Where Is My Self-Control?


“Niiiice,” I smiled in approval as my eyes scanned the room from my seat in the booth. I inspected the menu and decided quickly what I wanted, “So boys, do tell me about your record etcetera,” my eyes flickered from Jacky to rest on Ronnie as I leaned on my hands, propped up by my elbows.

“What do you wanna know?” Ronnie asked, looking up from his menu.

“Start from the beginning,” I shrugged but looked him in the eyes. He had very pretty dark eyes that you could just get lost in.

“I thought you didn’t like the sort of stuff we were coming up with. Why are you so interested?” he responded,
I couldn’t tell whether he was trying to be an ass with high defenses or was curious.

“I am interested in what my bro spends his time on. I like to know what you’ve gotten him into,” I smiled to the side, “and ya know…I wanna know how you drive a million teenage girls crazy,” my smirk came out in full as I said that.

Ronnie sat back with a smirk of his own, “You’ll know that last one soon enough when I drive you crazy,” he winked.

“Dude!” I laughed, “I’m sure you’ll drive me crazy, but not the kinda crazy you’re expecting.”

“Huh?” Jacky looked up from his menu finally, having been blissfully oblivious to our conversation.

“I think you were wrong about your raping worries,” I looked up at Ronnie with a kind of flirtatious glance before turning my attention to my brother, “Whatcha having?”

The conversation topic was changed, we ordered, ate and I got some answers to fill me in on what they’d been up to and their albums progress.

The plans changed also, Ronnie got a call from his band mates who said they were running late or something so they arranged for us to all go out and show me the nightlife of Los Angeles, which I was ecstatic about.
I was driven back to my hotel and given two hours to get ready. Jacky was obviously nervous about the evening ahead because when the arrangements were made he quietly told me to promise to behave, not get too drunk and remember I was not going to be at some sleaze rock night in a bar at home, people here acted differently and if I didn’t listen I’d embarrass him. He repeated this when dropping me at the hotel and then again in a text message. Usually I’d refuse to tone down my usual antics but seeing as I’d never been here before or met these people before I decided to play it safe and do as I was told.

In the hotel room I placed my phone on charge and played Motley’s Red, White and Crue album while I got a couple of drinks on the go and proceeded to get ready. I figured if I was not getting trashed and letting loose all over the place then I could get away with my usual attire. So my outfit consisted of a black Resident Evil movie shirt I had torn and tied up the back, a short black skirt which managed to cover the tops of my seemed stockings respectably, with grey and black leopard print stiletto shoes. I left my hair smooth and un-backcombed for this occasion and inspected my leather jacket making sure it didn’t smell funny even though I checked it several times before leaving the UK and when I got off of the flight. As I did my makeup I changed the record to The Donnas, I put on the usual black mascara, black and red eye shadow to match my outfit, red lipstick and a hint of red blush which accentuated my cheek bones nicely. I finished the whole process early and began dancing around to my music, trying to make my drink last because I knew if I poured more before leaving that good behaviour I was promising would glide out of the window. Thankfully my phone cut off the music and began to ring.

“Y’ello?” I answered.

“Are you ready? We’re here early,” my brother announced.

“Good thing, I am ready and this mini bar is grinning at me. You downstairs then?” I pouted into the large mirror and made sure I looked decent.

“Yeah meet us at the front desk.”

“Gotcha,” I hung up and grabbed my things before gliding out into the corridor. Its not like I wasn’t excited. I was meeting my brother’s band and I was in LA and I was going to a fucking club in LA…just exciting shit dude!

When I reached the foyer Jacky nodded in the direction of the bar, slung an arm around my shoulder and told me I looked like a hooker - which I didn’t take seriously - as we strode towards where everyone else seemed to be. There were three guys I didn’t recognise and two girls with them.

“Guys, guys, this is my sister, Vod,” Jacky declared as we reached the group, “Vod, this is Derek, Mika, Ryan, Susie and Lauren,” he pointed out his band mates then to the blonde and brunette girls. The girls looked at me oddly like Ronnie first had but the other guys smiled and nodded.
“We may as well get drinks while they finish theirs, what do you want?” Jacky asked.

“Come on kiddo, you know what I drink. Jager and coke!” I grinned, checking they had it over the counter top.

“Stop calling me that,” he grimaced but ordered me the drink anyway.

“And pull your fuckin' pants up dude,” I rolled my eyes at the sight of his underwear. I will never understand that whole underwear way up high and jeans way down low thing.

“Don’t bother, if anyone says that he usually just drops his pants all together,” Ronnie said, coming up beside me.

“Ugh,” I moaned in disgust, "Fucks sake. If he does anything like that he’ll regret it. I can embarrass him more than he can ever embarrass me.”

“I’m sure you could,” Ronnie smirked at me before taking his beer across the room to grab a seat around the table with the rest of the band and the girls, leaving me thinking ‘what the fuck does that mean?’ with a frown upon my visage.

“Vod,” Jacky grabbed my attention and slid my drink towards me, “do me a favour.”

“Whassat?” I asked, leaning my elbows on the bar.

“Don’t fuck my friends,” he said seriously.

“I don’t want to fuck your friends,” I told him slowly, my eyebrows raised, “ I reckon that’s the last thing on anyone’s minds around here.”

“Just, don’t…ok?” he asked again in a slightly pleading tone.

“You got it,” I tried to look serious. Not that I was joking but how could I ever take that seriously when the notion is ridiculous? I don’t sleep with people I hardly know anymore. Guess that’s one of the things he doesn’t know about me though.

We went to sit around the table and I perched silently just taking everything in. I looked at each individual and made silly assessments. Most of all I noticed how comfortable Jacky seemed to be, how at ease he was and most of all how happy he looked. It gave me such a warm feeling inside to find this. I smiled outwardly without noticing, I wasn’t even listening to the conversation.

“Vod…Vod…bitch!” a voice was slowly bringing me back to reality but before I returned to earth from the Hollywood Undead record that was playing in my head something jabbed into my sides and I jolted up with a squeek.

“Aah fuck!” the voice said from sort of above me. With my hands now covering the spots I’d been poked I looked up to see Mika clutching his nose. Everyone was hooting with laughter. It seemed he had tried to tickle me and I smacked my head into his face, although my head barely felt a thing.

“Shit, dude I’m so sorry! Are you ok?” I asked, feeling bad that I’d already maimed him within half an hour of meeting him.

“Yeah, I think so. Fuck, remind me not to get on your bad side,” he sniggered while rubbing his face.
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Now I've written this whole story and shall continue to type it up bit by bit. The grammer may not be fantastic but I was too excited and wanted to post it anyway. I would appreciate any comments and the more comments the faster I'll be updating ^_^