Status: Updated regularly

I Would Do Anything For You


CH 13: Blade
**Myka’s POV**

I awoke in Helena's arms that morning. It was a half hour before work, but I doubt I’d be feeling like getting up any time soon.

I roll over to face the beautiful women I fell asleep besides. She was still blissfully asleep, and I contemplated waking her. I know when she does awaken, she won't feel like getting up either.

It's kinda adorable. The first thing she does in the morning is kiss me. It never stops at that though. We'll stay in bed as long as possible; cuddling, kissing, touching. I know we're going to be late, as usual, but I can't bring myself to stop her.

As her eyes start to open, I lean in and plant a kiss on her mouth. In reaction, her hand goes to the back of my neck. She held me to her lips as she twisted her finger around the fine hairs on the nape of my neck, until finally releasing me.

I lie back down, close my eyes, and take a breath.

"Good morning, Myka." Helena blissfully sighs, placing her hand in mine and squeezing as she stretched.

"Hey." I greet with a smile, staring longingly at her.

"It would appear that we have time before our work day begins." She notes, after checking the clock.

I nod. "Not like that matters anyway."

Her smile quickly faded, as if to detect concern in my voice. "Does that upset you, darling?"

"Oh! No. Trust me..." I begin, then lean over her ear and whisper "There's nowhere else in the world that I’d rather be."

I trace my tongue down her outer lobe, then softly suck at the bottom. Helena closed her eyes in reaction, and let out a heavy sigh.

I kiss along her cheek bone until our lips meet; Helena eagerly accepted and began sucking on my bottom lip, which made a funny sound each time we parted. I had rolled on top of her now and was pushing myself even closer to her as my tongue quickly delves into her mouth. She ran her fingers up and down my bare back as the kiss deepened, and I could feel her soft moans in her voice vibrate against my lip; her nails digging into my skin each time.

Neither of us had realized how long we'd been kissing like this, but just before I start to remove my lover's clothing, the door swings open.

"Guy we have an emergenc--- whoa!"

Pete, who had so rudely interrupted us, now faced away with his eyes shield.

"Uh... Just, put some clothes on and get to the warehouse ASAP. Another artifact's run amuck."

With that he shuts out door.

I look to Helena, then quickly hop down and start grabbing random articles of clothing.

"What do you think is wrong this time?" the brit intrigues as she watches me scramble to get changed.

"Not sure." was my response. I poke my head out the shirt. "But it sounds pretty important.

On the drive over we had also grabbed Claudia. Apparently Artie and the guys took off without her, and only left one vehicle.

"Shotgun!" the teen calls, and quickly hops in the front. All it took was Helena's stare to convince her to the back.

"Oh... Fine!" the girl mopes, then slumps out of the vehicle.

And here we are, driving to the warehouse on some emergency notice and no additional details besides 'an artifact has run amuck'. That could mean anything!

*Claudia’s POV*

So now I’m stuck with these idiots, who know next to nothing on the situation, and the worst part is, H.G. made me sit in the back seat.

We got there in time to see the guys, who greeted us by handing us loaded testelers.

“Where’s mine?” I squint, when I see they only have enough for the two.

“Sorry kiddo. Looks like Artie wants you to hold down base. Something about a computer virus?” Pete informs.


I head inside, and the four head out.

“Artie! What’s going on! The guys said you got a computer bug- oh...”

I enter to see him being held at the throat by an angry looking child.

My eyes widen. “What the hell is a kid doing in the warehouse!”

Now, I’m not talking Sie-childish. I mean, this little boy was maybe eight or nine, and he was sitting on Artie’s chest and strangling him, and...

“Get off him!” I shout, swatting the child off like a bug.

The boy just snickered, pulled out some wired cape thing, and dove right back at me with a diving motion. He was... fast!


“Look here, lady! This guy is super evil!” He tosses a testeler on my chest. “Now hurry up and shoot, before he kills any more people!”

“Will you stop this! I am not trying to-”

I shoot; knowing the effects weren’t temporary, but wanting to gain this kids trust to learn as much as possible on the situation.

He lands on the ground from his leap, and looks up at me proudly.

“Thanks! I think we just saved the world! My name’s Callico Thunder-Blade! Call me Blade!” The boy finishes, holding out his hand.

His writs had part of the cape-like material attached, as if they were wings. Wearily, I took his hand.

“My name’s...” I ponder. “Spiral Fire-Splash. And, yeah. That guy, was, really bad.”

I see Artie start to wake up, and signal him to stay down.

“So, Blade. How did you find out about this guys evil ways?” I press.

“My daddy’s a ninja! He always says; ‘don’t go near that desert castle, son. There’s bad people in there who want to take away our things!’”

“Things like your super-hero cape?” I examine. Leading the boy to the other side, out of view of Artie.

I figure he can handle things from here, while I distract the kid long enough to get information.

**Myka’s POV**

“So let me get all this strait...” Helena begins once Pete finishes explaining the situation. “There’s a guy who collects artifacts for his own personal use, and uses them in everyday situations to gain an upper hand in society?”

“...well I guess we could have just told it like that.” Steve notes.

“Yeah, but that leaves out all the cool fun parts!”

What are we going to do with him?

“Alright, so judging by his recent routine, I doubt he’s left New York in the past couple hours.”

“You would think that...” Steve begins. “But he’s also got access to a teleportation device of some sort; I think it was...”

My Farnsworth goes off.

“Art-” Pete starts, but he sushes him.

“Not so loud, there’s an intruder in the warehouse, I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but he’s connected to John.”

“Wait.” I pause. “What do you mean connected? Like, evil partner, or distant cousin...?”

“His son.”

His son? A kid broke into the warehouse?

“Claudia’s taking care of it right now, I’ll get back to you with any information she comes up with. In the mean time, you might want to keep your eyes open.”

With that he signs off.

“If this, John, can teleport, then why are we going to New York? He could be anywhere!” Helena reasons.

“Yes...” Pete begins. “But just because he’s not there doesn’t mean we can’t snag some of his artifacts while he’s gone.”

“Yeah, and there might be additional information that we can get form the people he associates with.” I add.

“So we can find out exactly what we’re looking for?” Helena finishes.

“Exactly.” I nod.

She still didn’t seem content with this, though. “If this guy’s son was able to get into the warehouse, then shouldn’t we be there protecting the place? I mean, already he’s shown an interest in the objects.

She had a point. If this guy were to get in, the artifacts at his house would be the least of our worries.

*Claudia’s POV*

While the boy was chattering away about his daddy, I had my Farnsworth open and transmitting to Artie the entire time. He was very proud of his father, and I almost felt bad for him...

“So those jerks keep all there treasures...” The boy muses as we enter the room.

“Yeah, but there are traps everywhere, so we have to ninja our way across without setting any off.” I begin.

“What happens when we get to the other side!” The boy excites.

“Then we can turn off all the traps and give the treasures to everyone!” I smile.

He seemed excited. Blade believed that this place was kinda like a den, where people keep all the worlds super powers to themselves, ‘because they’re selfish and don’t want anyone else to be happy ever!’, in his words. All he wanted was to distribute these artifacts among common people, but what he doesn’t realize is the chaos this would cause, due to negative side effects and people with misguided intentions.

“Splash” The kid says, pulling at the edge of my shirt. “How long have you been a super hero?”

I think on this. “For a while, actually. And I have super hero teammates, too.”

“For reals?!” He smiles.

I haven’t heard anyone use the term ‘reals’ since...

“Tell me all about them!” The kid begs.

It would certainly distract him while I lead him in circles around the warehouse.

**Myka’s POV**

While on the plane to New York, Helena had fallen asleep leaning against my shoulder. I know for a fact that she’d gotten plenty of sleep last night (unfortunately...), so there was no excuse for why she was so tired.

“That’s cute.” Steve comments, and Pete makes a grunt of disapproval.

I shrug, which nearly wakes my lover.

“Mmm...” She moans, but shortly returns to her peaceful state.

It was smooth flying, until we’d hit some ‘turbulace’.


The intercom came on. Instead of the pleasant female attendant’s voice we’d heard before, now was the sound of a ruffled man’s.

“Everyone, you may want to hold on tight! This ride’s going to take a real sharp turn and- hey, I wonder if I can flip this thing!”

I shook Helena awake, and already Pete was dashing for the front. I told Helena to stay put, and try to calm down the crowed.

Steve stood up. “Everyone, stay seated! We’re secret service, just please don’t move and everything will-”

I had just burst through the doors to the front, to see both the pilot and his partner knocked out in a bloody mess.

Before them was a scruffy looking man with a bandana over his mouth. His voice was hardly muffled by the thin, yet deadly cloth.

“Ah, so you’re the agents hot on my trail, is that right?” The man begins.

Pete makes a quick move and tries to swing at the guy, but his blow is deflected, as if the man was made of steal...

Our perpetrator snatches Pete by the throat, and smashes him against the plane walls.


“You gonna try anything, sugar?” John taunts in my direction.

“How did you know we’d be here?” I shout, hoping that Helena and Steve would eventually come to help, despite my warnings.

“You weren’t on the last five planes I’d flipped over, so I figured I’d have to get the right one eventually.”

That monster...

“Why are you killing innocent people?!” I question. I had to stall him as long as I could, though, I hoped not too long before the plane crashes on its own. “If we’re the ones you want, then why hurt anyone else?”

“Cause I can.”

I reach for my teseler, but there was nothing there. It must have fallen during the ‘turbulence’.

Looks like I’m in trouble.

*Claudia’s POV*

“Why aren’t any of your buddies answering your cool phone thingy?” Blade asks, and I was wondering the same thing.

“I don’t know. Here... let’s try calling Pirate She-Beast.” I say, referring to the super hero nickname I gave to Myka.

I give it a go, and H.G. picks up.

“Hey! If it isn’t my super-hero pal, Tornado Time-Warp!” I start.

H.G. is pretty good at playing along, as I’d learned on our last mission together.

“We’re in a bit of a situation here...” She murmurs.

“Really, well I have Blade, John’s son, here with me.” I say, stressing the fact that he’s related to the man I presume they’re after (after talking to Blade, that is.)

“Why isn’t Pirate She-Beast answering her phone?” The kid starts, and I wince.

H.G. was too preoccupied to care about the name right now.

“Well, there’s been an issue with the plane, and it’s about to crash, so she’s a bit busy-”

“Common, Splash! I wanna go save the plane! Let’s hurry up, kay? The artifacts can wait!” Blade insists, pulling at my sleeve.

I get the feeling this kid doesn’t have many friends.

“Actually, Blade, I think you can help. Just, stay put...”

She was up to something.

I think she was traveling to the cockpit. We saw some doors, and Steve running behind her, and people freaking out.

**Myka’s POV**

“You don’t stand a chance!” John scoffs.

Helena came bursting through the doors, my Farnsworth in her hands. Must have fallen out with the teseler.

“Phone call!” She calls, and tosses John the device.

I look at her, but she nods in confidence. She also had my teseler, and well as hers.

“Daddy? You’re the bad guy?” I hear, and can only wonder what’s going on.

*Claudia’s POV*

“Son, these people have tricked you!” The man’s voice echoes through the device.

“No, they’re on our side! See, Splash helped me break into the warehouse and kill the real bad guy!”

There was no answer.

Next thing I know, the man on the other side of the phone was standing on the other side of me. I could tell he was smirking under his bandana.

Oh, crap...

**Myka’s POV**

With John gone, I quickly take control of the plane, and the others help Pete.

“Where is that bastard?” Pete grunts, holding his head and slowly raising to his feet.

“If all went as planned, our culprit should be at the warehouse now!” Helena chimes cheerfully.

“At the-” I start.


*Claudia’s POV*

“...Heeey.” I greet, slowly waving my hand, while cowering back.

“So, Splash? You like playing games, do you?” He starts.

I don’t know if he was stupid enough to think I was on his side, or smart enough to realize I was on the same team as H.G.

“Let’s play a little game, called SHOW ME WHERE THE VACUUM IS!”

“V-vacuum?” I question. Why would he-”

“Don’t play dumb with me, kid. The artifact! The one that lets you suck up an entire area and transport it somewhere else.

Yeah. He knew I was his enemy, alright. I think he was just playing it up, for his son’s sake.

“She’s not dumb, daddy! She’s real smart!” Blade smiles.

“If that’s true, then she won’t have a problem locating that artifact.”