Status: On Hold. I have no ideas right now. :(

A Unexpected Change Of Events


Gabriel woke will before the sunset something that happened with age he looked down at Godric who still was asleep, he careful got up making sure not to wake Godric picked up his clothes and headed to the bathroom after a shower he dressed and went back into the bedroom picked up a book and sat on the bed and began to read about 30 minutes later Godric began to rise.
“You awake little one?” said Gabriel already knowing the answer.
“Yes.” replied Godric sitting up.
“If its alright with you may we talk before Eric wakes?” Gabriel asked and Godric nodded getting comfortable Godric knew this conversation was coming.
“Alright, I just want to know your reasons my child.” replied Gabriel in a clam soft tone.
Godric looked at Gabriel could he tell the truth or would that upset Gabriel but even if he lied Gabriel could tell so the truth it is.
“Two thousand years is enough.” Godric said calmly to which Gabriel nodded.
“Is that all?” Gabriel questioned Godric shook his head.
“We do not belong here.” Godric told him honestly.
“But we are here, Godric.” Gabriel continued calmly and warmly.
“It is not right. We are not right.” Godric told him ready for his maker anger.
“That is insanity.” was his only reply that word spoken calmly once again.
“When you told me there was no right or wrong just survival or death I believe you but now I know that was a lie as it turns out.” replied Godric smoothly.
“Yes, so it would seem but times were different then to now.” replied Gabriel sadly but continued.
“Your death would not have solved the problem it would have only encouraged it further and with you death there would be one less good person/vampire in the world.” he told Godric simply.
“We are evil by nature.” Godric snapped back.
“No, we are the choices we make and you made a bad choices that is all.” Gabriel stated.
Godric looked at his maker and was surprised at his makers words but was shocked him most was the tears that fell down his makers face.
“You are crying.”
“Yes my child, I am crying because it pains me to see you like this, believing that the only way to make up for this is for you to die. I grieve because maybe by the end of tonight the world will be a poorer place because you are not in it because you are throwing it away.” Gabriel told Godric honestly there was a pain in his chest at the thought of Godric dying.
“You think I am weak?” he questioned his maker.
Gabriel shook his head.
“No, I think that you are now beginning to understand what you have done for the past two millennia, you are seeing the horrible thing you have done and you want forgiveness for them so badly that you believe that death, your death is the answer. I see my child that has grown that now understands that human life is worth saving not taking but do you not believe that you could make up for you sins by staying on this earth and guiding others, so they don't make the same mistakes you have and give them the knowledge you have thanks to the past two millennia's.” Gabriel replied he understood what Godric was going through he himself had been thinking the same way until he found Charlotte.
Godric nodded thinking over what Gabriel had just said.
“But maybe it is my fault I didn't not guide you in the right way.” Gabriel said suddenly and sadly.
Godric looked up at Gabriel with pained eyes he did not want his maker thinking it was his fault.
“No, it was my choice I did those thing because I choose to do them.” Godric replied sadly and Gabriel nodded.
“I understand the pain, remorse, guilt and the need for forgiveness. Have I ever told you about my maker?” asked Gabriel but the word maker was spat with hate.
Godric shook his head.
“My maker was cruel everything about him evil, I was a toy made to do things that were, are unforgivable. kill, rape and slaughter people for sport and I was not a good or nice person then. I had just began to come out of it when I made you so do not think you are alone and if and when you wish to talk I am here whenever you need me my son.” Gabriel told him with a smile at the end.
Gabriel guilt for those thing had not gone away it still pained him but now that he could help people when they needed the help also helped him, he remembered faces the looks of fear when he did those things their screams and his makers laughter, they would be with him for the rest of his life but he also understood that the mistakes made him the person he is today.
They sat in silent happily as they heard Eric begin to rise.
“I am here when you need me Godric but now I must talk with Miss Stackhouse.” Gabriel said and stood up.
What he was going to say to the young lady was not going to be easy or nice for her to hear but it had to be done he could not see her hurt when he could stop it.
He walked calmly towards the door just as Eric voice was heard.
“What do you want with Sookie?” questioned Eric.
Gabriel turned round and looked at Eric.
“There is something she needs to know for her own safety. Do you know where she is?” he asked Eric nodded.
“Yes, I could get her for you if you wish.” replied Eric even if Gabriel was Godric maker he was still a man you didn't wish to piss off.
“I would be thankful if you would.” replied Gabriel and a nod of thanks just as there was a knock on the door.
“Come in Charlotte, James.” called Gabriel as he sat in a chair.
“Father.” they both said together as they enter the room.
“I wish you both to go with Eric to get Miss Stackhouse but I want you both to stay there and make sure that Mr. Compton does not interrupt us.” he told them, they both nodded and followed Eric to Miss Stackhouse.
“What happening?” questioned Godric.
“Mr. Compton is not all he appears to be, you will find out once Eric returns with Miss Stackhouse.” Gabriel replied to which Godric nodded and about 5 minutes later Eric and Sookie entered the room.
“Hello Miss Stackhouse, there is something of great importance we need to talk about please have a sit.” Gabriel told her as they shook hands, Sookie nodded.
“Please call me Sookie.” she replied calmly but was a little worried about what he wanted.
“Was there any trouble?” Gabriel asked Eric.
“Not really Bill tried to stop Sookie from coming but Charlotte explained she had to come because you asked for her and James restrained him.” replied Eric smoothly Gabriel nodded.
“Alright lets begin.” Gabriel suddenly said as they all sat down.
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