‹ Prequel: I Love the Way You Lie
Sequel: Worldwide

His Only Love

A Little White Shell

He regretted what he said at christmas when he didnt get her normal christmas letter. His owl came back empty handed when he told him to go look for her and get the letter. He was slightly confused, what was wrong? Was she ok? He didn't relies what he had done yet.

when he came back after the end of the year she was gone. Her room was empty and dust covered what was still there. On the book case, under a copy of a novel he'd seen her read a few times, was a small white seashell, the size of his thumb. He remembered when they found the tiny thing; it and a bigger one rolled onto the beach before her feet and she smiled as she gave him the bigger one.

"you and I match Tom" she giggled looking at Them in wonder. "don't you dare loose it! It's our special connection to each other!" he promised her he wouldn't lose it or throw it away and she promised him the same thing. But now However it apeared as if she left it behind when she left the orphanage; breaking their promise.

Suddenly throwing the shell against the wall he let out a howl of rage. The little shell shattered into dust and he stocked out of the house.

That stupid Muggle, she would pay for breaking their promise. Why did he even care that she left a stupid shell? She was just a muggle while he was a god!

That was the night he made his first horacrutz. He put his soul into a pearly white seashell that had been placed on a thin black string. He carried that piece of himself with him everywhere.

It was a few years latter when he found her again. Snape had told him about the prophecy and wormtail told him where to find the Potters. He was walking down the street dressed in black with his hood pulled up.

"you look like death" a voice behind him said and he turned slowly to see a woman with a bag of groceries walking towards him slowly. "has my old friend become death? Tom?" she walked into the light and he finally saw the purple and blue eyes and the warm glow behind the snow white skin.

"Anna" he breathed, lowering his hood. "it's been a long time"

"what have you done to yourself?" she asked taking in his new appearance, "oh, Tom!"

"don't concern yourself Anna," he hissed. "I am no longer that friend you knew"

She sighed, "you've finally done it haven't you tom? You're finally evil"

"I've always been evil Anna" he hissed. "you were just to naive to notice"

"hopeful" she corrected him. "I was hopeful that you being a bad little boy wasn't the start of an evil man." she spied something then that brought a small smile to her lips.

"you still have it" she said setting down her groceries and walking forward. She slowly raised her hands to pull out the porcelain white seashell that she found all those years ago. "i couldn't find mine after I moved out of the orphanage and when i called they told me they couldn't find it either. I was so sad to lose our connection Tom"

He sucked in a breath and took a step away from her. "I- I thought you left it there" he confessed. "I thought you were angry about what I said to you and that was your way of getting back at me"

She shook her head, "no, never! I knew that, even though you meant it at the time, you were still my friend; my best friend"

The cry of a baby caught his attention and he remembered why he was there. He sighed and pulled off his necklace, "take this Anna, keep it safe."

"what are you going to do Tom?" she asked taking the shell into her small hands.
He turned away from her and pulled up his hood, "I am going..." he started as she shifted nervously behind him. "...to do something evil." and then he drifted away from her, into the night.