You Know That I'm Better in the End

"Do you ever, like...think about how it could of been?"

***3 days later, Scar's POV***

I was sitting on BVB'S bus, kinda bored. It was the middle of the day, the show didn't start until 7 pm tonight, and it was only 4. Jake was playing with Travis on the ground in front of the couch I was on, making me smile. He was really good with him, and Trav loved his "Uncle" Jake.

I glanced down at my phone that was sitting in my lap as it buzzed, signaling I had a text message. I picked it up and saw it was from Ronnie.

i'm bored :(

I giggled and slid my finger across the touch screen, unlocking it and letting it take me to my texts.

lol so am i D: i'm sitting on the bus doing absolutely nothing.

should we do something? better not be thinking anything perverted, radke.

hey, it'd be a good way to pass the time ;) I rolled my eyes, smirking slightly to myself.

hardy hardy har. go use your hand.

i have been...FOR OVER 4 YEARS.

I stifled a a laugh, but a few giggles slipped out, causing Jake to look up at me and raise his eyebrow smiling. "What?"

"Funny text from a friend." I chuckled. He nodded and went back to playing with Trav.

what about that one chick you dated a couple years back? didn't she help you with your "needs"?

we dated for 3 months and had sex like, 2 times. and it was boring.


you're so mean to me :(

alright whiny, you wanna go do something or what?

yeah! wanna go get a little somethin to eat?

sounds fine to me (: i'll be at your bus in a few.

i'll be waiting...naked. (;

I rolled my eyes again, grinning to myself.

you're such a creep, omfg.

I got up and stretched a little. "Hey, you don't mind watching him for like, an hour or so, do you?" I asked Jake sweetly. He shook his head and smiled. "Not at all, Scar."

"Cool, I'm gonna go hang with the boys in FIR." He raised his eyebrow slightly at me, and I shrugged. "I'm bored."

"Alrighty, have fun." He chuckled. I smiled and leaned down, kissing Trav's cheek. "Momma's gonna be back in an hour or so, alright?"

"OK. Love you Momma!" He chirped. My smile grew and I squeezed him in a hug, making him laugh. "Love you too, lovebug."

I walked back to the bunks to grab my purse and some sandals. Making sure I had all of my necessities, I walked back out to the main part of the bus, and then out the door. FIR'S bus was pretty close to our bus, so it only took me a few minutes to get over there.

I knocked twice, and Ronnie answered, only in his boxers. "Well, at least you're not fully naked." I sighed, walking up the steps.

"I can be, if you'd like." He joked.

"No thanks." I chuckled, waving to Ryan and Jacky, who were sitting at the table. "Lemme put some clothes on, I guess." Ronnie sighed, scratching his head and going back to the bunks.

"What're you crazy kids up to?" Ryan smiled.

"He texted me and said he was bored, and so was I, so we're gonna go wander around for a little while, I guess." I shrugged. Ryan and Jacky looked at each other for a few seconds, before Ryan smiled and nodded. "Have fun!"

"I'm sure it'll be a blast." I giggled. Ronnie came back out after a few minutes, dressed in some black skinny jeans and a black tank top. "Do you own any other colors of clothing?" I asked. He looked down at his outfit and scoffed. "Sorry I didn't bust out my very best clothing for you, sheesh."

"Let's go." I laughed, waving to the guys again before walking back off of the bus. I slipped my sunglasses on my face and grabbed the hair tie I had on my wrist, putting my hair in a low, loose bun, with a few strands of hair and my bangs being left out to frame my face. "You look pretty today." Ronnie commented, slipping on his sunglasses too. I looked at him and he smiled at me, making me smile back.

"Well thank you."

"So, what should we do to cure our boredom?" He asked as we walked down the sidewalk by the place the show was being held tonight.

"...What is there to do here?" I scratched my head, looking around. We were in Phoenix, Arizona today.

"I 'unno." Ronnie mumbled, shrugging his shoulders a little. I smiled a little. "Maybe try to find an ice cream place?"

"Ooh! Ice cream!" I squealed. "Yeah!"

"Alright," He laughed. "we just have to find one now."

"Let's ask someone!" I grabbed Ronnie's hand and tugged him towards this small little cafe place. "Go in there and ask if they know where one is!" I practically shoved him in there, making him stumble a little and stare at me wide-eyed before slowly walking up to the counter. I stayed outside, watching him talk with the girl at the register.

"So?" I smiled at him when he walked back out a few minutes later.

"Well, Miss Pushy," I laughed as he referred to me pushing him into the cafe. "There's one just a few blocks down from here. Come on."

"Yay!" I cooed, following him down the sidewalk. He shook his head at me, smiling. "Where's Trav?"

"Him and Jake are playing on the bus." He nodded. "And where's your boyfrand?" I snickered. "Him and Ashley went somewhere...I forget where...I wasn't really listening when Andy told me 'cause I'd just woken up." I explained, scrunching my face up slightly.

"Hope it's not a strip club, but knowing Ashley..." I smacked Ronnie on the arm and he chuckled. "Well, come on now."

"Going to a strip club in the afternoon?" I asked.

"People do it!" He argued. "And once again, knowing that fuckin' Ashley dude, it's most definitely possible."

"...I don't think that's the case though, Ronnie." I laughed, continuing walking with him.

"Your birthday's coming uppp." He randomly sung, looking over at me and grinning afterwords. I laughed and nodded. "Yes it is. Whatcha gettin' me?"

"Birthday sex?" I stopped walked and let my jaw drop slightly, making him laugh. "Ronald!"

"You know you wanna." He teased, grinning.

"Not really." I snorted.

We finally reached the magical Dairy Queen the girl in the cafe told Ronnie about, and we each ordered what we wanted. Ronnie paid for both of us, and we got our ice cream a few minutes later.

"So what do you actually want for your birthday?" Ronnie sighed, sitting down at the small table for two that was outside. I did the same, setting my milkshake down on the table along with my spoon and napkins. "I don't"

"Child and spousal support isn't enough?!" He whined. I laughed, shaking my head. "No! I need more moneysss!"

"Alright, seriously now; what do you want?" I shrugged, spooning out some milkshake and eating it. "I don't care, Ronnie." I chuckled. "Get me whatever you think I'd like. You know me the best out of everyone."

"I would sure as hell hope I know you the best out of everyone after knowing you for 19 years." He laughed. I stared at him and he blinked, smiling at me a few seconds later. "You didn't realize we'd known each other that long, did you?"

"It's been almost 20 years?!" I screeched. "Holy SHIT!"

"Time fliefths when you're havinfth fun." He spoke through his mouthful of ice cream. "And makin' babies." He grinned.

"We only have 1 baby, dear." I laughed.

"We should make another." He nodded. I smiled and shook my head at him. "I'm sure Andy would be just fine with that."

"No one cares about him." He mumbled.

"Hey!" I laughed. "I do!"

"Why?" He laughed half-heartedly.

"Oh gee I don't know," I rolled my eyes, eating more ice cream. "I've only been dating him for 4 years now, why would I give a shit about him?"

"That's what I'm sayin'!" He exclaimed. I sighed, smiling and leaning back into my chair, holding my milkshake in my hand. "I wanna ask you something." He said, copying my actions. I nodded. "Do you ever, like...think about how it could of been?"

I stared at him, and he smiled, barely. "How what could of been?"

"Us." He said quietly. My eyes widened slightly, I was taken aback.

"...You mean if you never cheated?" He closed his eyes for a couple seconds, before opening them back up and nodding slowly. "Yeah."

"Sometimes." I said honestly.

"What do you think it'd be like?" He asked. " do you envision us if that never happened?"

I set my milkshake back down on the table, chewing my bottom lip a little. "Well," I started slowly. "I think we'd probably have another kid, more than likely. Maybe ready to have one, maybe we'd be back in Vegas?" He smiled sadly. "I don't like that word."

"Vegas?" I laughed a little. He shook his head. "No, "maybe"." I frowned a little. "Maybe this could of been...maybe that could have been...but it isn't."

"Yeah..." I mumbled, looking down at my lap.

"Look, I know what you're gonna say when I ask this," I gulped and stared at him, seeing sadness now in his eyes. "and I know you'll try to not answer it, but please do. Because I really want to know."


"Do you ever want me back?" My heart rate jumped when he asked me this, and I found it a little hard to breathe all of the sudden. "Ronnie-"

"Just yes or no. That's all you have to say." I opened my mouth again, but then closed it. I didn't say anything for a minute, and I tried not to look at him even though he was staring me down.


I regretted saying that lie the second it came out of my mouth. I bit my tongue as hard as I could, seeing the heartbreak written all over his face now. "I'm sorry, Ronnie, but..."

"Do you still love me?" He asked shakily. I frowned and nodded. "Of course I do, honey. I always will, no matter what, and you know that."

"Well then why don't you want me back?!" He exclaimed, making me jump slightly. "You just said that you'll always love me, and you know I'm still in love with you. So why don't you want me back?"

"Because I just can't." I sighed.

"You can't what?!"

"I can't be with you ever again!" I yelled. He stayed silent, only staring at me. "I'm sorry, but you and I can't anything again."

"Good to know." He stood up and harshly pushed the chair back in, making me sigh again. "Ronnie, don't start this."

"I'm not starting anything." He spoke coldly, starting to walk away. I let him do so, there was no point fighting with him in public. And really, there was no point fighting with him anyways; I knew I hurt his feelings, and I knew he was going to be mad no matter what.

* * *

***Ronnie's POV***

I slammed open the door to the bus, stomping up the steps. Derek and Mika were sitting on the couch, and their attention instantly turned to me. "What ha-"

"I don't wanna talk about it." I stalked off to the bunks, running into Ryan along the way.

"Hey man-...what's wrong?" I shook my head, brushing past him and heading to my bed in the very back room. "Dude, what happened?" He asked gently, following me.

"I don't think I'm winning the bet we all made." I spat, ripping my shoes off and tossing them to the side before falling onto my bed on my back. I saw him frown at me and cross him arms. "What happened?" He repeated.

"Long story short, I asked her if she ever wanted me back, and she said no. She said we can't fucking ever be anything ever a-fucking-gain." He sighed, staring at me. "I can't take this much more, Ryan. I'm still in love with her just as much as I was when we first started dating. It's been 4 years, and I'm still as miserable as I was the day she said she was divorcing me." He slowly sat down on the edge of my bed, letting me rant to him. "It makes me so sick, to know I cheated on her. I can't fucking live with that anymore, it's been eating away at me for way too long and it's taunting me! The stupid fucking day in my office with that whore haunts me, I can't TAKE it!"

"I know, man." He said quietly. We fell silent, and I tried my best to hold back my tears. I gulped pretty loudly, and Ryan sighed again. "I guess now really isn't a good time to tell you what I found out."

I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow. "About what?" He scratched the back of his neck, frowning. "Um...according to someone associated with Black Veil Brides, Andy's planning to propose to Scar on stage the night of her birthday."

"WHAT?!" I screamed, shooting up and staring at him. "Who the fuck did you hear this from?!"

"...Their drummer." I looked over as Derek and Mika walked in, looking confused. "What's wrong?"

"Andy's planning to propose to Scarlet on stage the night of her birthday?!" I yelled. Both of their eyes turned into the size of saucers, Derek's jaw dropping.

"Looks like we know who's winning the bet." Mika mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
CRAP! Sorry for this taking so long, please don't hate me and please keep reading and commenting! D;

Thanks to helloxoxsunshine, loversxlovexliarsxlie, BringSammyTheHorizon, Sweethearts9, NessinhaBLACKOUT, theofficialsteph, hachie, ASinerAndARocker, acey5592, shingamiroulette, Mikayla, PillsNComatose, LexxyBear, Ash.Arrogance, Final.Attraction., and Bieber_Fever97 for commenting last chappie! SOOOO MANY COMMENTSSS!!!

Now watch this chapter only get 2 comments because of how long it took to get up.
