You Know That I'm Better in the End

"I'm sure it'll be...memorable."

We just got back from Ronnie's, and now it was time for me to talk to Andy about this whole tour issue. Fun.

I closed Trav's bedroom door behind me, but not all the way. I'd just put him in there and told him to play with his toys for a little while, because Andy and I had to talk. I walked down the hallway and back into the living room, where Andy was, sitting on the couch with his computer. He glanced up at me as I entered the room.

"We've gotta talk about this whole tour bullshit," I sighed, sitting down next to him.

"There's nothing to talk about, I'm gonna get us off of this tour. Simple." He replied to me without even looking away from his laptop's screen.

"I know you don't really like Ronnie that much..." I mumbled. He nodded. "...but you never really told me why."

"I don't like him because he hurt you." He explained quietly. "He hurt you in the worst way possible, he betrayed not only you, but Travis too. And not only that, but now I can tell he's trying to win you back."

"I can't not agree with that..." I murmured in regards to the last part.

"He's doing everything he can to steal you away from me, Scar!" He exclaimed, setting his laptop to the side. "Why do you think he wants his band and my band to tour together? He's trying so hard to be around you 24/7, so he can win you back whenever you two are alone. I don't trust him one bit around you." I was a little shocked at all of this, since he'd never voiced his opinion about it before. "And I know that no matter what, he does have to be around you sometimes when I'm not around. That doesn't mean I have to like it, though."

"Do you trust me around him?" I asked. He hesitated. "Andy!"

"It's not that I don't trust you, Scar," He sighed, leaning back and crossing his arms. "...but I know you still have feelings for him." My eyes bugged out at his words. "And don't act all surprised when I say that. You know you do, you just will never admit it because of, A: what he did to you, and B: because you're with me."

"So you don't trust me?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"No, I do trust you. But..."

"But what?!" I snapped. "If you trust me, then that's it! There shouldn't be anything else to it!"

"But I know you have a weak spot for him." He frowned. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing would come out. Was he right? Did I really have a weak spot for Ronnie, still? I never thought I did before, but now with Andy saying I do, I'm thinking I might...

"And now you're asking yourself if you do have a weakness for him." Andy chuckled, snapping me out of my little thinking trance.

"I-I..." I slumped a little and frowned. "Andy, I wouldn't do that to you. Ever."

"I'll take your word for it." He smiled a little. His arms opened and I scooted closer, snuggling into his side. I draped my arm over his stomach, and smiled slightly when I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"So...are you still pulling out of the tour?" I mumbled. He let out a heavy sigh while playing with my hair. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't."

"Travis wouldn't stop babbling about how excited he was to go on tour with "daddy and Andy", and he couldn't wait to "be a rockstar like them"." He let out a laugh and I giggled too. "Awww." I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. "Well shit..." I started laughing as he ran a hand over his face, still smiling. "Um...I guess..."

"You guess...?" He let out another sigh and nodded. "I guess we're going on tour with them. I don't wanna disappoint the kid." A huge grin took over my face and I kissed him, making him chuckle and kiss back.

"Thank you. I know how much it means to him, that he gets to go on tour with his dad." He nodded and smiled a little, rubbing our noses together. "We'll figure everything out, we've got 2 months still."

"I'm sure everything will be fine, dear." I stated, resting my head on his shoulder.

"You better hope so." He chuckled.



Travis, Andy, and myself all walked out of our house to the two big buses that had just arrived in front of it. Ronnie opened the door of FIR's tour bus, and as soon as Travis saw him, he started sprinting towards his dad.

"He's excited." Andy laughed. I laughed also and nodded, looking up at him. "I'm gonna go on my bus and put our bags in there, alright?" I nodded and leaned up, pecking his lips quickly before walking over to the boys in Falling in Reverse.

"SCAR!" Derek exclaimed, running over and hugging me tightly, lifting me off of the ground a little.

"DerBear!!!" I squealed, hugging him tightly. "I missed you!" He set me down and grinned at me. I smiled when I saw Jacky, and ran over to him to give him a hug.

"Hey there," He laughed, hugging me back. "how've ya been?"

"Pretty damn good." I laughed. "Yourself?"

"Awesome, excited to be back on the road." I nodded and smiled. "I know, it's been forever since I toured with you guys!" I exclaimed, giving Ryan a hug when he walked up to me,

"Yeah, when was the last time?" He asked as we pulled away from each other.

"Shit, I can't even remember." I laughed, scratching my head. "Ronnie, when was the last time I toured with you guys?" I asked, spinning around and smiling when I saw Ronnie holding Travis, talking to him excitedly about touring and playing shows. He looked at me and walked over. "Uhhh...I dunno." I rolled my eyes and the guys laughed a little. "I really don't remember, it's been...years."

"4, I think." Derek added. I shrugged. "Somethin' like that."

"Good to have you back!" Derek grinned again, messing up my hair slightly. I smacked his hand away and he chuckled. "Where the hell's Mika?"

"Probably in the bathroom having another photoshoot." Ronnie snickered. We all busted up laughing, and perfect timing too, since Mika walked off of the bus right in the middle of our laughing fest.

"The hell?" He asked confused.

"I asked where you were, and Ronnie said you were having another photoshoot." I winked. He rolled his eyes and I started laughing again, attacking him in a hug. "Hello, my favorite Asian!" I exclaimed.

"Hello, my favorite blonde hair, blue eyed girl!" I giggled and we pulled out of our hug. Ronnie had set Travis down, and now he was jabbering with Derek, Jacky, and Ryan about how excited he was to be touring with his Daddy.

"Excited for all the madness?" Ronnie asked as he stood next to me. I looked at him and he smirked. "Touring with your ex husband and your boyfriend?"

"I'm sure it'll be...memorable." He laughed as I struggled to find a word to describe what the tour would be like. "To say the least." I chuckled.

"I'll try not to start any shit." He said lowly, leaning down and saying it closer to my ear so no one else heard him. "No promises, though." I glared at him and he smirked again.

"Oh, I'm sure something will happen along the way," I grumbled. "just wouldn't be right if nothing happened, now would it?" He snickered and nodded. "Right you are, babe. Right you are." I looked at him when he used the pet name, and he only smiled. I looked back over to where the guys and my son were standing, only to see they've disappeared.

"Where'd my son go?" I asked, slightly panicking. Ronnie laughed at me. "They took him on the bus to show him his bunk, Scar." I breathed a sigh of relief, making him laugh more.

"So you're staying on Andy's bus and Trav's on mine, right?" I nodded. "That's what we agreed on, isn't it?" He nodded too. "Just making sure."

"You gonna be able to handle being a daddy and a rockstar all at once, though?" I laughed. He waved it off. "That's why you're here, too. It'll be fine."

"He better not witness anything he shouldn't be witnessing on that bus, though." I warned, nodding my head to their bus. He laughed out loud at me. "Scar, you know I don't do groupies, Ryan, Derek, and Jacky all have girlfriends, and Mika isn't a whore. Obviously no drugs and not too much drinking. The worst thing he could see is someone getting killed on a video game." I rolled my eyes. "Alright, whatever. That's fine. I'm just making sure you know I'll kick your ass if he sees anything inappropriate, like porn or something." He started cracking up again, and I huffed. "Well! I know how dudes in bands are, trust me! I've been on the road enough times with enough of them!"

"I-I can assure you h-he won't see any porn, Scarlet." Ronnie choked out through his laughter. "I will make sure of that." I nodded and smirked a little. "But I think you should be worrying more about when he's on Andy's bus than mine. You've got that frickin' Ashley on there, who's, from what I've heard, a huge whore and loves groupies, you've got-"

"That's why he's on our bus during the day, and your bus during the night. I already knew all of that." I said, waving it off. He nodded slowly and looked at me skeptically. "We've got this shit figured out, it's fine."

"Allllriiight." He sung. I shook my head and smiled at him. I turned around slightly and saw Andy coming our way, and I gulped a little.

"Hey baby." He smiled, pecking my lips sweetly. I smiled. "Hey. Did you get everything on the bus?" He nodded. "Yeah, all our shit's in our bunk." I nodded too, and watched as he looked at Ronnie and offered a smile. "What's up, man?"

"Not much, excited to be touring." Ronnie replied with a smile also. "Glad we get to tour together, we're the two biggest bands in the "scene", it's gonna be killer."

"Fuck yeah, dude." Andy grinned.

"Oh, take your egos down a notch, good lord." I rolled my eyes and they both laughed. "I've never seen such big headed guys in my life."

"You love it." Andy joked, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Oh, you know it." I said sarcastically.

Let the insanity begin!
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda filler-ish. Next chapter is where the fun begins. ;)

Also, I know Mika's not in the band anymore (goddammit -_-), but since FIR doesn't have a new bassist yet, I'm just making it so he's still in the band. It's easier that way. Oh, and bonus points to you if you know what the whole, "Mika's having another photoshoot in the bathroom" thing is! Hahaha.

Alright, time for thankies! Thanks to ASinnerAndARocker, helloxoxsunshine, BringSammyTheHorizon, XxBabyemo94xX, acey5592, PillsNComatose, hachie, Lacey-Nights, LexxyBear, Ash.Arrogance, and sweethearts9 for commenting last chapter! Supie dupie appreciated!!! <3

(and thank you to sweethearts9 for the idea with Ronnie getting Trav on tour, and Scar staying with Andy on tour ;P)