Pirates: The Untold Story of Leah Sparrow


As I began to walk away from the street market I heard shouting start up behind me. I turned to see the vendor whom I had traded my old, worn boots for the loaf of bread I was now snacking on.

He had figured out the boots now in his possession were completely worthless. It was a little earlier than I had hoped he would make the discovery.

I began to run, hoping the guy wouldn't chase after me because I had ripped him off.

But hey...that's pirate life.

Just don't get caught.

I continued to run around a corner and straight into someone. "Buggar!" I muttered as I found myself on the ground.

I looked up, expecting to see the stall vendor, but was shocked to see Gibbs looking down at me with Jon and Josh standing behind him.

"What are you doing on the ground, young Sparrow?" Gibbs questioned.

I didn't have time to answer for I heard the sound of someone rounding the corner chasing after me.

I quickly got up and hid behind Jon and Josh just as the market vendor came sliding around the corner.

"Is there a problem here, sir?" Gibbs questioned.

"Yes, there is. That girl stole from me!" the man shouted as he pointed at me and held up my boots at the same time.

"Did not!" I shouted back, "We traded fairly."

"What did you trade the boots for?" Jon questioned.

"This bread." I said as I held up the already half-eaten loaf.

"Ooh, can I have some of that?" Josh asked as he reached out for my bread.

"Hands off. This is mine!" I said as I swatted his hands away.

Meanwhile, Jon and Gibbs had scared off the stall vendor, solving my current problem.

"So now what?" I questioned the three before me before I took another bite out of my bread.