You Know That I'm Better in the End

"Am I a bad boy?"

***Next week***

I smiled as Travis ran straight up to his dad, who was standing in the doorway of his house, after I'd gotten him out of his car seat.

"I'm so excited for today, Daddy!!" Travis exclaimed as his Dad set him down. Ronnie laughed and grinned down at our son, before doing the same at me. "Me too, bud!" Ronnie and I were sticking to our promise we made to Trav, and spending the day together as a family once a week.

"You look cuuute today." Ronnie said in a weird, slightly girly voice, making me turn around and raise my eyebrow at him after he'd let me in.

"Thanks...?" He laughed and I shook my head slightly, smiling. "So where are we goin' today for lunch?" He shrugged. "I figured Panera Bread, since it's pretty close by." I nodded. "That sounds good."

"Are we going yet? Can we go?!" Travis asked excitedly, jumping up and down. We both laughed at his enthusiasm. "Lemme get my keys and shoes, Trav." Ronnie said, jogging off to his bedroom to retrieve them. He came back a minute later and snatched his sunglasses off of the small table in the entryway. "Let's roll, mi familia!" Travis and I laughed as he flung the door open, marching out to his car with us trailing behind him, walking like the normal people we are.

"Your daddy is so silly, Travis." He looked up at me and nodded, giggling. I let Ronnie put him in the car seat as I got in the passenger seat, buckling myself in. Ronnie got in on the driver's side and started the car, carefully backing out of the driveway of his house.

"So you like these days with Momma and Daddy, Trav?" Ronnie asked, looking in the mirror and smiling at Travis, who nodded his head. "Yeah! It's so much fun when we're all together!" Ronnie glanced over at me and I smiled softly, him smiling back.

"So Travis, who do you like Momma with better; me or Andy?" My eyes widened and Ronnie started laughing. "What?"

"Why would you ask him that?!" He grinned, looking in the mirror at Travis again. "Huh, Trav?"

"Ummm..." He was smiling and playing with his fingers. "I don't wanna say!" He huffed after a minute.

"You can say, don't worry. You won't hurt anyone's feelings." Travis looked up and smiled a little. "Mostly because the other person isn't here to have his feelings hurt." I smacked Ronnie on the arm and he snickered.

"...I like you wif Momma better, Daddy." He nodded, making my eyes widen and Ronnie to start laughing again. "I knew it!!"

"You're an ass." I grumbled lowly, so Travis couldn't hear. Ronnie only grinned at me again. "Hey, he said it, not me."

"Am I in trouble?" We both started cracking up at our son, and he joined in a little while after, giggling here and there.

"N-No, baby!" I managed to get out through my laughing fit, wiping at my eyes. "If anyone's in trouble, it should be your daddy!"

"Hey!" Ronnie quickly stopped laughing, and it was my turn to grin. "Why am I in trouble?!"

"Why should you NOT be in trouble is a better question, I think!" He rolled his eyes and smiled as Travis giggled more at my response.

"Am I a bad boy?" Ronnie asked as he pulled up to a stoplight, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes this time. "Oh dear lord."

"SO WHY DO GOOOOOD GIIIRRRLLS LIKE BAAAAD GUYYYYS, I'VE HAD THIS QUESTION FOR A REAL LONG TIME, I'VE BEEN A BAAAAD BOYYYYY, AND IT'S PLAIN TO SEEEEE, SO WHY DO-oh snap light's already green." I laughed as he stopped doing a little dancing and stepped on the gas quickly, jerking us backwards a little.

"You are so dorky lately." I chuckled.

"I am offended!" He huffed, pulling into Panera Bread's parking lot.

"Good!" I stuck my tongue out at him, and he did the same to me while trying to find a parking spot.

"You guys are funny!" Travis giggled from the backseat.

"Psh, tell us something we DON'T know, Trav!" Ronnie scoffed, flipping his hair.

"Get me out of the car with this weirdo," I laughed, quickly unbuckling my seat belt and getting out of the car once he had parked. I let Ronnie get Travis and we walked inside, waiting to order our food at the counter and letting Travis pick out a cookie for after lunch. We went and filled our cups up with pop, and grabbed some napkins and condiments before finding a table to sit at.

"So," I sighed as we all sat down, Ronnie setting the little buzzer that let us know when our food was ready on the table.

"So," He smiled and leaned back into the booth. "what's new?" I shrugged and took a sip of my pop before answering. "Nothing, really. Been modeling.....yep, that's about it." I nodded and he laughed. "What's new with you?"

"Signed a new band to the label, getting ready to go into the studio with them." I nodded. "You're producing the album?"

"Yeah, I've been a fan of their stuff for a little while and have been wanting to sign them, they were on a smaller label before. So I'm pretty stoked." I nodded and smiled a little. "Any idea when another tour's happening?"

"Why, you want me away from you?" He pouted.

"Yes. Desperately." I joked. His pout grew and I snickered.

"I don' want him to go back on tour yet!" Travis intervened, shaking his head. Ronnie smiled. "Next tour isn't for another couple months, buddy, so don't worry." Travis smiled and nodded, going back to coloring in the coloring book he brought with him.

"So there is one set up?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Yep."

"With who?" His smile grew. "Asking Alexandria, a band called Oh, Sleeper...another band..."

"Can't remember who they are?" I laughed. He shook his head and continued to smile. "No, I know who they are." I blinked. "OK...? Who are they?" He just kept smiling, then started laughing a little at my confused expression.

"Let's just say you and Travis are 100% coming on this tour, no matter what." It took me a few seconds to realize what he meant, but then it finally clicked. "WHAT?!"

"I'm coming on the next tour?!" Travis squealed.

"Hush!" He laughed as a few people looked over at me when I yelled. "Jeez, loudmouth. And yes, you get to come on tour with daddy!" Travis clapped and made various noises of excitement, while I sat there shocked.

"How...the want to tour with BVB?! You hate Andy!"

"The pros outweigh the cons," He shrugged. "you two get to come on tour. That's all I've been wanting." Before I could say anything else, the buzzer started buzzing, and Ronnie went to go grab our food. He came back, somehow managing to carry all three plates, Travis' balancing on his arm.

"Don't drop it, don't drop it, don't drop it..." He kept mumbling to himself. I laughed at him and reached over, grabbing Trav's food and setting it in front of him. "Thanks, momma." He smiled at me.

"You're welcome, baby." Ronnie handed me my food and I thanked him too. "So...I'm assuming Andy knows about this tour..." Ronnie shrugged, drinking his pop before digging into his sandwich. "...but why didn't he tell me?" I asked Ronnie. He stared at me, mid-taking a bite of his food.

"Do I look like him?" He laughed slightly. "Ask him about it later."

"Oh I most certainly will be doing so, you can count on that." I mumbled, eating my macaroni and cheese.

"Do you not wantfth to go on tour wif bof' of us?" He asked with his mouth full. I chuckled. "No, it's just I never ever imagined this happening. He swallowed his food. "Well, to be honest, neither did I. So thank our tour managers."

"I'll remember to do that." I mumbled.


After lunch, we went back to Ronnie's place to hang out for a few hours together before Travis and I had to head back to our home. Right now, we were outside on Ronnie's patio, enjoying the spring weather.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I got up from the patio chair I was sitting in. "I'm gonna go call Andy."

"Alrighty," Ronnie smiled from his spot on the patio, going back to playing with Travis. I opened the screen door and went inside, closing it behind me. I went to the bathroom and pulled my phone out of the pocket of my capris, dialing my boyfriend's number.

"Hello?" I smiled when I heard his voice come through the speaker. "Hey baby."

"Oh, hey," I could hear the smile in his voice. "how's the family day going?"

"It's going good, we're at Ronnie's now and him and Trav are on his patio playing." I explained. He chuckled. "Sounds fun."

"Mm-hm...but um, there's something I wanna ask you about."

"...Is it something I should be afraid of?" He asked cautiously.


"Uh oh." I smiled a little. "Um, Ronnie and I were talking, and touring came up in our conversation..."


"...were you aware that Falling in Reverse and Black Veil Brides were going to be touring together in like, 2 months?"

"Yep." I blinked and stared at the closed door in front of me as I leaned against the counter.

"...When'd you find out?"

"Few days ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I exclaimed.

"Are you mad?" He chuckled again. I sighed. "No, but...I mean, this is crazy."

"Yes it is."

"Did you agree to this tour?"

"No, no I did not." I looked down at the floor, waiting a few seconds before saying something else. "So did it surprise you when they told you about it a few days ago?"

"I almost killed our tour manager over the phone, Scar." I squeezed my eyes shut, frowning slightly. I had a feeling he wasn't happy about this, and that explained why he hadn't told me about it the second he found out.

"So you're not happy about this tour, I'm guessing..."

"I'm trying to get us to be able to pull out of it." My eyes widened and my mouth dropped a little. "I refuse to tour with him."

"Are you kidding?" I asked calmly.

"No, not one bit. I won't go on this fucking tour, there's no way. All the money in the world wouldn't convince me to do a tour with that ass."

"Hey!" I scolded. "Don't say that."

"Oh, now you're defending him," He chuckled, but this time in a darker, more sarcastic way. "and there's the exact reason as to why I don't want to do this tour with him."

"What're you...where did THAT come from?" I asked, extremely confused and slightly pissed off now.

"I gotta go," He replied with no emotion. "I'll see you when you get home. Love you."

I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at the screen as it read, "Call Ended". I sighed heavily, ending the call on my end and slipping my phone back into my pocket.
♠ ♠ ♠

Thanks to BringSammyTheHorizon, XxBabyEmo94xX, ASinnerAndARocker, theofficialsteph,
helloxoxsunshine, hachie, AkuRoku._., NessinhaBLACKOUT, PillsNComatose, Ash.Arrogance, shinigamiroulette, and KelseaNicole
for commenting last chapter!!! <333