You Know That I'm Better in the End

"Buh-bye, sexypants!"

***Next Day, Ronnie's POV***

We'd just got done playing the first show of the tour, definitely starting it off with a bang. Sold out on the first night with fans screaming back my lyrics to me; what more could you ask for?

We walked off the stage and I grinned when I saw Travis running over to me with his arms open. He jumped right into my own, despite how freakin' sweaty I was right now.

"You enjoy the show, bud?!" I exclaimed, walking over to Scar and Andy, who'd just ran off to get ready to go on stage with his own band.

"THAT WAS SO COOL, DADDY!" He screeched. Scarlet and I laughed at our son and how excited he sounded.

"Well I'm happy you liked it, Trav." I smiled when he hugged my neck tightly, and I hugged him back. "And did you enjoy the show, missy?" I grinned again at Scar, setting Travis down so he could run over to Uncle Derek and jabber to him. She smiled and nodded. "You did great, as usual."

"Duh." She laughed, rolling her eyes at me. I smirked when I got an idea, and she raised her eyebrow at me. "What?"

Catching her off guard, I attacked her in a bone-crushing hug, laughing manically when she started shrieking and trying to pull away.

"You're all sweaty!!" The guys and I all laughed as she pounded on my chest with her fists as best as she could, since she was squished right against me. "Eww, Ronnie this is gross!"

"But we're hugging!" I exclaimed in a high-pitched voice. "We are sharing a precious moment together!"

"Yeah, well the precious moment is over, so LET ME GO!" I finally let her go and laughed as she had a look of disgust on her face. "Now I have to shower!!" She whined.

"Be thankful this place actually has a shower in the dressing room." I winked. She huffed and crossed her arms, pouting. "Aww, you poor thing." I cooed, reaching over and mussing her hair a bit. She smacked my hand away quickly.

"Reow!" I said in a girly voice, making a claw with my hand and clawing at her. She laughed again and shook her head at me, shoving me lightly as she walked past.

"Would you like a shower buddy?!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together. The guys all laughed again as she yelled "NO!" in a very stern voice.

"IT CAN GET PRETTY LONELY IN THOSE SHOWERS!" I yelled, grinning and following her as she walked away to go backstage.

"Go away!" She laughed, breaking out into a sprint. My grin only grew as I did the same, and I did an evil laugh as she tried to slam the door in my face, but I caught it. "Ronnie, go away!!" She whined, laughing a little still. "You're such a creep!"

"Am not!" I gasped, pushing the door open and walking inside the dressing room for BVB. She stood there with her hands on her hips, eyebrow raised at me, and her foot tapping the ground. "What?" I asked innocently.

"You're not staying in this room while I shower." She said in her stern voice again.

"I need a shower too!"


"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME WHEN I SAID IT GETS LONELY IN THERE?" She laughed harder and I attacked her in a hug again. "Ronnie, get offa' me!" She laughed, putting her hands on my chest and trying to push me away.

"Never!" I laughed back, squeezing her and rocking us side to side quickly. "LA LA LA LA LAAAA! LA LA LA LA LAAAAA! LA LA LA LA LAAAAAA! LA LA LA LA LAAAAAAAAA!" I sung the "la la" part from "Tragic Magic" very obnoxiously, and in the middle of my beautiful singing, the guys appeared in the doorway with Trav.

"HELP ME! SOMEONE!" Scarlet yelled into my chest. Travis ran over giggling and grabbed her leg, attempting to pull her away from me. "I'll save you Momma!"

"Noooo!" I yelled dramatically, scooping Scar up bridal-style, making her scream in surprise. "She's all mineee!" I cackled evilly, running around the room with her.

"How many energy drinks have you had today?!" She asked during our running, giggling at Travis as he chased us.

"Shuddup!" She laughed at me when I said that, sounding like a 5 year old. "Travie, help me!!" She reached her hand out for him. I finally set her down on her feet, and Trav ran up to her again, hugging her legs. "I saved you, Momma!" We all laughed at how adorable he sounded, making him giggle slightly.

"Thank you for saving me from the crazy man, baby!" She giggled too, bending down and giving him a hug. "But now I gotta go take a shower 'cause Daddy made me all sweaty when he hugged me!"

"And Daddy has to help Momma shower, because sometimes she needs help showering!" i exclaimed. I grinned as she glared at me, with a slight smile on her face. "You know you wanna." She scoffed and the guys continued to laugh at us. Or, more realistically, me.

"I'll pass."

"You always LOVED shower se-" She shrieked and clamped her hand over my mouth, that "I'm so gonna kill you" look in her eyes. "...singing!" I ripped her wrist away and grinned. "You always loved singing in the shower with me!"

"Oh my god, the mental images!" Derek groaned, laughing slightly.

"You are too much, Ronnie." She sighed.

"Dude, we gotta get back to our dressing room to get ready to go meet some fans." Ryan informed me. I pouted at Scarlet and she chuckled. "What?"

"I'm gonna miss you!" I wailed, throwing my arms around.

"I'll see you later tonight when I bring Travis over to your bus." She chuckled, grabbing Trav's hand. "We'll see you later, crazy!"

"Buh-bye, sexypants!" Her eyes widened again and she stared at me as I blew her a kiss. "...You need help." She shook her head, smiling as she walked out of the dressing room with Travis.

The guys all stared at me, and waited at least 10 seconds before saying anything. "Man, you sure aren't trying to win her over at ALL!" Ryan exclaimed sarcastically.

"TOTALLY not pushing it, either!" Derek joined in. I glared at both of them and they laughed. "Oh, fuck off." I mumbled, smirking.

"Hey, we never said you couldn't do it," Ryan explained. "just quit trying so damn hard and making it so obvious."

"So you guys think I can get her back?" I asked, slightly surprised. Derek shrugged. "We all know she still loves you, man. And you're stubborn as hell, so put those two together and there's a possibility you could actually get her back." I smiled a little. We all decided to head back to our dressing room now, so we could get ready to meet fans.

"I just hope it's not too long of a fight to get her," I sighed as we walked down the hallway. "it's been 4 years and I think I'm finally hitting my crazy point, knowing she's someone else's and all."

"Really? We would've never guessed." Mika said sarcastically. I flipped him off and he chuckled.

"So what's your game plan to get your girl, Radke?" Ryan asked as he opened the door to our dressing room. I walked in, scratching my head. "Just be really nice to her, I guess?" They all laughed and I shrugged. "Well what else should I do?"

"Buy her shit. Girls love when you buy them shit." Mika suggested as he grabbed a bottle of water out of the small fridge.

"Words of wisdom from Mika Horiuchi." Derek nodded, laughing a little. My eyes widened a little, and I didn't say anything. "...What?" Derek asked suspiciously.

"Her birthday's less than a week away!" I exclaimed, the guys' eyes widening at the realization. "Holy shit, how did I forget?!"

"See? You can put my plan to use now!" Mika grinned.

"BUY HER DIAMONDS!" Ryan yelled excitedly.




"Mika, stop with the sarcasm." I laughed. "I'll probably get her a necklace or something. I 'unno." I shrugged again.

"Maybe you should try to kiss her..." Ryan thought out loud.

"And have Biersack beat his ass?" Jacky laughed. I scoffed loudly. "You think that scrawny stick could even give me one little SCRATCH, let alone BEAT my ass?"

"True, true." Derek nodded. "Yeah, try to make out with her on her birthday."

"What if she punches me?" I whined. The guys all laughed at me for the thousandth time. "I don't think she'll do that. You should just butter her up for the next few days, up until her birthday. That way, maybe she'll be a little more...accepting to the birthday make out session?" I nodded at Ryan's idea.

"You know what? Let's make a bet." All of our heads snapped over to look at Mika, who had a huge smirk on his face. "How long are we on tour?"

"Like, a month and a half...?" I replied, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"Who thinks Ronnie can get Scarlet back before this tour ends?" I stared at Derek, Ryan, and Jacky.

"I do!" Derek exclaimed. I grinned and high fived him.

"Me too!" Ryan yelled.

"I don't." Jacky laughed. My mouth dropped. "Well thanks!"

"Alright, neither do I," Mika put his hand up when I started to talk again. "So let's put some money in. I bet 100 bucks you won't get her before tour ends."

"I'll do the same." Jacky nodded. "Alright, so Ryan, Derek, you two think he CAN get her back before tour ends; how much you wanna bet?"

"I'll do 100!" Derek grinned.

"Guess I'll do that, too." Ryan smiled. I crossed my arms and smirked at Mika. "Alright, so if you and Jackson lose, you both give me $50, and you both give Der and Ry 25 bucks each."

"And if we WIN, they give me 100 and Jacky 100. And you'll still be alone, so that's punishment enough for you." I narrowed my eyes at Mika, Derek snickering.

"You better let us win, Radke!" Ryan threatened.

"I never lose a bet, Seaman." I smirked.
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Thankies to sweethearts9, BringSammyTheHorizon, NessinhaBLACKOUT, shinigamiroulette, ASinerAndARocker, hachie, Mikayla, PillsNComtose, and LexxyBear for commenting last chapter! Next one's gonna be gooooood, so get the popcorn ready ;)

Oh, and for people who were wondering; Ronnie kicked Mika out of FIR not too long ago, because, ACCORDING TO RONNIE NOW, he "is an ass and doesn't know how to tune a bass". know...

*facepalms repeatedly*