Save Me

New Beginnings

I knocked on the door before opening it up and stepping inside. Today was the day that my best friend would be getting married and as long as she was happy then I was happy.

"Uncle Johnny," a little voice squealed excitedly.

I looked down and smiled at the little five year old girl. "Hey, Emma," I chuckled picking her up.

She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Mommy's pretty," she said.

"Is she now?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Emma nodded her head with a huge grin. "Well, you look real pretty too," I told her. She giggled at my comment and then hugged me. I hugged her back and placed a soft kiss to her head. I remembered when she was born. The circumstances hadn't been the best, but Abigail had pulled through and I knew a lot of that was because I was there supporting her. Emma's father had been a dick, but at Abigail's word I didn't hunt him down to beat him to a pulp.

"Johnny, is that you?" Abigail's voice asked.

"It sure is. Who else would it be?" I asked her. Emma giggled again and I smiled at her. I
loved Emma like my own daughter and I knew that she loved me just as much. Abigail's future husband Nathan Moore had agreed to adopt her, but Emma didn't really like him all that much. She preferred to stay with me when Abigail had to leave for work purposes. Abbie never really understood why, but I had a feeling that there was something about Nathan that was sketchy.

Of course, I didn't tell her this because I knew she'd get mad at me. Abbie loved Nathan and didn't like to hear a single bad word about him. So, naturally, I kept my mouth shut about my opinion on him. I only wanted Abbie to be happy. I turned around when I heard the soft click of heels and felt the breath hitch in my throat. Abbie was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Abbie, you're gorgeous," I said with a smile.

She blushed and hung her head a little. "I told you so," Emma's little voice said.

I chuckled and pinched her cheek making her giggle again. I walked closer to Abbie still holding Emma in my arms. "Are you positive this is what you want?" I asked.
She looked up at me and nodded. "It is. I love him and I know he loves me," she said.

"Okay. I just want to be sure. I don't want you regretting this," I told her.

"Johnny, you're too kind," she said.

"Hey, I'll always be there for you whenever you need me. And that goes double for whenever Emma needs me too. You both mean the world to me and no matter what the circumstances are I will be there," I stated firmly.

She smiled. "I know that and I thank you for your support. You're the best friend a girl could ever ask for," she answered.

"Is everything set then? You're ready to start a new life?" I asked.

"I am," she breathed.

I put Emma down on the ground and grabbed her hand in mine as I knelt down to her eye level. "You ready to help me walk your mom down the aisle?" I asked her.

She giggled. "I'm the flower girl, silly," she said.

I raised my eyebrows wide and she started giggling again. "Well, then I guess I have to do this on my own. You'll save me a dance at the reception right?" I asked her.

"Of course, Uncle Johnny," she said.

"Good," I said. I kissed her cheek and then stood up to my full height. I kept my hand in hers, but she pulled it out of mine and ran off to grab her little basket of flowers. I turned to Abbie and smiled at her. "She is the cutest thing ever," I said.

Abbie smiled. "She is. She hangs out way too much with you and the rest of the guys though," she chuckled.

"If Jimmy taught her any horrible words I didn't tell him to do so," I said raising my hands up in a defensive manner.

She laughed. "No, that's not what I meant. She loves hanging out with you guys. You make her feel special. Although I don't think Nathan likes it that she spends a lot of time with you all," she said.

"Please don't tell me you're going to let him control who Emma spends her time with," I pleaded.

"Of course not, Emma would hate me if I told her she couldn't see you or Jimmy anymore.
Actually, she'd hate me if she wouldn't be able to see any of her Godfather's," she said.

"Good. I love her too much to not be able to see her," I told her.

"I could never keep Emma away from you. You've been like a father figure to her, her entire five years," Abbie stated.

I pulled her into a hug and hugged her tightly. It was true. Ever since Emma had been born I had been there through everything. I had made sure to video tape her first steps, her first words, and any other firsts she had. We even took her on tour with us at the age of three and the crowds had loved her when she ran out on stage and started dancing while Matt sang. She was adorable. I felt Abbie's arms go around me and return my hug. I sighed and pulled away. I glanced at my watch and noted the time.

"It's time," I said.

She smiled at me and a turned to pick up her bouquet of flowers. "Emma, sweetie, it's time," Abbie called.

Emma came running from the bathroom that was included in this room. She had her basket of flowers, but her hair was a little out of place. I chuckled and fixed her hair. Abbie smiled at me and we headed towards the door that would lead us to where she would be getting married. Emma walked a little further ahead of us. Jimmy and the rest of the guys were already sitting inside the room where the ceremony would take place.

We stopped just before the doors and listened for the music to begin playing. Emma was the only one who was walking down the aisle. Abbie didn't want a maid of honor so Nathan didn't have a best man. The witnesses were the people in the crowd. I thought her idea was a good one because she was such a simple girl. The wedding march started and I turned towards her.

"I love you, Abbie no matter what," I said.

She smiled and I placed a kiss to her forehead before I took her arm and started walking her down the aisle. I gave her one more kiss to her forehead when we reached the altar and then placed her hand in Nathan's. He smiled at me and helped her up the steps of the altar. I took my seat in the pews next to Emma. She immediately locked her arm with mine.

We sat and watched as Nathan and Abigail became Mr. and Mrs. Moore. The ceremony was beautiful and Abbie had a huge smile on her face. I was happy that she was happy. After the newly married couple walked back down the aisle I picked up Emma into my arms and carried her out of the ballroom that the ceremony had taken place. We walked into another ballroom just down the hall where the reception would be and entered.

Emma and I sat down at a table and she put her basket of left over flowers on the floor. The reception was going to be just as small as the ceremony, but everyone was fine with that. It was mainly Nathan's family that occupied the entire room considering his family was huge. He was one of eight kids and Abbie was an only child. His parents weren't all that keen about him marrying someone who was an only child, but Abbie was such a caring person.

She was relieved when his parents accepted her. They weren't particularly happy that she had a kid out of wedlock, but those circumstances were extenuating and not exactly preventable. Some may say that it could have been prevented, but I knew the truth and I defended her every chance I got.

"Uncle Johnny, I'm hungry," Emma said pulling on my jacket sleeve.

I looked at her and smiled. "Well, then let's get something to eat," I said.
She hopped off of her chair and grabbed my hand once I stood up. I filled a plate of food for her at the buffet table and then we walked back to our table. I cut her meat into small enough pieces so that she wouldn't choke on it and then I went back for my own food.

After dinner was done the dancing and fun began. Emma and I danced quite a lot and I even managed to get to dance with Abbie twice. Nathan's family never seemed to give her a break to sit down. I knew she had to be tired. Emma was going to be coming home with me tonight since Abbie would be going on her honeymoon. I knew Emma was excited.

I sat down at a table and watched as Emma danced with Matt. Matt twirled her around the dance floor and I could hear her giggles from where I was sitting. I looked to my left when I saw someone sit down. I smiled at Abbie.

"She's having fun," she said.

I grinned. "She is. She's excited about staying with me for the next two weeks," I told her.

She laughed. "Well, she loves her Uncle Johnny," she stated.

She leaned into my side and I put my arm around her shoulder. "Tired?"

"Yes. Nathan's family won't leave me alone. They finally did," she chuckled.

I squeezed her shoulder. "They just love you to death. I'm just glad they accepted Emma into the family," I told her.

She nodded. "I agree. I remember being so worried when I first introduced her. She was so shy too," she said.

I placed a kiss on her forehead as we continued to watch Matt and Emma. Jimmy came up behind Matt and Emma jumped into his arms. Jimmy tended to get a bit crazy, but he was always careful when it came to Emma. Matt came over to the table we were at stopped in front of Abbie.

"You look tired, Abbie," he said.

"I am. Well, at least my feet hurt from dancing so much," she answered.

"So, if I were to ask for a dance with the bride you'd decline?" he raised an eyebrow.

She chuckled and shook her head. "I could never deny a dance with you Mattie," she said.

He grinned and held his hand out. She took it and he led her back to the dance floor. I wasn't alone for much longer because Jimmy came over with a laughing Emma. She climbed up onto my lap and I wrapped my arms around her small body.

"Are you having fun?" I asked.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Yes."

"Good. We'll be leaving soon because it's getting late," I told her.

She nodded and snuggled into my chest. I looked over at Abbie and Matt and watched them walk back to the table. She sat back down in her chair and sighed.

"I need to get Nathan and tell him we should go soon. I'm tired and need to sleep," she said.

Jimmy smiled at her. "I'll go get him," he offered.

"I love you, Jimmy," she said.

We all laughed. Emma shifted in my lap and I looked down at her. "We'll head out after you do," I told her.

"She's tired, but I know she had fun," Abbie said.

I nodded. Jimmy came back with Nathan following him.

"So, I heard my bride is exhausted. You ready to leave?" he asked.

Abbie looked at him and nodded. She bent down and took off her heels and held them in her hand. Nathan helped her stand and Emma shifted again. Abbie bent down and shook Emma's shoulder.

"Baby girl, Mommy's leaving," she whispered.

Emma opened her eyes and smiled at her mom. Abbie smiled and held her arms open. Emma leaned forward and gave her a hug. "You be good for Uncle Johnny," she whispered.

"Otay, Mommy," Emma said, sounding tired.

After Abbie and Nathan left I took Emma home with me. The rest of the guys left along with us. They were all staying at my house because Emma wanted them to stay the night. It ended up being a big sleep over. Matt and Jimmy moved the furniture and we all slept in sleeping bags on the floor of the living room.


Two years had passed since Abbie had gotten married. She was happy and Emma was now seven years old. Abbie had a few gatherings at her house and they were always fun. Although, I had noticed that Emma didn't go anywhere near Nathan and that made me wonder if something was going on when Abbie wasn't home.

Over the past two years Emma hadn't been coming over as much, but I knew it was because Abbie wanted her to get used to Nathan being around more. She did, however, accompany us on our most recent tour. She had a blast and the fans enjoyed her singing with Matt a few times. She was just too cute.

I was currently hanging out with Emma for the day. Abbie asked me to take her since she and Nathan were going out for the entire day and night. I was happy to do so. When she had been dropped off she had asked if we could have another sleep over like we did after her mom's wedding. I made the call to the guys and they were more than happy to come over again.

Emma and I were picking things up for the little sleep over we were going to have. We were buying junk food and then we were going to order pizza. Needless to say, Emma was excited for the fun night. After we grabbed everything we would need we loaded up the car and headed back to my house. Once there we unloaded the groceries into the kitchen.

"So, do you want to order pizza or make it?" I asked Emma.

"Make it. I want to make it," she grinned toothily.

I chuckled. "Well, luckily I picked up a pizza crust," I said.

"You're the best Uncle Johnny," she said hugging my waist.

I hugged her back. "What would you like to put on it?"

"Everything," she said.

"That's my girl," I teased ruffling her hair.

She pushed my arm off and giggled. I looked at the clock and then back at her. "Go pick a movie. The guys should be here soon. We'll make the pizza once they get here," I told her.
She ran off into the living room and I finished putting the groceries away. Once they were put away I walked into the living room and sat down next to Emma. She had all ready placed the movie into the DVD player, but when I sat down she cuddled into my side. I stretched out on the couch and she lay down on top of me as the movie started.

Half way through the front door opened up and the rest of the guys walked inside. Emma sat up and then climbed off the couch running towards them all. I sat up to make room for them. I don't know if I would be able to function properly if something happened to the little girl, but I knew nothing would. The guys and I would make damn sure nothing did.

Emma begged to make the pizza once everyone arrived so Jimmy, Emma, and I walked into the kitchen. We had tons of fun throwing cheese at each other and eventually got the pizza in the oven after Matt and Brian came in demanding we stop fooling around. Although, they joined in on the cheese fight when Emma threw some at them, but it was Zacky who made us stop in the end. After the pizza cooked I took it out and then let it cool for a bit before using the pizza cutter to slice both pans up. It wasn't the best cutting job, but it was something.

We ate in the living room as we watched more movies. After Matt and Zacky were done eating though they brought out the video game system and started playing games. Emma joined in on Matt's team after she was finished and it was funny how she kept yelling at Zacky to stop shooting at her. We all cracked up when she punched him in the arm for killing her character in the game.

The evening died down and we were watching movies again. We brought out the sleeping bags and arranged them on the floor. Emma fell asleep cuddled up next Matt and he had his arm wrapped around her in a protective fashion. I smiled at the sight as I closed my eyes from exhaustion.


Two months. It had been two months since I last saw Emma and Abbie. I was getting worried and so were the guys. The last time I saw her was when we had the sleepover with everyone at my house. I didn't want to jump to conclusions and blame Nathan, but my mind did stupid shit sometimes and created outrageous scenarios.

I was currently sitting in my living room on the couch trying to figure out if I should go and see Emma and Abbie or just wait until she calls me. I had all ready waited two months. I had to believe that there was a legitimate explanation for it too. I had to believe that they were okay. It was the only way that I would be able to get through the next few days or until she called.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone pounding on my front door. I frowned as I sat up to look in the direction of the door. No one really pounded on my door, so it was either the police or someone who was in real trouble. The pounding continued so I got up from the couch and walked towards the door.

"Stop pounding, I'm coming," I yelled loud enough for the person to hear.

Sadly, that didn't make them stop pounding. The pounding increased as I got to the door. I unlocked it and opened the door only to get by a fist.

"Abbie?" I asked noticing the person.

Abbie looked up at me. She had tears running down her cheeks as she pounded my chest a few more times. Her shoulders slumped as she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. I pulled her into the house and shut the door behind her. I then picked her up and carried her to the couch in the living room.

"Abbie, what's wrong?" I asked getting worried.

She clutched onto me as she sobbed. I rocked her back and forth until her sobs subsided.
She pulled her head away from my shoulder and looked up at me.

"They killed him and took my baby," she whispered before more tears started rolling down her face.

I frowned unable to really understand what she said. "Abbie, honey, what happened?" I asked softly.

She looked at me again as she wiped her eyes. "They killed Nathan and took my baby," she said a little louder.

My blood froze as my grip tightened around Abbie. Emma had been kidnapped and Nathan was dead. I held Abbie close. "Everything's going to be fine. We'll find her," I said kissing her forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is chapter one. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter two will be a tough chapter to write, but it must be written in order to stick with the prompt of the contest. Bare with me.