Prince of Drakaedia

Elves, Faeries and Kisses

Aldonza felt Aimery's anger grow, white hot and uncontrollable. She doubled over on her horse, gasping and clutching her stomach. Jaksom came to a halt beside her, laying a hand on her back. "Aimery's angry," she whispered. Jaksom's brow furrowed. She sat straight, urging her horse into a gallop, towards the east, to the Kingdom of the Drakaedian. Jaksom followed, his sword strapped to his back.


Aimery doubled over, his wings ripping out of his back, as his anger consumed him. He looked up at Bran, barely reigning in his rage.

"Jaksom?" he rasped. Bran flipped his knife in the air a few times, a frown creasing his brow.

"He left with Aldonza," he said. Aimery snarled his hands curling into fists. "Calm down," Aimery's armored fist hit the wall, bricks and mortar crunching beneath his thickly scaled fingers. The Drakaedian Prince roared, ripping the bricks out of a window frame free, so he could fit his wings through it.

"I'm going after her. You'll find a safe way back home, right?" Aimery looked at them, a pained expression on his face. Bran laughed, flexed and grinned at his cousin.

"Naturally. Go find your princess," Aimery threw himself from the window. "Good thing we killed the archers," Bran murmured, tucking his daggers into his boots.

"Captain Vivian," a young cadet stopped, saluted her with a fist to his heart, breathing ragged and face red. She cocked her head to the side, her braid swinging loosely. "A stranger, ma'am, with silver hair that shimmers in the sun. She says she brings word of Aimery." Vivian had never actually uttered a full word in her life, but regardless of that, she communicated exceptionally well with her hands and noises in the back of her throat.

Upon hearing the news she hissed, a full throated growl rose up, making the cadet's hackles stand on end. She motioned sharply, telling him to lead the way. The cadet saluted again and took off running. They passed the grand library, where thousands of books sat on thier shelves, and the kitchen, finally making it to the castle grounds. The sun shone brightly today, but a storm was brewing on the horizon. The horses roamed the country side and the grass was lush and green. Aldonza stood in front of the palace gates, leaning on Jaksom. Vivians eyes narrowed.

"You!" Aldonza roared. "You're still alive?! You're still captain!?" Aldonza's sword flew from it's scabbard. "This is the elf who dewinged me, Jaksom," Aldonza cried, stepping forward. Jaksom took her sword from her, slipping it back in it's scabbard.

"We did not come here to fight, we came here to stop the fighting, my Queen," he whispered in her ear, an arm wrapped around her chest, binding her arms and the other wrapped around her jaw. She nodded, pulling away. Vivian crossed her arms over her chest, staring at her. They all three looked up as thundering wing beats filled the air and Aimery landed between them.

"Aldonza, thank Bahir I made it in time," he stumbled towards her, grasping her face in his taloned hands and kissing her. Jaksom's eyes grew wide as shock froze him in place. Aldonza laid a hand on his chest, intending to push him away, but once his lips had found purchase on hers, her resistance melted. Jaksom regained his composure, punching at Aimery, but Vivian caught his knuckles with the flat of her blade, a hiss slipping from her lips. Aimery pulled away from a shocked Aldonza, her fingers came to rest on her lips as her cheeks colored. Aimery stood weakly, his wings hung limp at his side. "I flew so fast," he murmured, collasping against Aldonza. Vivian caught him, glaring at Aldonza.

"I bound him, he's mine now," Aldonza's eyes shot daggers at her. Jaksom looked at her, hurt filling his soul. Aldonza felt it, in him, but she carefully controlled her facial expressions. "Take us to Chaos." Vivian's eyes hardened, as Aldonza reached for Aimery. She laced her fingers through his, sending some of her magic to him to strengthen him.

"Vivian, I will deal with you later," Aimery said, rubbing at his eyes as he stood on his own. "I want to see my father," Aimery groaned as he pulled his wings back in, the flesh of his wings brushed Aldonza's shoulders, as they melded into his back, causing her to shudder.