Status: just started

Leah's Imprint


Sitting behind the register, i was reading a book on the Quileute legends when i heard the bell ring on the front door. I looked up to see Alice,Bella,Renesmee and Leah. I marked the page with a bookmark and closed it. I set it carefully on the counter and smiled at them.
"Hi Eva! As i promised,i brought these two here and leah came with us. She needed some new clothes that weren't boyish." Alice said glancing back at the glaring girl. I nodded and let them do their own thing. As they walked about, i noticed Leah was looking around uneasy. I walked over to her and looked over at alice.
"Something wrong?" I asked her.
"I don't know what i'm doing here." She muttered and i giggled. I grabbed her head and pulled her to a section i knew she'd like.
"Well you're in luck. I have some girlish jeans and shorts that just came in yesterday. Pick any ones you want." I told her and left her to it. I moved over to Bella who was holding Renesmee.
"Need help?" I asked and she shook her head.
"Just looking for some clothes for when she's older." She replied and i nodded. I headed over to the register and sat down on the stool. A few moments later, Leah walked up with a few selections of clothing. I rang them up and put them in a bag.
"That'll be $21.13."I said and she handed me the money. I put the money in and gave her some change back. I handed her the bags and smiled at her. She moved away from the register and went outside to wait for the others. Alice and Bella finally came to the register. I rang up their things before handing them the bags after taking the money.
"Have a nice day you four~!" I called out as they left the store. Alice waved to me before driving off.

-2 Hours Later-
I sat on the stool, nearly finished with the book when the door rang again. I looked up and blinked when i saw leah standing there. Her breathing was short and ragged from running here all the way from La Push to the edge of Seattle(near Oregon) where my shop was located.
"Something wrong,Leah?" I asked her setting the book down. She moved over to me and grabbed my arm yanking me off the stool.
"Lock this place up. You're coming with me,now." She said and i quickly did as she said. Once outside she dragged me off to the woods. Once she was sure no one would see us, she shifted forms and lowered herself. I carefully got onto her and slid my arms gently around her neck. She stood up and took off for wherever.
-30 minutes later-
We arrived at the edge of the forest near her house and i got off her so she could change. She shifted forms and pulled her clothes on. She dragged me into her house and after checking to make sure no one was home, up to her room. She threw me into her room and shut the door behind her. I stood there looking around her room with a small smile.
"Lovely room," I said and she growled.
"Why did i imprint on you!" She asked.I looked at her and shrugged.
"You can't control who you imprint on Leah. It seems fate wanted us to be together." I replied sitting on her bed carefully.
"Why you! You're jake's cousin! He'd kill me if he found out! AND I IMPRINTED ON A GIRL! The gods are totally mocking me right now. Their laughing at me from heaven." She ranted. I sat there and let her do so. She needed it and if it helped her, i would sit there and listen.
"I can't believe this happened to me! I'm miserable enough as it is! Why'd they have to shove this onto me!" She said and i flinched at this. The imprinting pull had already worked on me and i loved her already. It stung when she said that. But i'd bear the pain if it made her happy. She's already been miserable once, why make her even more miserable?
As she continued to pace around in her room ranting, i stared at my legs and tried to keep the tears hidden. My fingers twisted together as i struggled to not cry. The more she ranted about how miserable this would be,the more i struggled and the greater it hurt. I slipped my heels off and quietly walked out of her room. I headed down the stairs and outside. I walked down the road and finally let the tears flow.
I guess,it wasn't even worth trying to see if it'd work out for her. I knew i shouldn't let the imprint come in but i couldn't help it. I've read about the legends and god damnit. I wished for love like that too. But i don't think she'd ever want to try it. I stepped onto the beach and stared at the ocean. I dropped the heels and sighed. I wiped the tears away and sat down. I smiled a bit when the water hit my feet. I rested my head on my arms that sat on my knees.
"Eva?" A voice asked and i glanced over. It was Seth who stood there. I smiled sadly at him before patting the spot next to me.
"What happened?" He asked as he sat down beside me.
"She doesn't want it..." I murmured and stared out at the ocean sadly. He wrapped his arm around my shoudlers and pulled me to him.
"I'm sorry, but would you like to go see Emily? I believe she'd help you talk about it." He said and i nodded. We stood up and i picked up my shoes. He stepped in front of me and let me get on his back. I rested my forehead on his shoulder and sighed. He began walking and soon i heard a bunch of voices. The chatter stopped when i heard Seth enter. I stepped down from his back and stared at the guys. I spotted Jake there and smiled a bit at him.
"Hi Jake." I whispered and he moved over to me. He hugged me and asked what happened. I bit my lip before just breaking down. If he hadn't been a shifter, he'd have been pulled to the ground with me but since he is, he held me up when my legs went limp underneath me.
"Leah wouldn't give it a chance." Seth said and he growled.
"Jake, what's going on?" I heard over my sobs and i felt jake move a bit.
"Just comforting my cousin, Eva." He replied and i could hear the slight anger laced within it.
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