Status: Just started...yay! :) May Jesus bless you.

Forget and Not Slow Down

Chapter Two

“Savannah, are you sure we’re at the same airport? There’s more than one you know.” I sighed frustrated as I heard him snickering through the phone. He knew the one way to irritate me more than anything was to play an impossible game of hide-and-go-seek.

“Matthew, I’m leaving this coffee shop in one minute. T MINUS SIXTY! T MINUS 59! T MINUS-“ I was cut off as I heard a distinct tone coming from the phone. I smiled to myself and decided to get a chai tea latte.

I was just walking out the airport door, latte in hand, when Matthew ran behind me, luggage in tow, with a handsome stranger following closely behind.

“You’d actually leave me, Savannah? Some cousin you are!” Matthew joked as he stole my latte and used his height as an advantage.

“Well, if you’d actually come to the spot we agreed on instead of sending me on a hunt for you…” Matthew simply laughed and hugged me tightly.

“Oh yeah-Matt, this handsome she-devil is my cousin Savannah. You might remember her as the door to the extra room in my house. Some say she was scared of you while others say that she-ow!”Matthew rubbed his head in the spot where I’d hit him. “Anyway, Savannah, this is Matt Thiessen But of course, you remember him, I’m sure.”

“Yeah, I remember you from Canton.” I smiled and held out my hand as if his presence had no effect on me. In truth, I felt like a teenage girl again. He barely acknowledged me with a head nod. A little shaken by his curt response, and a little on the hurt side, I took one of Matt’s bags and led the way to my car.

When Matthew saw my old Plymouth Reliant K car, the ugliest car on earth, he began to laugh.

“Matt! Do you realize what this is? It’s my old K-car! Did mom give it to you, Savannah?” I didn’t realize why he was laughing at me and was a little too sensitive about his reaction. Matt barely acknowledge Matthew’s trip down memory lane, which Matthew barely seemed to notice. I guess he had gotten used to it.

“This car has character.” I countered, my eyes on an apathetic Matt Thiessen.

“Yeah, I know it does.” Matthew just laughed, causing me to smile. I looked back to see Matt looking miserable, still. I wondered why he was here.

“Well, this is it. Welcome to Chez Bryant!” I tried on my best French accent as I led the two Matthews into the apartment I shared with Adin. “I bet you guys are pretty jet lagged, so I’ll let you each take a room. Uh, Matt” I quickly added as he walked towards the nearest bedroom, which happened to be Adin’s. “I would suggest taking mine..” Matthew smiled at me and winked. “I’ll sleep on the couch. So if you need anything-you know where I’ll be.”

I admit, I was disappointed that both boys resigned to their respective rooms as soon as my house-welcoming speech had ended. What could be expected with two grown males on a plane for hours on end? Plus, one was depressed. The clock only read 5pm so I stayed up fiddling around on the old guitar that rested in the corner of the living room. When fingers finally became too sore for playing, Christmas cartoons were my sole method of entertainment. It didn’t bother me much, being practically alone on Christmas Eve. I’d spent many December 24ths that way in the past years.

“I’m such a loser.” I whined to myself as I turned the television off. I slept soundly that night, despite the disappointment that surrounded me. I found that happened a lot these days.
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Okay, a second chapter. Its shorter than the other but I wanted to get more out! I have the next few chapters written out...and I can't wait to get to Christmas night! It should come in the fourth chapter. It's by far my favorite and one of the first I thought up. Anyway, more to come! :) God bless!