You Know That I'm Better in the End

"Maybe I was caught up in the moment?!"

***Ronnie's POV***

Oh my god. Oh dear lord. Is this happening? Please tell me I'm not dreaming. Oh good god, PLEASE tell me this is reality. I've been waiting for too damn long for this to happen, please don't let it be another dream...

I smiled into our kiss when her arms wrapped themselves loosely around my neck, my arms staying wrapped tightly around her waist, pressing her body right up against mine. We pulled away barely before she enveloped my lips in another kiss, and everything felt so right at that moment. I knew this was how it was supposed to be, and I knew that she knew that, too.

We finally pulled away after another minute, and I smiled down at her as she looked up at me with a cute little smile on her face as well. My arms were still around her waist as I pressed a kiss to her forehead. She laid her forehead on my shoulder, making me chuckle as I rubbed her back slowly.

"I missed that." I whispered into her hair, kissing the top of her head this time. She lifted her head and just smiled at me, making my heart beat speed up.

"You better get in there, or he'll start getting suspicious." She warned jokingly, nodding her head towards Trav's room. I laughed and nodded as we pulled away completely from each other. I just stared at her and smiled, making her laugh too. "Quit lookin' at me like that, dork."

"Psh." I scoff, grinning at her as I walk towards Trav's room. He looks up from whatever game he picked out and grins at me. "Hi Daddy!"

"Hey little dude!" I grin back down at him, sitting on the floor across from him. "You picked out CandyLand when you know I'm a pro at this game?" I teased him.

"Yeah right! I'm gonna win!" He declared, grabbing his game piece.

"You're on!" I laughed.

* * *

***Scar's POV***

After Ronnie and Trav had their rousing game of CandyLand, I suggested that maybe Ronnie could take him out for 2 or three hours and hang out. Maybe go to a toy store, get some ice cream...

Avoid any fist fights with Andy when he comes over to pick the rest of his stuff up...

I sighed nervously when I heard knocking at the door, and the clock read 3:08 PM. I made my way towards the door, and slowly unlocked and opened it to reveal Andy.

"Hi." I said quietly. He nodded at me and I stepped to the side so he could come in. He walked past me and to the bedroom, and I slowly followed him in there.

"Some of your stuff's in the bathroom, too," I said softly. "It's all on the counter."

"Alright." He sounded so...cold. Robotic. I just stood there, watching him gather his things. He turned to glance at me at one point. "Where's Trav?" He asked.

"Out with Ronnie." He nodded again before going into the bathroom and getting his stuff out of there, too. He didn't have much; just a few small things and some clothes and shoes. He made one trip out to his car, then came back in and grabbed the rest of his stuff. I knew he was going to leave now.

"I miss you, Andy." I said quietly as he grabbed the last of his things. He froze and I watched him, with his back turned to me. "And I'm sorry...for what, I don't even know. I didn't do anything...but I guess I'll just say I'm sorry anyways..."

He set his things down before turning to me. "Don't think I don't miss you, either," He said lowly, his voice wavering. I gulped. "I never wanted to leave you, ever. Breaking up with you was one of the hardest things I've had to do."

"Then why did you do it?!" I cried. I didn't hold back, I was extremely hurt over the fact he just left me.

"Because I'm not gonna stay around and have you slowly fall back in love with your ex, and eventually leave me for him! That's why!" He waved his arms in the air as he yelled slightly. "I'm not gonna just sit there, and say to myself, "Oh, she won't fall in love with him again, she doesn't want him anymore, she's so over him" when all I'm fucking hearing is that supposedly EVERYONE can see you're still fucking in love with him!"

"You're going to listen to everyone else before you listen to your own goddamn girlfriend!?" I shrieked. "You're gonna believe EVERYone else over ME?!"

"YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IF YOU WANTED HIM BACK OR NOT!" He screamed, stepping closer to me. "You couldn't even fucking say yes or no when I asked if you wanted him back, you said "I don't know"! And if you don't know, then I'm not going to make myself look like a complete and utter DUMBASS by staying with you, just to have you say that you're leaving me for him later on!"

"I wasn't going to leave you!" I exasperated. "I don't want him!" Andy was staring behind me, and I turned around to see Ronnie standing there, looking slightly upset. Great.

"Oh really? You don't want me back?" He asked. "Then why'd you kiss me earlier?"

"WOW!" Andy exclaimed. I didn't even know what to say, there was nothing for me to say. "Yeah, that was all I fucking needed to hear." Andy spat, grabbing his belongings. "Have a nice fucking life with the asshole who fucking cheated on your ass. Just remember who was there to pick up the pieces."

He went to walk past me and Ronnie, and he made it about an inch past him before Ronnie grabbed him and attempted to punch him. "Ronnie, no!" I yelled as Andy dropped his stuff and fought back. "You guys stop it, right now!" I got in the middle and kept them apart, having to hold Andy back from Ronnie.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING HOMEWRECKER, RADKE!" Andy yelled, trying to jump at Ronnie. "You fucked your relationship up once before, and that should've been the only damn chance you got with her!" Ronnie stayed silent, surprisingly. But the look in his eyes was almost scary.

"Now you fucked MY relationship up?! You fucked it up because she said yes to me when I asked her to marry me?! You got in between us because you were so fucking PATHETIC?!"

"It's not my fault I was always the one she was in love with and wanted to spend the rest of her life with." Ronnie stated simply. Andy tried to jump at him again, but I kept holding him back. "Fuck you! I was the one that was there for her after you cheated! I was the one who had to pick up the pieces, I was the one who fucking held her when she cried, I was the one who helped her take care of Travis! I was the one who made her HAPPY again! And then YOU come in and RUIN that!"

"Yeah, and you know what? Thank you for doing that." Andy and I both stared silently at Ronnie as he spoke calmly, the anger in his eyes fading. "Thank you for taking care of her after I made the stupid mistake of cheating on her, thank you for making sure she had someone to make her happy. But it's been over 4 years, and I've learned from my mistake. And I'm trying my hardest to fix everything I broke, I can't help that I'm still in love with her, and I can't help that she's still in love with me."

Andy turned to me, looking me right in the eye. "Scarlet, be honest with me," I nodded a little as I frowned, already knowing what he was going to say next. "Are you still in love with him?"

I glanced at Ronnie and bit my bottom lip at that hopeful glint in his eyes. I looked back at Andy, and felt my eyes tear up as his did when I didn't answer right away. "I-I don't know." I whimpered.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Ronnie boomed from the side. I looked at him. "Why the fuck did you let me kiss you then?! Why did you kiss me back?!"

"Maybe I was caught up in the moment?!" I suggested. I regretted saying that only a couple seconds later though, as Ronnie stared at me sadly before shaking his head and stomping out of the room. I turned back to Andy and frowned. "Andy-"

"Do you want him back or not?" He asked simply. I inhaled shakily. "I-I don't know, Andy."

"If you don't know then that means part of you does want him back. So go be with him."

"Andy!" I whined, grabbing his arm as he started picking his stuff back up. "Don't end it like this, please." He stopped and sighed heavily. "Scarlet..."

"I just don't want it to end on a bad note."

"And I just want it to end, period." I slowly let go of his arm and let him gather his things. He looked at me, a small frown on his face. "I'm sorry, but it's clear you want him back, so you should have him back. He makes you happy."

"You make me happy, too!" He shook his head slightly before walking out. "Bye, Scarlet."

I sniffled and wiped at my teary eyes before going to find Ronnie. I saw that he was in Trav's bedroom, sitting on his bed with him. I smiled at my son when he looked up at me. "Hey hon. You have fun with Daddy today?" He nodded once before asking me, "Were you guys fighting...?"

"Me and Daddy?" He nodded. "No. Andy wanted to start a fight. But that's done and over with now, so don't worry your little head over it." He nodded again, looking a little relieved when he smiled slightly. Ronnie was just staring at me, still looking hurt. "Do you mind if I steal Daddy away from you for a minute or two, Trav? I gotta talk to him." He shook his head and went to go find some toys to play with as Ronnie stood up and followed me out of the room, saying he would be right back to Travis over his shoulder.

We went back into the bedroom and I closed the door. "Now, no yelling." I warned. "He already heard one fight, and to be honest, I really don't want him to hear anymore for the rest of his life. He's witnessed way too much yelling and fighting for a 5 year old."

"I wasn't going to yell." Ronnie mumbled pathetically. "I was just going to ask you why the hell did you say, "Maybe I was caught up in the moment"?" I walked over to the bed and sat down, putting my face in my hands and groaning. "Because that was the truth. Maybe I did get a little caught up in the moment when we kissed."

"Why, though?" I lifted my head and stared at him as he stood there, arms crossed. "Because I missed that," I said honestly, making his eyes bug out a bit. "but I don't know if I was ready for it." He looked a little confused, and I smiled slightly. "I hadn't exactly "finished" my business with Andy, up until just a few minutes ago, obviously...and I was still wondering what was going to happen with that. I didn't know if maybe he'd be forgiving and maybe take me back, or if he was going to be set on us staying broken up...I needed to know that."

"So do you want him back? Because you said you didn't want me back..." Ronnie asked sadly. I frowned and shook my head, probably much to his relief. "As much as I love him, and I'm sad that it ended this way, I don't want to try so hard to get someone to want me back, when I know they're done with me for good."

He walked over, sitting next to me on the bed. " you want me back?" He looked at me, and I just stared at him for a minute, thinking. "I have to think about it." He frowned now and nodded his head a little. "Alright, I understand." We fell silent for a few seconds before he spoke.

"I'm sorry I caused you two to break up," He said quietly. I looked over at him, and he kept his eyes trained on the floor now. "I was so jealous of him for having what I wanted back. And when he proposed, I knew I had to stop it from happening..."

"Us getting married?" He nodded, and I noticed him gulp a little. "I wouldn't have been able to survive that, knowing you were getting married to another man."

"Ronnie, come on now..."

"It's true!" He suddenly exclaimed, his voice cracking a little as he did so. He looked at me again, and I noticed his eyes were getting glassy. "I've been as strong as I possibly could be ever since the divorce, and these past few months were just getting harder and harder to deal with..." He trailed off, falling silent and looking back down at the ground. I gently grabbed his chin and turned his head to look at me again. "Don't cry."

"Sorry," He mumbled, quickly wiping at his eyes, making me giggle. He looked at me funny when I did, then smiled a little. "Oh, I know, seeing a grown man cry is hilarious."

"Shut up." I laughed, standing up. He looked up at me as I smiled. "Come here." I held my arms open and his smile grew as he quickly stood up and engulfed me in a tight hug. I giggled a little again as I wrapped my arms around his neck, toying with his hair.

"I love you, Scar." He murmured next to my ear. My smiled grew as I pulled away slightly and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I love you too, Ronnie."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's not all happy sunshine and rainbows from here, ya'll...there's still a little more drama left in the pot...;)

Thankies to Once-upon-a-lie, Dear Insanity, hachie, BringSammyTheHorizon, Kinkeh Dinosaurs, shinigamiroulette, Smoke and Mirrors., theofficialsteph, NickMatthews, helloxoxsunshine, loversxloveliarsxlie, PillsNComatose (LMFAO @ your last comment), Ash.Arrogance, and RecklessRebelRonnie for commenting last chappieee! <333!!!