And You Just Wonder Why..

Just A Few Days

Every single night seems like its the same deal. Same dinner, same routine, same old song and dance. It was getting boring and it had only been three days since they left. And I hadn't heard Jared's voice in the same amount of time. Only when I would call him and get his voicemail. "I'm probably too busy thinking about you to answer. You know the deal." I rolled my eyes, I was used to it but it was still lame as ever.
"Hey JayJay, its me. Please call me, I know you're avoiding me. Just. I miss you alright? Call me. Please?" I sighed and hung up. What did I do? My phone rang and I flipped it open without even checking who it was. "Jared! I'm sorry for whateve-"
"Mikaela. It's Shannon."
"O-oh. Um. Hey Shay." I hated when he called me Mikaela but I was too discouraged to protest his use of my first name.
"Look, I've told you before Mikaela-"
"Shay. Call me that one. More. Time. I dare you."
"Sorry, Jaime. Look though, give Jared some space, nonje of us were expecting you to go do that so soon after we left, especially Jared. So, please, just, space."
"Do what? Shannon what are you talking about?"
"Don't act like you don't know, we know you brought a guy back to the apartment, stop hurting him like this."
"I haven't brought anyone back to-"
"Don't lie. Jared told us how you sounded the other night on the phone."
I turned a deep shade of red, a pomegranate-like shade. The dream. "I had a.. um.. Promise you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you alright?"
"Hurry this up, if he realizes I'm talking to you while he's in the other room he'll flip."
"I had a dream."
"Ok? Congratulations?"
"No, a /dream/."
"You mean like... /That/ kind of dream?"
I turned redder, if that was possible. "Yeah. and um.." I bit my lip.
"Oh damn. I wont tell, but I'll tell him therer wasn't a guy. Or whatever. I gotta go. Bye." And then there was silence.