Just A Dream

Chapter 1

I touched the wall to my right, getting the feel of the hard surface of the cave we were in.

Lalita, don’t touch anything, we can’t leave any traces that we were here. Trinity’s voice filled my head.

Yeah, sorry. Never been in a cave before. I replied.

Don’t get use to it, we’re here for Zana.

Yeah, I know.

We continued on.

Invisibility, how nice. Trinity came far upon her powers. She uses her souls to blend us in with the surroundings. Nobody can sense us, well except Trin. Not even those who have chakra sensors won’t be able to find us because we aren’t necessarily what they call us ‘human’ here.

Nobody talked, now nobody dared make a move to touch anything. We were here for one reason only. With Trin in the front, Mech in the middle, and me behind both, we continued through the cave. Sometimes we would come across doors. And I’ll have to tell Mechifu.

I can see it. On it. Mech would say.

How can Mech see a door when it’s pitch black? Well, looks like her powers give
her night vision.

Something special really.

We crossed the door way once Mech silently destroyed it with her Yin Yang. Once I stepped through, I saw her mind transmute the air to bring back the door again to its original place.

This seemed to be the last door, since I heard Trinity start thinking about a string starting to thin. I tried to stay out of her head, but even I liked to know where the hell we were.

I kept my mind open for enemies. The souls around us slowed. Then I felt a familiar mind come to me.

I found her! She’s toward the middle, in a cage. She’s weak though, very weak. Unconscious too. I called to both Mech and Trin.

I felt the souls hurry to where Zana was. She was in fact, in a small cage. Hardly enough room for the girl to move around in. Zana was panting, I could hear every breath.
She’s ill. Trin said.

I heard the door behind us swing open.

I turned my head to see two familiar eyes. Rinnegan and Sharingan in each eye.

Trin- I started.

I know. Don’t say a word. Tell Mech not to do anything at all. She said, her voice full of warning.

I told Mech. She understood. The souls moved us back away from the man at the door. He came through and walked over to Zana’s cage.

“Poor little bird, she may die if I leave her like this.” The man said, “That won’t be good. I’ll need her during the new war. I‘ll need Kabuto to make some medicine.”

I could see him clearly in my mind. Black smoke swirled around his body. I saw it perfectly. His gaze traveled behind him to straight at us.

I saw his mask. No mistaken who he was.


My mind fell into darkness.


I gasped awake, sitting straight up on my bed gasping for breath. I brought a hand up to my sweating head. Another dream, I thought, another psychic dream. But the details I gathered in it told me it wasn’t suppose to happen soon, like most of my dreams turned out.

Mechifu didn’t have night vision, Trinity couldn’t use her souls to make herself, let alone anyone else, invisible, and me, whenever I saw Madara’s mind, I tried to actually go into his mind to take over, that’s how he got his attention to us. Because of me.

I couldn’t take over his mind.

Also, those black swirls around him. That was in my sight. Like I could distinguish whether somebody was good or evil.

So I could get hints of what powers we’ll be having in the future, but something that Madara said was nagging my mind…

Zana was sick. Very sick. Madara himself she may die if he didn’t do something…

I gasped out loud again, Kabuto! The bastard was still alive! “Shit-” I muttered.

A knock erupted from my door, making me jump some. It was Kiba, “Come in.” I said.

Kiba walked in with a smile plastered on his face, “Lalita! What’s up-” Then he blinked, “You’re pale. Did something happen? Was it another one of your dreams?”

He rushed over to take a seat on my bed, placing a palm on my head. “We can have my sister look at you if you’re not well.” Then he scratched his cheek, “Maybe not, she’s a vet, not a doctor.”

I smiled some, then petted his head, “You worry too much. I’m fine, just another dream.”

He stared at me dumb faced for a moment. “What?” I asked.

He blinked again, “I don’t know…”

Color touched his cheek. I was curious to where I wanted to see it in his mind. A grin crept on my face when I saw what he wanted.

“It’s something,” I said, leaning in some, “Tell me.”

His face darkened, “Your reading my mind!”

“You’ve no proof, cutie.” I said, laughing some, “Tell me, Kiba. What do you want.”

His face turned into a cute pout. I couldn’t help but smile, “We’ve been dating over a year, what do you want Kiba?”

I poked his side, where he was ticklish. Then I started to tickle him on his ribs. He started laughing screaming stop.

Then he pushed me on my back, with him hovering over on top of me. “I’ll tell you.” He said, his breaths coming in quick.

I felt myself smile, “Tell me.”

He stared at me for a moment, then blushed, “I… I-”

The door swung open again. I was too focused on Kiba to really know who it was.

I turned my head to see Trin coming in with some water. My medicine, I thought.

She froze when she saw us, then she laughed, “Kiba, if you want her to kiss you, say so. You don’t need to be in that position just to point it out.”

I looked at Kiba for his reaction, he was tomato red, “Sh-shut up!”

She laughed again, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be leaving in just a second. Lalita, got your meds for ya.”

She placed them on the coffee table and walked out the door, “Food will be ready in a few minutes. Don’t do anything funny during the time.”

The door slammed, and I started laughing. Then I saw Kiba glaring at the door. I placed a hand on his cheek to force his head my way. He turned his head to look at me, “I…” He started.

“You’re so cute.” I said, then brought my face to his.

It was during our kiss that I realized something.

Madara had Zana.
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YEAH xD!!! I'm so excited to share this story!! It's guna be bigger and better than evar!!