "right I'm not."

"Ok, well, on wif it..."

She crossed her arms and I waited patiently.

"She kissed him. Well, I'm not sure how it happened, but I saw them kissing. He says it was her, but you know...plus, I'm not one to deal with drama or games so it's whatever." She said waving her hand at me like it was nothing. I knew better though simply because her usual bright green eyes were sad and she wouldn't look at me.

I just stood there staring at her as I found myself a bit hurt for the girl. Although, I wasn't one to talk, she didn't deserve this and for some reason I felt the need to find Max and tell him how ignorant he was.

"Can we go?" She asked softly and the tone of her voice made me do something that even surprised me. I reached out and pulled her to me in order to comfort her. I wrapped my arms around her as her head hit my chest.

"I'm propa sorrah El. He's an asshole." I whispered.

Where this was coming from I was still unsure.

"This coming from someone who's just trying to sleep with me."

I let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah, but even I have tha decency to not try to sleep with anyone but yeh."

She laughed softly into my shirt and I kissed her head, "want meh ta beat him up?"

"No. It's ok."

"Maybeh it was her yeh know? She's a slag." I said rubbing her back.

"Yeah..." she said pulling back from me and I gave her a weak grin, "come on love. Lets get yeh home. It's cold."

She nodded and we walked to the car silently. My head was now reeling with thoughts and emotions I didn't know I still had.

Why I felt this way? I was unsure.

Why I cared as much? That was another mystery.

She gave me directions to her apartment and when we arrived I nicely escorted her to her door.

"Thanks Lee, seriously." She said with a grin and I nodded, "No big deal love. Glad I could help."

She nodded and leaned over pressing her lips to my cheek, "see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight El." I managed to get out and she went inside. I stood there for a moment at her door trying to sort myself. This was becoming too personal I could feel it in my bones yet I couldn't seem to stop it.

Before I could walk away the door opened again and I could only imagine what I looked like. Well, besides a creepier...

"Oh." She said clearly as shocked as I was.

"Sorrah, I was uh, tryin' ta find my phone." I fumbled out a lie quickly and she nodded, "do you want to come in?" She asked with a serious face.

"I, uh, sure."

She opened the door further and I walked in slowly unsure what was happening. Then again, when haven't I been confused since I met her?

"Why were yeh comin' outside?" I asked as I carefully sat on her couch.

"To see if you left."


She fell beside me and shrugged, "didn't want to be alone."

"Oh. Ok." I said softly as I fiddled with my fingers. I hadn't been this nervous in a girls house in well, probably ever.

"You don't have to stay."

"No. I want to."

"Ok." She said softly and I gave her a grin, "wanna watch. Movie or somefin?"

She nodded and got off the couch.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Juss whateva love. Doesn't matta."

"I have season one of the walking dead." She said seriously and I laughed, "reallah? Yes, put that in. Yeh awesome."

She laughed and once the show started she settled back on the couch. She was close enough to touch and yet I was terrified to. What was wrong with me?!

I sighed and leaned back on the couch trying to calm my nerves. No matter how I tried to focus though I couldn't stop glancing at the girl beside me.

She seemed daze like herself. As if she was just staring at the television just to have something to do.

I reached out and tugged on the hoodie she had on causing a grin to hit her lips as she looked at me.

I pulled on her sleeve more causing her to get the hint and scoot closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her as she relaxed against my side.

"It'll be ok yeh know? He's just a boy." I said trying to get her to feel better.

"But I like him."

"Yeah well there are otha guys who yeh will like that will like yeh more than that idiot."

"Like who?" She asked looking up at me and I shrugged as I brought my hand to brush a strand of hair from her face.

"I don't know, love. Someone that will deserve yeh." I whispered running my finger down her cheek.

"It does take someone special to actually like me." She said laughing.

"Why do yeh say that?"

"Oh you know, I'm out spoken, a bit loud..."

"All of which is awesome."

She laughed, "well, glad you think so."

"I do. Everyone does."

She shrugged and leaned her head on my shoulder. I gently pressed my lips to her forehead as I decided to just give up on figuring out why I was acting this way. I had never said half the things I've said to her to anyone before and it freaked me out but, for now I was going to push it all away.
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Hellooooo. Is anyone reading this anymore? I have subscribers but you know, it's nice to know what you think every once in a while. :3