Just A Dream

Chapter 5

*Lalita's POV*

Within five seconds, I already had Kiba pinned on the ground. “Too slow!” I said.

“That Telekinesis thing is really a pain, and I mean it physically.” Kiba managed to sputter.

I released the air around him, making him free, “How about some hand-to-hand combat?”

“That sounds more fair… no reading minds!”

Fine by me, I thought. I got into position, and closed my mind.

We fought some more. It took a while longer this time. Since I always train with
Kiba, I knew his movements, his strategies. I always tend to dodge his attacks. We were pretty even to hand-to-hand combat. But I’ll say this: regular humans will never win against ninjas.

Kiba still won the hand-to-hand combats. I took a big breath, flopping on a big rock, “That’s some heavy duty training.”

Kiba took a seat beside me, “It was. You’re getting better. Though I don’t think anyone can top that Psychic thing you have. It’s one of a kind.”

I smiled and laughed some, “Thanks. C’mere Akamaru.”

Akamaru came to my other side, laying down. I started petting his big head. As I started petting him, I felt my heart start to squeeze, “I wonder how Ookami is doing…” I wondered out loud.

“When was the last time you’ve seen her?” Kiba asked, reaching over to pet Akamaru.

“Right before Trin came back that time a few years back. I think she left whenever Zana left though… I wonder how Zana’s doing. Trin said she may be too busy to even talk back to us for the time being…”

The dream came into mind, making me silent, “This is all so weird.”
And arm came over my shoulder, “It’s all going to be okay. Zana will come back soon, you know?”

I looked at Kiba, who was doing his usual goofy grin. “Yeah.” I said, smiling some.

For some reason though… I couldn’t get that dream out of my head. “Do you want to hear about that dream I had last night?” I asked him.

His face became serious, “Sure. If you want to talk about it. I know how you get whenever you speak of them.”

“Yeah, it’s like reliving through it again… but I think you need to know about this one.” I said.

Kiba nodded. And I told him. Every detail that I could remember. Whenever I was done, Kiba’s face became distance.

“This… isn’t good.” Kiba finally said.

“I know. Something is not right.”

“The weirdest part is… well, those powers you speak of, you girls can’t do them yet, right? So this shouldn’t happen until you actually awaken them… or maybe you can already do them, you just have to concentrate on them.”

“But how? If I look at anything, I don’t see any of that… aura sight.” I said, bending down to pick up some snow from the ground, making a small snowball.

Kiba stood up and stood in front of me, “Try me.”

I just stared at him, “Any idea how to try you?”

He smirked, “I’m not sure. Concentrate on my thoughts. The meaning behind all of them. Maybe if your mind figures out the meaning behind my thoughts, I’ll… glow?”

I smiled, “You get pretty good ideas sometimes, Kiba.”

I stared at his eyes for the while, concentrating on his thoughts. I could hear them clearly, but as I narrowed my eyes, I tried to get deeper in his mind. The meaning behind his thoughts…

I saw his body flash in a sudden bright light. I stared at his glowing body. It was pure golden, with small patches of bright lighting coming out of his body. His thoughts were still there. He meant good for those he cared about, and others too. I suddenly remember that I tried to get into Madara’s mind in my dream.

I tried to get deeper into his mind. Not trying to find the meaning of his thoughts, but the… thoughts of his thoughts. How he managed to think them.

I was trying to feel him. His thoughts, his body, his way of rights and wrong.

I saw my vision suddenly change.

First it was me staring intentionally at Kiba, to my vision becoming different. I was now staring at a beautiful girl sitting on a rock in front of me.

It took me a moment to realize it was me. I gasped, hearing the familiar sound of Kiba’s voice gasping. Somehow I managed to get inside Kiba’s mind.

I heard his thoughts bounce off of me. I knew I haven’t completely taken over his body, but I was inside. Inside his mind. This… has never happened with me before.

I love her.

That thought took me by so much surprise, I was suddenly thrown back inside my own body. My own vision, thoughts, and feelings all coming back at me in one go.

It caused me to have a blinding headache. I suddenly grasped my head, I moaned in pain.

“Lalita! H-hey! Are you okay?” Kiba suddenly asked, putting his hands on my shoulders.

I didn’t answer, I put pressure against my head, hoping to kill the sudden migraine some. It barely did anything. I groaned, “God that hurts!” I suddenly shouted.

Kiba’s hands overlapped mine, “I’m taking you home. Can you stand?”

I shook my head, “It hurts too much!” I cringed in pain. Seems like talking only made my painful migraine worse.

Kiba picked me up bridal style, “This is bad… I’ll carry you home. Try to rest against me.” I nodded some. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. Pain… it hurts! Make it stop… make it stop…

It seemed like years before Kiba got us to the house. He sat me on the couch, “I’ll get you some medicine-”
I grabbed his jacket sleeve, “No!” I gasped, “It’ll only make it worse. All I need is rest.” I cringed.

I could feel the muscles under the jacket tense. “Fine… whatever you say. I’ll carry you to bed for now. Let you sleep.”

I nodded, “When the other’s come back… you have to tell them everything I told you. Please-”

“Alright! Alright! Don’t talk now! You’ll make your headache worse!” Kiba said.

I wanted to smile at his worry for me. But my head hurt so bad, it took more effort to even try. Kiba lifted me up again, carrying me to my room.

I managed to finally ‘rest’ against him them. I fell asleep quickly.
♠ ♠ ♠
O_O do i need to say anything? :P lol
Okay, i'm obsessed with the song Crazy by Simple Plan Dx!! lol perfect song for My Boy Hood by the way o.-! lol that's a totally differ story...


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