You Know That I'm Better in the End

"I know you hate Andy, but you need to get over it."

***Ronnie's POV***

"Alright, thank you Scar. I appreciate it."

"No problem."

"See you tomorrow, bye."


I sighed a little when I heard her hang up. I hung up too, setting my phone down on the counter slowly before rubbing my hands over my face. That stupid fucking Andy was back from tour. I just got off of my own damn tour barely over a week ago, and it was great that he was gone. I could just go over to Scar's whenever I pleased to see Travis the 3 days I didn't have him. He wasn't interfering with everything, it was wonderful.

But for some reason he had to come home. Stupid tour couldn't have been longer, I guess.

I know it's been 4 years. 4 long, painful, lonely years. 4 years that should've been spent being married to Scar, having our son and what was supposed to be our other baby in our little family. But no. No, I fucked it all up. I threw it all away, and she wouldn't forgive me.

She moved on.

I groaned just at the thought of that. My ex-wife moved on, but my pathetic ass sure hasn't. I tried to have a girlfriend a couple years after the divorce, and it lasted for like...3 months. It was sorta nice, I guess. I wasn't as lonely anymore. But just trying to move on and have another relationship with someone other than my soul mate made me realize that Scarlet really was the only one for me.

I was still in love with her. So hopelessly in love with her. Every single day, it just got the tiniest bit harder to go through my life without her. Every day, it got a tiny bit harder to get out of bed. Every day, it got a tiny bit harder to smile. Every day, it got harder to be happy. How can I be happy? I know I have my son, and trust me when I say he makes me happy, but I'm talking a different happy. Scar makes me happy. She makes me sane. But at the same time, she drives me crazy. And I love her.

I want her back. I've told her this I don't know how many times. That's all I need, is to have her back. If she granted me that, I'd probably go through the rest of my life singing show tunes and dancing like I was on Broadway. I truly think I'd be the happiest man alive.

But as of right now, I truly think I'm the most depressed man alive. Hell, I don't even feel alive. I'm dead inside without her.

I need her back, so badly. I don't know how much longer I can take this.


***Next morning***

I swiftly walked up the sidewalk leading to the front door of Scarlet and fuckface's house. I knocked three times, slightly rocking on my heels as I waited. The door opened and revealed Scarlet, looking as fucking beautiful as ever with her hair in a messy bun, her bangs laying in her eyes, no makeup on, and in her pajamas that consisted of shorts and a tank top.

Goddammit. Even when she just wakes up she's drop dead gorgeous.

"Hey." She smiles slightly, moving out of the way so I can come in. I smile back and nod slightly. "Good morning."

"Morning." She yawns as she closes the door. I laugh lightly. "Where's the monster?"

"Andy's getting him ready." She replied, walking past me scratching her head slightly. I felt my anger bubble, but I kept my cool and nodded again. "Alright. Did Trav already eat?"

"Yeah," She nodded. "He got woke up at like, 8 this morning, and Andy took care of him so I could sleep in. He's already had his bath and everything."

"Why'd he wake up so early?" I chuckled. She smiled. "He just told me it's 'cause he was excited to spend the day with you."

I got a big smile and laughed a little. "Aww."

"DADDY!" I grinned when I saw Travis bolting out of his bedroom and running towards me. I crouched down and opened my arms, having him jump right into them. "Good mornin', bud!"

My grin fell slightly when I saw Andy walk into the room, but I did my best to ignore him and pay attention to my son. "You ready for today?" I smiled down at him, messing with his slightly spiked-up hair.

"What're we doing?!" He asked excitedly, making us all laugh. "Whatever you want. Daddy just got off of tour and wants to spend the day with you, so we're doing whatever your little heart desires."

"Toys R Us?! Ice cream?! The park?!" I laughed as he started naming off a billion things. "We can do all of that and more, buddy."

"I LOVE YOU, DADDY!" I laughed harder as he hugged my neck tightly, and I hugged him back just as tightly. "Love you too, Trav! So are you ready to go?" He nodded and pulled away from me to go and give Scarlet a hug and kiss goodbye. My anger rose again when I watched him do the same with Andy, telling him he loved him.

I gritted my teeth together and tried my best to calm down. I put on a smile for Travis as he ran back up to me and grabbed my hand. "Let's go, Dad!"

"Scar, can you come out here for a second please?" I asked. She nodded and the 3 of us walked out the door. I helped Travis into my car and his car seat. "We'll leave in a minute, dude. I gotta talk to momma." I smiled, messing up his hair again. He nodded and smiled at me, and I closed the passenger door.

"If you're going to ask me why he told Andy he loves him, it's because Andy's been around for 4 years." I stared at her as she crossed her arms. "And Andy loves him like his own."

"That's great, but he's not Andy's," I growled. "He's mine."

"He's close to Andy, Ronnie, and you know that. He's been there since he was a baby."

"He's not, Andy's, kid." I said slowly. "I don't wanna come here one day and hear him call him "daddy". And I'll fucking kill Andy if he lets that happen and goes with it."

"He's technically Travis' step-dad, in a way..." Scarlet stated quietly. I stared at her like she was insane. "No he's not!" I screeched. "Travis has one fucking father, and that's me. No one else, not even your fucking boyfriend. I'm the only one who he'll ever call Daddy, he'll never call that fucking son of a bitch in there "daddy" EVER."

"I know you hate Andy, but you need to get over it." She hissed. "He's my boyfriend. Of 4 years. And nothing's going to change that anytime soon. And you insulting him and calling him names every time he's mentioned only pisses me off and makes me dislike you even more." I rolled my eyes, looking away from her.

"You and I are never-"

"Getting back together. Yeah, I fucking know that, Scarlet. I'm reminded that countless times a day, every day, for the past 4 years. And honestly, I'm getting really sick of being reminded of it, because it just depresses me even more." She stared at me, not uttering a word after that.

"I'll have him back by 8 tonight." I mumbled, getting in my car. I watched her walk off, and I sighed quietly.

"Were you and Momma fighting?" I frowned at Trav's quiet little voice in the backseat. I turned around to look at him, smiling sympathetically. "We were. But I really wish we didn't."

"I do too." I felt my heart shatter into a million little pieces at how he whispered this, looking down at his lap. I knew this was going to start affecting him sooner or later. I was just scared shitless of when it would happen.

"I'm sorry, bud." I frowned. He looked up at me, a little sadly. "Why won't Momma be with you?"

I bit my lip, trying not to cry. "Because I'm stupid and I hurt Momma's feelings. And I really, really, really want to take it back, and have her back." He nodded a little. "I do too." He repeated.

I sighed and smiled a little again. "I wanna promise you something, Travis." He looked at me curiously. "I promise that one day, your momma and I are gonna be back together."

"Really?" He asked, sounding so hopeful. I nodded. "I promise. It might take a while, but Daddy's gonna get Momma back."

He smiled and held his pinky out, making me laugh and hook my own pinky finger with his. "Now let's go have some fun."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, only on the second chapter, and already there's over 100 readers, almost 100 subbies, and 20-something comments on the first chapter.

You're all sexy beasts and I love each and every one of you.


And of course I had to post a chappie today, because it's SOMEONE'S BIRFDAYYYYYYYYY!!! :D

Thanks to HangingByAThread, Waking-The-Fallen, PonAndZiFan, TerriTerror13, illidan stormrage, Krystal-Khaos, Love_Me_Like_Cancer, hachie, Call.Me.Allie, Smoke and Mirrors., NessinhaBLACKOUT, Backwordcoma, XxBabyemo94xX, acey5592, shingamiroulette, ilovemattgood1998, BringSammyTheHorizon, theofficialsteph, NickMatthews, X13XThePurpleEscape, and Haysay for commenting last chapter!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS STORY!!! 8DDD

Also, I changed my username. If any of you are confused, it's about Max.

Maxwell Green = Max on crack.

Max on crack = CrackwellGreen.


Oh, and I'll just leave this here ^_^


omfg why is he so beautiful this isn't fair in the slightest