You Know That I'm Better in the End


***Andy's POV***

"Ahhh...shit..." I groaned into Scarlet's neck, pumping in and out of her faster. I growled as she raked her fingernails down my back, digging them into my hips.

"F-Fuck," She breathed, throwing her head back. "I-I'm so c-c-close, baby..." She panted. I angled my hips and slammed into her repeatedly, silencing her screams by covers her mouth my mine.

"Cum for me," I growled again, dipping my head back down into her neck and biting at it. She moaned loudly and started tightening around me, making me smirk.

"Ohh...Ohhh fuck! Oh fuck!" I lifted my head and pressed my lips to hers as she tightened even more around me, and her body started shaking.

"Oh shit, Scar!" I moaned loudly myself, at the edge of my orgasm.

"Fuck, Ronni-"

She gasped and I instantly screeched to a halt. "Fuck, Andy..." I stared down at her and she squeezed her eyes shut.

"You said Ronnie." I stated, not even believing it. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"It was an accident." She mumbled, moving her hands from my hips to cover her face. I pulled out of her and she groaned softly. "Andy, baby..."

"You said Ronnie!!" I shrieked in an awfully girlish manner, sitting up and swinging my legs over my side of the bed. I leaned down and grabbed my boxers off of the floor, standing up and stepping into them before yanking them up to rest on my hips. "You fucking moaned your ex's name!"

"It was an accident." My eyes widened and my anger grew as she tried to hide a laugh. "Andy, I'm sorry."

"How is this funny?!" She looked at me and started laughing again. "HOW IS THIS FUNNY?!" I repeated.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh," She calmed herself down and sat up, pulling the covers up to cover herself. "I-I just...I dunno what happened..." She mumbled, sounding confused and tired.

"Were you thinking of him while we were...?" I asked quietly. Her head snapped up to look at me, and she shook her head wildly. "No!" She said with wide eyes.

"If you were, then just tell me. Don't fucking lie right to my face." I snapped. I was so pissed right now, the worst thing that can ever happen to a guy is when their girlfriend moans their ex's name when you two are fucking. It's a huge stab in the heart.

"Andy, it was an accident!" She groaned, flopping back down onto her pillow. "I didn't mean to!"

"You were thinking about him." I stated, shaking my head in pure anger. "You were imagining it was him, weren't you?!" She tried to explain herself, but I cut her off. "It's because of that damn note in the card he wrote for you, huh?! That won you over again? And you spent time with him today! That's why! You want him back!"

"Andy, calm down and shut up for a second!"

"NO!" Her eyes widened again, and she just stared at me. "I'm not good enough, am I? You think about him, don't you?!"

"Baby, calm down and let me talk." She said calmly, sitting up once again. "You're enough and you know that."

"APPARENTLY NOT SINCE YOU MOANED HIS NAME!" She put her finger to her mouth and shushed me. I grumbled and crossed my arms, still standing there, staring at her. "If you want him back, just tell me, I'll gladly leave."

"Andy, I don't want him back!" She exasperated. "It was an ACCIDENT!"

"Scarlet, we've been together for almost 4 years now," I explained. "And not once, in the many, MANY times we have had sex, have you moaned his name. But now, all of the sudden you do?" She looked down at the comforter and stayed silent, hurting me even more. "And it's just a coincidence that he wrote you a mushy little letter, and spent time with you and Travis today? Is that what you're trying to tell me?"

"No." She mumbled. "I'm trying to tell you that it was an accident, and that you shouldn't get so worked up over it."

"If I moaned "Juliet", would you be happy?" I asked sarcastically. Her head snapped up and her eyes narrowed. "That's what I thought."

"I'm sorry, OK? I can't take it back obviously. It was only an accident, you know I love you."

I sighed and shook my head slightly before grabbing my pillow off of the bed, then heading over to the closet to grab a blanket. "You're kidding me, Andrew."

"Afraid not, Scarlet." I mumbled angrily, glaring at her before stomping out of the bedroom with my blanket and pillow, heading to the guest room.


***Scar's POV***

I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling for a while, watching the fan spin. I am so stupid. I am so embarrassed. No, I'm humiliated. How the fuck did that happen? WHY did that happen? I wasn't even thinking of Ronnie! I never do when I'm having sex with Andy, not once!

I groaned quietly to myself and turned my head to look at the clock on my nightstand. Almost midnight. I sighed softly and reached for my phone, going to my contacts and clicking Max's number. He'd be awake, he was always awake.



"'Sup, sis?" I smiled a little. Barely. "What're you callin' me for at this ungodly hour?" He chuckled, obviously joking.

"Oh I know, it's so late," I joked right back before sighing, running my free hand over my face. "I am such a dumb fuck."

"Wha' happen?" He asked in a funny voice.

"Ready for TMI with Scarlet?"

"...Not really, but I guess I have no choice." He sighed. "Go ahead."

"Andy and I were having sex, and-"

"JESUS FUCK, SCAR!" He groaned. "I do NOT want to picture my best friend fucking my sister!"

"Hey, you told me to go ahead!" I argued. He grumbled something to himself before speaking again.

"Alright, and what happened? Even though I'm afraid to know."

"I moaned Ronnie's name towards the end."

The line went silent for a few seconds before I jumped at loud, hysterical laughter. "It's not fun-...OK yeah it is." I sighed, giggling a little as I listened to my brother practically die on the phone from laughing.

"H-HOLY FUCK!" He exclaimed. "THAT IS F-FUCKING...HILARIOUS!!" I snickered as my brother started choking on nothing.

"Gonna make it, asshole?" His only response was coughing for another minute, making me roll my eyes. "Stop hitting the crack pipe and you won't have to deal with those pesky coughing fits."

"Shut-" He coughed some more, not surprisingly. "-up."

"Make me!" I said in a nasally voice, sticking my tongue out to no one.

"Oh man," He sighed, finally calming down, but still giggling (yes, giggling). "So, you were thinkin' of the Ronmeister while goin' at it with Andy, huh?" I rolled my eyes again at his childish tone, and being able to picture that stupid grin on his face.

"I wasn't even thinking of him, Max. That's what I don't get."

"Oh really? So his name just came out of the blue?" He asked, very sarcastically. "Come on now."

"I dunno, Max," I sighed heavily. "all I know is Andy fuckin' hates my ass now."

"Well shit, I would too if my girlfriend moaned her ex's name." He laughed. "But seriously now. You had to have been thinking about him. That doesn't just happen randomly. I mean, unless it's your first time having sex with a different guy, then maybe you do it because you're used to the other person's name...but you've been with Andy for a while now...shit, longer than you were with Ronnie! Holy shit, I never realized that!"

"Max, stop rambling." I groaned, thunking the back of my head on the headboard.

"No but seriously," I narrowed my eyes at nothing. "you had to have been thinking about him. Did you talk to him today or something?"

I bit my lip. "We hung out today. He took me out for lunch for Mother's day, then we came back to the house and hung out some more."

"YOUR FEELINGS ARE REIGNITING THEMSELVES." My eyes widened as my brother suddenly yelled this right in my ear. "THE SPARK IS COMING BACK."

"No it's no-"


"......Max, lay off the drugs." I chuckled.

"Shuddup," He grumbled. "You are so falling for him again." He said in a valley girl voice, scoffing at the end.

"No I'm not!" I whined. "I have Andy!"

"Obviously you're not satisfied with him!" Max laughed. I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily again. " I am satisfied with him. I love him."

"You don't sound so sure."

"I am in love with Andy and no one else!!" I screeched. "I'm never going to be with Ronnie again, dammit!"

"That's what you say. But you and I, and every-fuckin'-one else knows that that man is one determined motherfucker, and he'll do anything to win you back."

"It won't work." I grumbled just like he did moments earlier. He chuckled, and I could picture him shaking his head.

"Look, I like you and Andy together, but you and Ronnie are meant to be." My eyes widened at his statement. "And I know, even though you don't want to admit that, that you know that's true, too."

I stayed silent, gulping a little. "You know he's sorry, Scar." Max said lowly. "You know he regrets cheating on you," I squeezed my eyes shut just at that word, trying not to let my mind wander back to that horrible day. "and you know he's still madly in love with you."

I didn't reply. "He wants nothing more than to have his family back together." He said quietly after a minute of silence.

"Max, I can't just..." I ran my hand over my face again, staring up at the ceiling still.

"...leave Andy?" He finished my sentence for me. I nodded.

"I couldn't do that to him." I murmured. "He's done nothing but help put me back together after the divorce, and if I left him for the guy who broke me, do you even know what that would do to him?" I whispered.

"But you shouldn't stay with someone just because you'd feel bad if you hurt their feelings if you left them for the person you really want to be with."

"Andy is the person I really want to be with!" I argued.

"Scarlet, I'm stupid, but I'm not blind." He chuckled.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"What do you think?!" He shrieked girlishly, mocking me.

"I gotta go, Max. I'm tired." I chuckled.

"Alrighty. Think about everything I said, Dream about it. Let it haunt your dreams and your conscious."

"Shut up." I mumbled, making him laugh. "Night."



***Next day***

I walked quickly to the door as Ronnie knocked on it repeatedly. I flung it open and he stopped knocking and smirked at me.

"You done being obnoxious?" I joked, moving to the side to let him in.

"Mayyyybe, maybe nooottttt." I raised my eyebrow at his mood, and the smirk on his face.

"What the hell are you on?" I laughed, smiling as Travis came running out to his Daddy.

"Nothing," He laughed, picking up Travis. "Hey buddy!" Travis hugged his neck and I smiled.

"Sooooooooo..." My smiled faded as Ronnie smirked at me again, setting Travis down.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"I talked to Maxi-poo last night."

"OH MY GOD!" I groaned, throwing my hands in the air and turning around, making Ronnie crack up. "I knew I shouldn't have told him! He probably called you right after I hung up on him!"

"He did." Ronnie laughed. I turned back around and blushed at the grin on his face. "Ugh."

"I understand why you did that," He nodded his head. "you probably have to imagine it's me everytime in order to get off."

"RONALD!" He laughed again as I growled at him, blushing even more. "Where is he anyways?"

"Over at Ashley's, he didn't even talk to me this morning." I sighed.

"Ooooh." Ronnie grinned. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes at him. "It's not funny."

"It's hilarious!" He laughed again, walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist. I pushed his hands off as he smirked at me. "Max also told me you want me back?" My eyes got as big as saucers.

"I DIDN'T SAY THAT!" I yelled, flailing my arms.

"He said you didn't sound sure when you said you were happy with Andy or whatever!!" He playfully argued, laughing at the end.

"Oh my god, I hate him." I facepalmed, shaking my head while doing so. "I'm never telling him anything ever again."

"SO YOU DID TELL HIM YOU WANTED ME BACK?!" Ronnie shrieked excitedly, clapping his hands together and jumping.

"NO!" I blurted out. I pointed to the door, then to Travis. "GO TAKE OUR SON AND SPEND TIME WITH HIM!" Travis laughed as Ronnie continued to jump up and down and clap.

"OK!!" He shrieked, yet again, scooping Travis up unexpectedly, making him squeal. "WE'LL BE BACK LATER, MY LOVE!"

"GO AWAY!" I screeched, laughing a little as I stomped and pointed to the door. Ronnie blew me a kiss before skipping out of the house with an extremely happy, giggling Travis.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler. But it's funny, and I liked making Ronnie silly xD

Thanks to Love_Me_Like_Cancer,acey5592, Waking-The-Fallen, Krystal-Khaos, RachelTheZombie, singmealaugh, cityofsin, hachie, ilovemattgood1998, Xxbabyemo94xX, theofficialsteph, helloxoxsunshine, Mikayla, PillsNComatose, Nick Matthews, Mizuchi, BringSammyTheHorizon, shingamiroulette, and NessinhaBLACKOUT for commenting last chapter! SOME MANY COMMENTS, AND I LOVED EVERY SINGLE ONE! REALLY :D


Also, said next chappie MIGHT be posted Xmas Eve. If not, MEWWY CHWISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU LOVELIES!!! I WUV YOU ALL <333