Status: just started

Leah's Imprint

Getting it all out

“ I paced back and forth in my room ranting and ranting about how much I hated this whole imprint thing. Which I do very much, and I wanted to tell this to Mrs. Perfect, Eva! Sure, she my imprint, but not the imprint that I wanted or deserve. As soon as there was word of Eva coming over to Forks and La Push, it was Eva this and Eva that.

Oh did you hear about Eva, Jake’s cousin?

Oh yeah, isn’t she some French model?

Nope, she own a bunch stores. I bet she rich.

I bet she hot.

Then two guys would laugh and continued on their day- one time it was even a girl. I mean, I’m suppose to be this strong female shapeshifter, yet I feel weaker than that Bella girl. My cousin Emily is basically the mother of the pack and now Eva is like the fun girl that everybody likes- even I like her. And I’m just queen bitch you know?

Sometimes I feel so depressed all I want do is take a nap and be done with the day. Most people think that I can’t over my depression because of Sam . In all honesty I couldn’t give crap about Sam or Emily now. I been over them for a couple of months. I mean, Sam is not all that. I seen way hotter guys.

The only reason I’m feel this way is because I feel tired. But not a physical tired but a emotional one.” I sighed after saying all of this.

“ Thank you, you guys.” I look around at all the wolves. I never imagine myself talking to a bunch of animals about my problems. Strangely enough they seem to be the only ones that understand me. Also the little wolf pup currently in my hands makes me feel a whole lot calmer.

When I would yell or growl at something ( mostly someone) the wolves would growl, bark, or howl as well. Sometimes I would laugh at myself about how ridiculous I was being. Seem like the wolves were smiling at me when I laughed. Sometimes I would start crying and the pup in my lap would like my tears.

I got all my feelings out after months and months of bottling everything up; I feel so much healthier. Yet it I’m not cured for all my pain but I will be…one day. Luckily I had my mother to thank for.

- Flashback-

I paced back and forth in my room growling and mumbling cuss words under my breath. My body never felt so tense in my life, my heart beating faster than normal, pumping anger through my blood. I had completely told Eva off and it felt good. Well bittersweet -she is my imprint after all.

“ Leah Clearwater!” Screamed my mother scaring me half to death. I dashed down from my room to see what wrong.

“ Ma, is everything okay?” Asked, completely worried but nothing seemed wrong. In fact Ma looked angry.

Then she hit me. She came straight up and slap my face. “ Leah, I’m sick and tired of you! All you do is whine, cry and take your anger out of everybody else when most of us just want to help! Leah you’ll be 21 soon and time to leave this old you behind and grow-up. I know you been through a lot of hell but that’s part of life. Move on like everyone else. Do you think you’re the only one hurting? I lost your farther, Leah. He was my soul mate and now he’s gone. On top of that I have to see my own daughter suffer every single day. Seth is trying to be strong for this family but I see him struggle so much.” After that she felled down on her knees crying. I caught her trying to hold her in my arms. I wanted to comfort my mother but, also myself because how guilty I felt. For everything she said was true.

The holding didn’t last long because Ma pushed me away wishing for me to go. For a long moment I thought where would I go… Just away was my only answer.

Eventually I left and started running in wolf forum all the way near the top of the mountain. I found a place to camp out and stayed there for the night. When the guys would ask where I was through telepathy. I’d just told them off and to leave me alone. In the morning, I walked around and that’s when I found the pack of real wolves.


Tears slipped through my eyelashes as I re-lived the moment. I realize now that I been completely and utterly selfish. I tended to make the situations worse rather than better. I made everyone hate me on purpose because I was too scared face the truth. Now I pushed my only chance of love because of jealousy. I have to fix things and soon before it’s too late.

Yet I can’t shake this weird feeling I been having for few weeks. My dreams are twisted into weird images of wolves, the moon, and people. When I don’t eat meat for a day I become sick. My temper increased, making it hard to control. I have habit of growling, snarling, whimpering, even barking when I’m frustrated, upset or mad. It’s starting freak the guys and myself out.

Doesn’t matter, I have to fix things with Eva tonight at the bonfire.
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Misunderstoodmonster- I'm a co-author of this story and I will be doing mostly Leah's point of view. Sorry it's short >.< I had a very busy week.