Purified soulmates

Impossible promises

Never before had Alan Ashby seen an attractive girl who‘d make him speechless and not thinking perverted thoughts about her. This one, that was standing not too far from where he was, just made him feel like she was the one girl. That girl. The one that he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with. This unknown girl made him stand perfectly still, while his heart thundered in his ribcage.

The girl seemed no older than 20. Barely reaching 5‘5, as Alan guessed, with dyed hair, while the roots were of her natural hair color. She wasn‘t skinny, as Alan was used to. She was fit. ‘Nicely fit.‘ he thought to himself, that moment. As he continued to check her out, he noticed her nicely toned legs, that were shown in their full glory, because the girl was wearing jean shorts. There was a tattoo on her ankle and Alan thought he saw a tattoo behind her ear, as she turned her head, but he wasn‘t sure. Her feet were adorned by colourful Vans and a simple tank top covered her upper body. He could see her confused face looking in every direction, as if looking, or waiting for someone. Alan really hoped that it wasn‘t the latter, because he wanted to talk to her. He wanted to find out everything about her. This girl seemed like she was just for him.

‘Cat got your tongue, Alan?‘ Austin, his friend and bandmate, asked grinning, as he noticed whom Alan was watching.

‘She looks nice. Doesn‘t seem to be a groupie.‘ Alan gave Austin a glare. How was he supposed to explain to his friend that he had no intention of having sex with this girl? He was genuinely interested in her, as an individual and not as a toy.

‘Fuck you, man.‘ He muttered, as he looked at the girl again.

‘You should go talk to her before someone else swoops in and grabs her. Then you won‘t really have a chance, my ginger friend.‘ Once again, Alan gave Austin a glare, who in return only offered a laugh and a pat on the back.

‘We‘re only playing in the evening. That gives you plenty of time to have fun.‘ Austin wiggled his brows and Alan rolled his eyes. Seriously? Did his face scream to the world, saying that he desperately wanted to do this girl? Alan hoped that what he was feeling was real. If not, he was going to be really disappointed. Without thinking, Alan let his legs take him to the girl. When he finally realised what he was about to do, he was already standing in front of the girl, who was looking at him quite surprised. She was cuter up-close.

‘Hi.‘ Alan offered her a smile and she gave a grin back. That moment, Alan looked at her eye colour. It was a strange mixture of green, with specks of other colors around. They were unusual looking, just like her.

‘Hello.‘ She answered, the grin never leaving her face.

‘I‘m Alan.‘ He stuck his hand out for her to shake and she seemed even more surprised.

‘Well, umm... I‘m Anna.‘ She shook his hand lightly. The second their hands touched, Alan felt sparks fly. He was sure Anna felt it too, because she was looking at their hands shocked.

‘Would you like to hang out?‘ Before Alan could register what he was even doing, they were already walking side by side towards OM&M‘s tour bus. Why was he taking her there? What was going on in his right mind when he offered her to hang out there?

As they walked, he asked her simple questions and found out that this was her first time at Warped. He was a bit surprised when she told him that she was 19, but he was really relieved when he heard her tell him that she was alone at Warped. That meant that she could spend time with him and only him. He stopped himself after that thought. He was acting really selfish. Why was he thinking only about himself? Only about what HE wanted? His questions stopped when he noticed that they reached the bus. He escorted her in, but not before checking her out again when he was sure that she wasn‘t going to notice him doing that.

‘So, what are we going to do?‘ She turned to look at him when they were on the bus.

“We‘re going to have some passionate love making...“ Alan wanted to answer, but he stopped himself. She wasn‘t a groupie. He didn‘t bring her here to play with her. Alan Ashby was genuinely interested in this girl.

‘X-box!‘ He answered enthusiastically, as he sat her down on the couch and passed her the controller. And thus, started their fun time playing video games. Everything was happening so fast, Alan could barely register what they were talking about. She was entrancing and Alan could barely concentrate.

‘Do I have something on my face?‘ Anna asked cautiously, as she raised her hand to wipe off a non-existent smudge, when she noticed that Alan was staring at her for quite sometime. Alan barely registered his movements, as he grabbed her hand in his and looked deeply into her eyes. He pulled himself closer to her, not breaking eye-contact. Anna‘s eyes showed curiosity, but he could also see a hint of fear. There was also a blush rising up her neck and Alan thought that it was cute. He put his free hand on her cheek and inched himself closer to her. She was looking back at him, clearly not knowing what to do, but at that moment, Alan saw a tiny flicker in her eye. It was gone as soon as it appeared. That flicker made Alan feel frustrated. She was daring him. Or was he just imagining it..? He wanted her. He wanted this girl for the rest of his life.

‘What.. are.. you.. doing..?‘ She slowly asked, as Alan offered her a tiny smile and clutched her hand firmly in his, then he grabbed the back of her neck and lightly crashed his lips on hers. Oh, what a sensation it was! The kiss made Alan‘s mind go into over-drive and squirm, because of all the feelings he felt in that innocent kiss. Just as Alan was about to take it further, he felt Anna put her free hand on his chest and lightly push him away.

‘I‘m not a groupie.‘ She choked out, as she lightly took her hand out of Alan‘s grasp and made space between them. Alan was surprised at her actions, but her words snapped him out of the strange trance. Her eyes showed fear and Alan felt bad for making her scared. He wasn‘t going to make her do anything. He wouldn‘t!

Alan put his head in his hands and slumped his shoulders. He needed to control himself, because he talked to her not because she was a toy. His first thought about her was that he had found his soulmate...

‘I‘m sorry.‘ Alan finally spoke up and looked up at her, only to find her with a relieved smile on her face.

‘I‘m quite surprised you‘re not trying to jump me...‘ She told him slowly and Alan gave her a serious look. He finally noticed the pink blush on her cheeks. So, he embarassed her... How cute.

‘I talked to you not because of that.‘ Alan muttered, as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair.
‘Why did you talk to me?‘ Anna asked quietly, her eyes shining with genuine curiosity and surprise.

Alan sighed and thought about what he was supposed to do: tell her his true feelings or lie?

‘I felt connected to you. The second I saw you, I felt as if you were my soulmate. And I also felt this huge desire to spend the rest of my life with you...‘ Alan was quite shocked at his reply, but happy nonetheless, because the look on Anna‘s face was priceless. She seemed surprised, shocked, happy...

‘Wow...‘ She whispered after a moment, as she continued to hold eye contact with Alan. At that moment, Alan wanted to know what Anna was feeling, what she was thinking...

‘I don‘t know what you want me to answer you... But if it‘ll make you happy, then know that I felt something when we shook hands and when... we kissed.‘ Anna ran a hand through her hair and looked around, for the first time breaking their eye contact.

‘Tell me you‘ll be with me for the rest of my life.‘ Alan told her, not really thinking. Anna looked at him terrified and opened her mouth.

‘I‘m not even from the States... I live on the other side of the world...‘ She choked out, as she started playing with her hands. Alan interupted her by grabbing her hands in his and making her look up at him.

‘I don‘t care. Promise me, that you‘ll only be mine for the rest of my life?‘ He asked her seriously and Anna watched him silently, before she gave him a small smile and a brief nod.

‘But only if you promise that to me too...‘
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, please don't hate me, but I loooooooooove this! It's seems so cute to me! Come on, wouldn't you like to fall in love at first sight? And then promise each other to be theirs for the rest of your lives when you have almost zero chances of being together? That is something what I would like to find someday. I would like to fall in love at first sight and then walk great distances just to keep that love. Yeah, I know, I sound stupid... ._. BUT! I really want to fall in love and writing this made me feel all warm and giggly inside... <3
Anyway, I hope you liked and I don't know if there'll be another chapter. Sure, I have some ideas to keep on writing, but... BUT... I don't know if this will turn out how I want it to turn out. Seriously, I am really confused about everything right now, including this story, so help me out! You want to read more of this cutesy thing, or not? I will think about posting more, but hearing YOUR opinion will help me out a lot! THANKS in advance! <3