‹ Prequel: In No Hurry.
Status: Done! :)

What Gets You Through The Night.

I like you.

When I woke up it was to Oli's loud mouth and then I noticed someone was laying on my arm. All I knew is if I opened my eyes and it was him I was going to punch the hell out of him. When I did though I was taken off guard by the fact that not only was it not Oliver, but it was Ellie of all people. She was asleep peacefully with her head on my arm and she was curled up into my side.

I sighed and wrapped my free arm around her pulling her close to me so she wouldn't be cold.

"Here yeh go love bird." Oli said appearing with a blanket and a smirk on his lips.

I rolled my eyes as he dropped it over us.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"3 am."

"Why tha fuck are yeh here?! Don't yeh have a bloody family or some fuckin' shit ta do?!"

"Lexi and Nick are stayin' at her parents for two weeks so no, I can be here. Plus, yeh bird missed yeh and she needed a ride." He said and I couldn't help but grow a bit curious.

"She ditched Max." He said clearly able to read my face, "now goodnight." He said chuckling as he walked away.

A grin hit my lips as I looked at the sleeping girl. I brought my hand to her cheek and pressed my lips to her forehead. How could she be so mad at me, upset with me and then show up in my arms? It made no sense but I wasn't complaining.

"Was she drinkin'?" I asked Oli as he walked back over to grab his phone off the table.

"Nah. She cried a bit I fink."

"What?" I said a bit shocked. Her crying was the last thing I would ever expect.

He shrugged, "don't reallah know tha details mate."

I sighed and looked back at her. I swear if Max made her cry I would murder him.

"Ellie." I whispered trying to wake her up. I had to know if everything was ok.

"Mhm?" She mumbled sleepily not bothering to open her eyes.

I kissed her nose as I slid my hand into her hair.

"Wake up love." I whispered hovering over her.

She finally opened her eyes and I chuckled, "Hey..."

"Did you wake me to say that?" She asked softly.

"Well, no. I sort of wanted to know why I woke up with a bird on meh." I said brushing her hair back.

"I wasn't on you." She mumbled a blush hitting her cheeks.

"Yeh were. My arm went numb." I joked.

She rolled her eyes and I chuckled, "Oli told meh yeh were cryin'. What happened love? Do I need ta hurt someone?"

She shook her head no and I sighed, "was it because of me?"


"Max? If it's Max I swear I'll bloody murda that kid." I said seriously and a grin hit her lips, "so serious." She said making a face to go along with it.

I rolled my eyes and she chuckled, "I'm kidding."

"Are yeh gonna tell meh or not?"


"Why?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her.

"Because I'm sleepy."

"Ellie, someone made yeh cry. I wanna know who."

"Can't we just sleep?" She asked pulling me closer and I sighed as my forehead touched hers.

"I've missed you." She said sending butterflies into my stomach. Strange how simple words could do such a thing.

I hated how she could be so open with me when that was all I wanted to be with her. I needed to just say what I felt.

"No love. I've missed yeh." I whispered, nervous from my honesty, "I'm sorrah I was so stupid."

"You're not stupid."

I wrapped my arms around her as she held on to me tightly, "it's 3 in tha mornin'. Wanna go upstairs and sleep?"

She nodded and I kissed her shoulder before pulling off of her and thrwing the blanket onto the floor. I held my hand out to her and led her silently to my room. The thought of her being in my bed instantly made me grow even more nervous.

I dropped her hand once inside and I bit my lip as her eyes wondered about. I watched her as she kicked off her shoes and pulled her jacket off before falling onto my bed.

"Do I make you nervous?" She asked looking over at me.

"Very much so." I answered honestly as I crossed my arms and leaned against the dresser.


"Cause, I...well, cause I like yeh." I finally got out.

There! I said it. Matt would be so proud of me.

She gave me a grin before cuddling up to my pillow.

"Are you scared to lay with me?"

I glared at her causing her to laugh.

"No I'm not." I stated as I kicked off my shoes and walked to the bed hesitantly. Ok, maybe I was a little.

She laid her arm over my chest and I swear I was going to be so embarrassed if she could feel how nervous I was.

"Lee?" She finally said breaking the silence.


"I like you too." She said into the sleeve of my shirt.

A grin hit my lips and I ended up falling asleep happier then I can remember being in a long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short but sweet. ;)

Ok. Serious question time.

For my Oli story would you prefer it written from my characters POV, Oli's POV, or both? I've done all so I figured I'd see which you prefer! :)

2nd. I have 11 chapters of my Kennedy Brock story written. :3 yeah, it took a life of it's own. I'm pretty excited for it and this one I will actually follow through with unlike the John one. I just wasn't invested as I like to be.


Thanks for commenting;
StellaSykes(you're back!)
Just.A.Cupcake.Lover (yeah I definitely prefer comments like yours! Haha)
As Above_So Below
Majoji (haha thanks!)