Just A Dream

Chapter 4

I let out a short breath, watching it frost up the air. I could feel a faint feeling of a town nearing. “It’s another five or so miles though…” I muttered.

I was headed to a small village in the Sound Country. It was right at the borderline of the Fire Country. It wasn’t exactly a big town. But it was… lively. It’s known for it’s gambling and money sucking deals. Though it seemed like fun to gamble, I was going there for a whole another reason.

There was a middle-aged man there. He loves to gamble every night almost. Some say he’s rich, some say he’s just a lucky bastard to even have enough cash to do what he does. That wasn’t the case at all, I had one of my spies to look after him. The man was a thief, he stole his money from other people. Women mostly. He’d get them drunk, and take their cash. Simple as that.

So I was out to kill him.

He was a bigger criminal than others would think. He wasn’t a high level criminal, but he wasn’t exactly a low level either. Everybody knows there’s a man like him out there, they just don’t know what he looked like. I had to destroy him, so there was no way he could ever work for Madara or anybody in this war.

I had to be careful though, I had to make sure he wanted to die. Not force the fate onto him. I had to make sure his soul will pass on without much trouble getting him through the passing.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do to him. I’d put him through an illusion while he was gambling, making him think he’s won the jackpot. Everybody around him will cheer, then the doors at the entrance will open. Some loan sharks will burst through, demanding their money back from him. Knowing the man, he’d try to run away with his money. I’d jump in with an appearance of an Akatsuki member.

Whether he knew what they were was all up to him. I didn’t care either way. I’d say I’ll help him escape. Then…

I’d convince him to kill himself. Basically, I’d put him through another illusion where somebody was torturing him, but through the illusion, he’d feel pain, wishing to die. In real life, he’d wouldn’t be affected at all. Eventually, he’d die of well a natural cause.

I was able to keep my identity a secret, and everybody knows me out there as the ‘Silver Hawk’. They only know me as killing off criminals, leaving behind a silver hawk feather.
The town I was heading to was only about ten minutes away. Through the bright sunlight reflecting off the snow, I could hardly see it ahead, but it was only a half a mile away. “You ready, Toni?” I asked my hawk.

He fluttered his wings, basically saying yes. He didn’t talk much, “Go tell the other three to head back home to their true owners. Their help for me over.”

Toni stared straight into my eyes, it squeaked, You sure?

I nodded, “This will be the last criminal I’ll kill. Also…” I closed my eyes, “There is no need for you anymore either.”

You’re planning on leaving already? Are you sure? Toni said, fluttering his wings some.

I nodded, “Yes. You know exactly what to do. I’ll trust you what you must. For the both of us. And the world.”

Toni was silent, then said, Will I ever see you again?

“We’ll let fate decide that. Now go. We don’t have much time.”
He flew off my arm, heading eastward, his loud cry telling the others what to do.

I headed into town by midday. I waited until the man came to his favorite gambling bar. It didn’t take long until he was there, with a purple looking purse. I wondered for a second why nobody suspected him.

It was obvious what he did.

He sat down, and started to gamble. I went out to my plan, and set him through the illusion I planned just for him.

I knew it was going to be a success.

And it was.

. . .

I watched as I stabbed the man with the spear, blood spurted from his side. The man screamed in pain, “You know… it’ll all be over if you just… give up.”

The man took deep breaths, “I will not give up. And I barely felt anything.”

I snorted, “You have strong will power. I’m telling you, this isn’t going to end at all. So just… give up. Die. C’mon, man, all you do is gamble.”

“I live for money. That is all I will live for.”

I poked his heart. I didn’t say anything.

So it went on for hours, then he finally gave in.

Whenever I came back into the real world, the man was laying slump against the gambling machine. Somebody cried for help. A big crowd was formed.

I brought my hood over my head, and walked out silently. I dropped Toni’s feather on the ground in front of the door. I knew what I had to do next.

I was going in search for Madara.
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I'll be honest o.o Zana gives me the creeps Dx! Why did i make her pratically evil? Sweet, innocent little Zana... lol xD but but but you know... it works i suppose... w.e i'm gunna shut up :) lol
Sorry for any mistakes.
Thanks for reading :)