You Know That I'm Better in the End

"...You are SHITTING me, Radke."

***Ronnie's POV***

Depressed wasn't even the word. Devastated. Heartbroken. It felt like there was no life left in me. And he only proposed to her. Imagine what would happen when they got married?

I shuddered at the thought. Swallowing the lump in my throat and closing my eyes, I pulled my blanket up a little higher. I didn't bother to get out of my bunk today. I felt drained. I felt like I couldn't face the day today. But I knew sooner or later I'd have to get out of this bunk and go face everyone and everything, even on a day off.

I sighed quietly to myself before slowly peeling my blankets off of me, pushing back the curtain to my bunk, and swinging my legs out. I got up and out of it, stretching a little before shuffling off to the bathroom to do my business.

After I was done, I walked out to the main part of the bus, scratching my head and narrowing my eyes at the bright sunlight shining through the windows. Ryan and Mika smiled at me. "Hey man."

"Hey," I nodded my head up at Ryan, opening the small fridge and grabbing a small bottle of orange juice. "Where's Derek and Jacky?" I asked after taking a huge gulp of the juice.

"Jacky took Trav out to have some fun and hang out, and Derek went to get coffee." Mika informed me. I nodded, smiling a little when he told me about Jacky and Trav having a "hang out" day together. "Alrighty then."

I sat down on the couch and looked up the flat screen TV, watching some show on the Crime and Investigation channel. " you doing?" Ryan asked from beside me. I looked at him and shrugged. "I dunno. I don't think OK, but I got out of bed, so that's a plus." He nodded, smiling a little. "Like I said last night; they're just engaged. Engagements can be broken off. If an actual wedding day is approaching fast, that's when you start to freak out."

"I know, but it seems like..." I inhaled shakily, my eyes going down to the floor. " seems like she's really happy with him. And that she doesn't want to leave him." Ryan and Mika looked at each other for a few seconds before Ryan spoke again. "If you're persistent, she'll break down sooner or later and realize who she really wants to be with." I smiled a little at my friend and band mate. Ryan was one of those guys I could just talk to, about anything. No matter what it was, he always listened, and he always had a good response in the end. It was nice to have someone like that in my life, especially right now.

"You'll get her, I have faith in you." I laughed as he patted my shoulder, smiling at me.

"Thanks," I smiled. "you made me feel better."

"You should become a therapist, Ryan." Mika spoke through whatever the hell he was stuffing his face with. "Mr. Seaman, the therapist." We all laughed, and I felt my mood brighten a little more. The door swung open and in came Derek. He smiled at me. "Hey Ronnie."

"Hey Der," I smiled back. He closed the door and walked over to the couch, joining myself and Ryan. "You seem to be in a good mood." He stated, grinning. I shrugged, still smiling. "Yeah, a little."

"Well good. Mopey Ronnie isn't a fun person to be around." The guys laughed and I rolled my eyes, still smiling. "The next person who calls me Mopey is getting a knee to the crotch."

* * *

It was now night, and for some reason or another, we were all at a bar here in Texas. The guys figured it was better to go out rather than just stay cooped up in our bus on our day off, and while I agreed, I really didn't want to go to a bar. But, I figured one night wouldn't hurt. Let my band have fun, and I'll just sit back and relax and watch some drunken idiots and maybe a game of football on one of the 500 flat screen TVs this place seemed to have.

I glanced around the room as I sat at the bar. Mika was talking to a couple girls, Ryan and Derek were playing pool, and I had no fucking clue where Jacky was. That guy just mysteriously disappears whenever we go out.

"Can I have another redbull, please?" I asked the bartender. She smiled and nodded before going off to get my crack in a can. A girl walked up to the bar and sat down next to me, looking over at me and offering a smile. She had long dark red hair, her bangs slightly covering her right eye. She was tan, and had on some dark jeans with a few rips in them, a pair of black heels, and a simple long sleeved black off-the-shoulder shirt thingy. She was really pretty, to be honest. I smiled back.

I thanked the bartender when she brought me another redbull, hearing the girl next to me ask her for the same thing. "You don't drink, either?" I looked over at her as she asked me this, a sweet smile still on her face. I smiled back again and shook my head. "Nah, I don't feel it's necessary."

"Same here." She laughed a little, turning her body a bit so she was facing me more. "My girlfriends dragged me here tonight, even though they know I'm really not one for the bars or clubs."

"My friends dragged me here too!" We both laughed. "I figured I'd just sit back and watch the show," I gestured to all the people packed into the bar. She grinned. "Yeah, whenever I have to go to a bar, I usually play a fun game of "count the club sluts"."

"Mind if I join?" I grinned. She shook her head. "Not at all! It's more fun when you play it with someone else!" She laughed.

"Well, for starters, there's one with one of my band mates," I pointed to Mika, and she laughed. "Band mate, huh? What's the band?"

"Falling In Reverse. We're on tour right now with Black Veil Brides and a few other bands." She nodded and smiled. "I was gonna say you look like you're in a band. What do you do?"

"Sing." I grin. She nods smiling. "I'll have to check you guys out and see if you're any good," She winked.

"Oh you'll think we're good!" I joked. We both laughed before I realized something. "Hey, I never got your name in the 5 minutes we've known each other."

"Candice," She smiled. "You can call me Candy, though."

"I'm Ronnie." I smiled, holding my hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Ronnie."

* * *

I opened the door to the bus, glancing back at Candice and grinning as I pulled her up the steps. She giggled and I closed the door, turning to her only to have her smash her lips to mine. I smirked slightly, my hands finding there way to her waist as her arms wrapped around my neck, her fingers threading through my hair and tugging it slightly to bring me closer to her.

I slipped my tongue into her mouth, massaging it with her own and making her moan into our kiss. My thumbs rubbed small circles into her hip bones, her hands now gently cupping my neck.

She pulled me backwards, backing up to the couch that was currently pulled out into a bed. She broke our kiss and sat down on it, grabbing the ends of her top and pulling it up and over her head, tossing it somewhere. I smirked as I let my eyes rake up and down her lower half, her hands grabbing my own and pulling me on top of her as she leaned back, laying down completely. She smiled up at me, playing with the bottom of my own shirt.

"You want that off, baby?" I murmur, looking down at her and seeing nothing but pure lust in her eyes. She nodded slowly and pulled it up, helping me take it off. She bit her lip and ran her hands down my arms, making me lick my lips and lean down to kiss her again.

I smirked again into our kiss when I felt her hands unbuttoning my jeans and pulling the zipper down. I pulled away and she whimpered slightly in protest as I stood up, but I quickly shed my jeans, leaving me in my boxers, and leaned down again to press kisses to her neck as my hands fumbled with her jeans too.

Soon those were off and we were left in our underwear. She was on top of me now, and we were making out passionately as my hands roughly roamed over her half-naked body. Everything was progressing quickly, and it was going by in a rough, lusty blur before my eyes. I needed this, though.

* * *

***Scar's POV***

I listened to the ringing on my phone, waiting for Derek to answer. I decided to go over and thank Ronnie for my birthday present he gave me, and also talk to him about some things, but I think him and the boys might've went out tonight, so I had to see if he was even on the bus or not.

"Hello?" I smirked as Derek yelled over loud music, confirming to me that they went out.

"Where are you?" I laughed.

"At some bar playing pool." He answered.

"Is Ronnie there?"

"Nah, he went back to the bus not even an hour ago. Party pooper." I laughed and nodded to myself, standing up. "So he's probably just all by his little lonesome, then?"

"Yep," He said, popping the "p" sound. "Why?"

"I was gonna go over there and thank him for my birthday present,"

"Alrighty, well yeah, he's there. Probably sitting on the couch watching "The Notebook" and eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream too, if I had to guess." I laughed loudly at the thought of Ronnie doing that.

"That's mean," I laughed, grabbing a hoodie and struggling to put it on with only one free arm. Andy walked by and helped me, making me laugh again and thank him. "I'm gonna head over there now, have fun with your game of pool."

"Alright, bye!" I clicked "end call" and smiled at Andy. "I'm gonna head to Ronnie's bus and thank him for my gift." He nodded, smiling barely. "Alright. If he tries anything, punch him in the balls." I rolled my eyes, smiling at my fiance. "He won't try anything, sheesh." He scoffed and crossed his arms. "And if he does, I'm not punching him in the balls. I'll just tell him to back off." I chuckled, standing on my tiptoes and pressing a kiss to his lips. "I won't be gone for long."

"Alright, I have to get back to my game of "Life" with Trav, it's getting pretty intense." He said seriously. I laughed loudly again, grinning. "Your kid's beating my ass at this game, Scar!"

"That's 'cause him and I play it all he time." I grinned again. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" He called after me as I walked off the bus. We had Travis on our bus tonight, because Jake, Jinxx, Ash, and CC all went out again tonight, but Andy and I wanted to stay behind and relax.

I walked the short distance to where FIR's bus was, and stepped up the three little steps. I decided to knock, since, you know, it's kinda rude just to barge in.

I raised my eyebrow when I heard another voice in the bus after I had knocked, and I almost knocked again since it was taking so long for him to open the door. As soon as I went to, though, Ronnie appeared in the doorway, looking a sweaty mess with his hair going every which way and his boxers hanging extremely low on his hips. He looked like he shit himself when he saw it was me, only making me more confused.

"SCAR!" He exclaimed, looking back to whatever he was looking at, then back at me. "What-What're you doing here?"

"...I came to say thanks for my necklace..." I said slowly, becoming suspicious. "What is going on-"

My own eyes widened as a girl showed up behind Ronnie, a blanket scarcely covering her naked body. Ronnie looked at her and shit bricks again, then looked back at me like a deer in headlights.

"Oh." I said simply. "Allllrighty then, thanks for my present, Ronnie," I walked off of the steps and glanced back at him. "Continue with what you were doing, literally." I laughed a little, waving slightly before quickly walking away from their bus.

I couldn't help but feel slightly sick to my stomach at what just happened. I was upset, I'm not gonna lie. Even though it's been 4 years, I've told him to move on countless times, and I have Andy, it still hurt to see that, and to know what he was doing.

I blinked away my tears as I slowly made my way back to the BVB bus. I shouldn't be crying over this, I shouldn't be upset. He's a single guy, it's not like it's wrong for him to be with another girl. I'm engaged to another guy, so why am I upset? I don't get it.

I sucked it up and went back to the bus. I smiled when I saw Andy and Travis had moved their game to the small table.

"Hi momma!" Travis chirped. "Hi baby!" I grinned, walking over and kissing his forehead. "You still beating Andy's butt at this game?"

"Yeah!" I laughed as Andy narrowed his eyes at me, and I high-fived my son. "See, I taught you well!" Travis giggled and nodded, going back to playing.

"Thought you would've been over there longer." Andy said to me. I shrugged and sat down on the couch. "Nah, I just wanted to thank him for my necklace." He smiled at me, and also went back to playing. I watched the two together and smiled slightly, trying to get my mind off of what just happened.

* * *

***Ronnie' POV***

I closed the door, all the feelings that were once inhabiting my body now completely gone. I turned to Candice, who had her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "Who was that?"

"My ex wife," I said bluntly, making her eyes widen. "Look, I'm sorry, but you need to go."

"What?!" She screeched. "What do you mean?!"

"Exactly what I said," I blinked and crossed my arms. "you need to go now." She looked baffled, but then she looked pissed. "You're a dick." She spat, turning away from me and quickly gathering her clothes and re-dressing herself.

"Tell me something I don't know," I growled under my breath. She left without saying another word to me. I groaned angrily at myself, snatching my phone off of the table and calling Derek.


"When you first met me, were you aware that you were becoming friends with the BIGGEST FUCK UP IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND?!" I snapped.

"What?!" He asked, sounding extremely confused. "What're you talking about?"

"I brought a girl back to the bus and was having sex with her, to, you know, maybe stop myself from being such a pathetic ass and get laid for once, and guess who fucking SHOWS UP TO THANK ME FOR HER BIRTHDAY PRESENT?!" I yelled into the phone, kicking my shirt that was on the floor across the bus in pure anger.

"...You are SHITTING me, Radke."

"I wish I fucking was, Der." He groaned, and I sighed heavily, running a hand over my face. "Goddammit."

"She called me before she came over there, too." I froze in place, staring at the floor through my fingers.


"BECAUSE I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D BE FUCKING SOME WHORE ON THE BUS! YOU NEVER DO THAT, DUMBASS!" He screamed back. I made some weird frustrated noise out of anger, and grabbed whatever was closest to me, which happened to be the remote, and chucked it at the wall, it falling to the ground with the batteries flying out of it from the force of my throw.

"This is fucking fantastic. I'm never getting her back now. She's gonna marry Andy and have cute little fuckin' Biersack Babies with him and live happily fucking ever after, while I grow old with my cats and have a fucking blow up doll for a girlfriend." Derek started cracking up and I growled. "Now's not the time to laugh at me, Jones!"

"Hey, you're the one who got yourself into this shitfest, not me!" He laughed. "Oh, and I forgot to tell you-...well, actually, no, I didn't; I was gonna tell you this when you were back to being Mr. Mopey, but I'll just tell you now; I talked to Scarlet this morning at Starbucks," I stared at the wall, listening intently. "and I was telling her about how much you love her, how desperate you are to get her back, and how you and her are meant for each other. And I honestly think I finally made her realize that she was still in love with you, because I told her she was, but the only thing holding her back from getting back with you again is the fact that she doesn't want to hurt Andy and make him feel like he's just been her rebound this whole time. Buuuuuut, I think you probably fucked all of that up, so yeah."

My phone followed the remote to the wall, breaking from how hard I threw it. Everything on the bus that could be thrown, was thrown. Everything that could be broken in anger, was broken in anger. And by the time I was done, it looked like a hurricane went through the bus.

"MotherFUCKER!" I screamed to no one, punching the wall as hard as I could, leaving my knuckles bloody and a lovely new hole decorating the wall.
♠ ♠ ♠
*throws buckets of shit at the fan*

I am on a ROLL with the chappies lately!! 8D

Thanks to Krystal-Khaos, Smoke And Mirrors., ASinerAndARocker, singmealaugh, XxBabyEmo94xX, Sweethearts9 (thanks to her for the idea for this chapter!), colorxmexacey, PillsNComatose (HAHAHAH I LOVED YOUR LAST COMMENT OMFG), Waking-The-Fallen, NickMatthews, hachie, BringSammyTheHorizon, theofficial steph, and Ash.Arrogance for commenting yesterday and today!! ^_^

Tell me in the comments how big of a dummyhead you think Ronnie is! :P