Just A Dream

Chapter 7

*Trinity's POV*

Training was alright. Though I had to turn on my Spirit eyes at first to fight everybody. At first we all did one-on-one combats with each other, then we separated with pairs.

I was teamed up with Kakashi, as usual. We were both hiding behind a tree in the woods. “So how long you planning on sitting on that cold snow?” He asked.

“Whenever they get near.” I said, “I don’t sense them anywhere near us.”

“Wonder where they went.” He wondered.

“Probably making out somewhere.” I replied.

I made a snowball with my bare hands. The snow was cold, but it didn’t bother me any. Hell, I hardly wore any winter clothes, since the cold didn’t bother me much. I packed the snowball in my hands, “This is some good snow.” I commented.

“What are you doing?” He asked, squatting down in front of me.

“Making a snowball.” I said, placing the one I made on the ground to make another one.

“Snowball? What do you do with them?” He asked, picking up some snow himself to make one.

“Well,” I said, holding up the ball, “You can do a lot of things. But basically, you just throw it at your opponent.”

“So you throw them?”

I nodded, “Yep. You can also make a fort out of snow and if you get enough people, have a major snowball fight. It’s really fun. I used to do it all the time back at home.”

“What was the snow like back at home?” He asked, holding up a crumpled ball.

I smiled some, “The snow here is a lot better than that of home. But it’s the same. Cold, wet, and white. Here.”

I picked up some snow, “Gotta cup your hands and pressed the snow together in a shape of a ball. There you go.”

I laughed some. Then he asked, “Do you ever miss your home?”

I thought for a moment, “Well… I guess I do sometimes. I wonder some days if anyone even misses me. Or even know that I’m gone. I wonder that, even though I’m here, if there’s another me at home, taking my place. “

I looked up at Kakashi, who was watching me silently, “I do wonder about a lot of things. But coming here, meeting you and the others. Saving Sasuke. The lot I’ve did here…. I don’t regret ever leaving home coming here. I regret nothing at all.”

I smiled a little. Then a question Kakashi asked struck me hard, “Will you ever go back?”

It took me by so much surprise I couldn’t even answer. I looked away for a moment. I stared at the ground, “I-“

A small yelp came from above, causing me to interrupt my sentence. I looked up fast enough to see Mech soaring through the air above me. She landed on top of me. I stared, shocked for a moment. “Kakashi?” I said, looking at him.

He blinked, “What?”


He did. A shuriken came flying above his head, landing in a tree behind him. Mechifu pouted, “After all that I went through just to surprise you two.”

“Well, you did surprise me. Good job.” I muttered.

Mech pouted at me, I took the chance to throw her off of me. I quickly got up to my feet. Mechifu huffed, then disappeared again. I felt her presence a whiles away, back with Sasuke. “What do we do now?” Kakashi asked, straightening up from his crouch.

I looked at the snow balls, then back at him with a grin, “I got a game plan.”

. . .

“It ready?” I asked, walking up to Kakashi.

He patted down the tall snow fort. “Ready as it’ll ever be.”

I smiled some, “Okay, let’s go.”

We were at one end of the field. We walked to the middle. “Get ready.” I said, as we stopped in the center of the field, “Sasuke’s coming.”

Right after Sasuke started running, Mechifu disappeared. “Here she comes.” I muttered.

I put my hands behind my back. Mechifu appeared right in front of me. I smirked at her, “Mechifu.”

She grinned, “Trinity. What’s with that pile of snow back there?”

I cocked my head, “Does it not bring back memories?”

Mechifu looked at me confused, I smiled, “Close your eyes. I have a surprise.”

Mech raised an eye, but did so. I threw the snowball at her face. Her eyes opened wide for a second, blinking. Whenever she saw the crumbled snow on the ground, a grin flashed on her face. She closed her eyes, activating her Yin Yang.

“Get prepared.” She said, staring at me.

I cocked my head, “I have a feeling-“

Slowly, behind Mechifu, snow started to come on top of each other, getting bigger and bigger. The snow started to take shape, making itself to look like a castle. I gaped at it, then turned my head to Kakashi, “I think our resources are limited, let’s make the best of it.”

“I think we’re screwed.” Kakashi stated.

“Never give up!” I exclaimed, “We can win…”

Mech disappeared to the inside of a tower on her fort. “Is that really necessary?” I yelled at Mechifu.

“You started it!” She yelled.

I sighed, “No use now. Party time!”

I ran back to the fort, Kakashi right beside me, I leaned against the hard snow, “Something tells me this is going to be… interesting.”

“It’s a snowball fight, what did you expect?” My head jerked to him, “Have you ever even had a snowball fight before?”

“Now that I think about it… No.”

I sighed, “I won't even bother asking Sasuke, he may just stay out of this…”

“Let’s make the most of it.”

And we did.
♠ ♠ ♠
So... Kakashi + Snowball fights = MMMmmm GOOD xD! lol okay, Ima not be freaky... so yh, snowball fights... :P This story starts out soooo slow .-. lol :P but i'm trying to have fun with it...
Thanks for reading!