Status: More chapters coming soon :)

Heart to Staunch, Betrayal to Defeat

Feelings to endure

Chapter 2

Kerrisa’s Flashback
“Hey mom, hey dad. How are you guys doing? I’m feeling great and empty. At last, I’m back to Texas mom. I need you both. I miss you both. There’s so much to tell dad, I am so lost right now. I’m sorry but I need to go home and unpacked my things now cause its 6.30pm already. I love you mom. I love you dad.”
I left the lilies and candles on moms and dad’s grave. It have been 4 years since God took them away from me and now I’m a grown up 23 years old lady without family. Last 4 years, I took a flight and leave Texas after they were gone. Been going through lots of hard shit yet the fives clowns are always there to give me strength. It’s only less than 48hours since I ran off from California and I miss those guys already, especially Matt.
I drive through the hallways till I get home. Well I need to surprise my best friend now, Helena, who lives just five houses away from my house.
Since first day of my coming back to Texas, I’ve been spending my time a lot with Helena. She’s my everything, forever. She is my other half, she is my partner in crime and I just can never leave without her. We’ve always been there for each other. It’s like we’re just attached to the butt and couldn’t let go. It was end of October, we both started our morning with Starbucks, and gossips, as usual. There’s this one guy who looks kinda hot sitting in front of our table with pens and papers. I couldn’t help but stare at him. I was about to look away when I saw him smiling at me and that’s when I got the buzz. That smile, that smiles just got me real hard, in the heart.
I was walking towards the washroom when I bumped into this one guy and my heart start pounding. Our eyes met, and oh it’s the guy who sat in front of us in the café.
After that sweet incident, I guess. I started to think about him night and day. I started to look forward of seeing him. I started to talk about him with my friends and I am surprised that I didn’t even mention about him when I’m with Helena.
Helena was still in her bathroom, so I had to wait for her in her room. I was looking around when I saw this small ruffled paper on Helena’s bad. I bent down and took the paper and open it. I didn’t know how I’m going to react towards this because I think Helena likes him too. The guy that we saw at Starbucks the other day. I’m not sure about my feelings towards him though but there’s just something about him that can always make me smile. I didn’t notice Helena was there standing behind my shoulder.
“Oh sorry I read your little notes.”
“Nahh its okay babe. So you found out about my crush already huh? I bet you gotta remember him, eh?”
With a blanked face, I looked at her like I knew nothing.
“The guy that we saw at Starbucks the other few weeks. The guy that we keep on bumped into when we’re on the streets.”
“Ohhhhhhhhhhh!.” I mumbled a long oh.
“Ya ya, I remember him.”
“Yes kerrisa that’s him and his name is Jordan.”
So his name is Jordan. Sweet name, sweet look, and sweet drooling smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
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