Gotta Be You

Chapter One

I don't mean to be abrupt and like, not tell you about my actual first day of school, but this is important. Blah blah, woke up went to school. Meet new teachers.

But then I saw her.

She doesn't have a name yet. Just her.

I saw her while I was waiting in line for the canteen.

There was a whole bunch of people. And then there was a flash of red hair and a whiff of the scent of jasmine. It kind of happened in a rush. She bumped into me, and all I could see was perfect skin, big, beautiful green eyes, full pink lips. The face of a girl wearing black skinny jeans and a blue pull over jumper.

'Oh, sorry!' She grinned at me and walked off, leaving me standing there in the swirl of people. Liam had to drag me out of the crowd.

I was in love.


'Dude, I actually don't know how you function without us.' Liam was chowing down on chips on my couch.
'Yeah, bro you practically got trampled out there.' Niall was losing at a video game.
'What happened to out there?' Louie was beating Niall.
'You're all bitches. I'm in love. And I met my true love.'
'Dude, what a fucking faggotty thing to say.'
'Yeah, well you won't be saying that when i'm sucking face with a girl who loves me for me, not just cause i'll get in the gusiness book of world records for having worlds smallest dick. Unlike somebody in here, cough, Liam, cough, Niall, cough, Louie, cough. '
I gave them all the finger and then went downstairs to get a bottle of water. They could eat all the shit they wanted, but water is what kept the girls chasing me. But mind, I didn't want that now did I? All I wanted was her.


I would find her.

If it was the last thing I did.
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