‹ Prequel: I Love the Way You Lie
Sequel: Worldwide

His Only Love


as Harry and Dumbledore continued to pick threw the many memories Anna had of the young dark wizard they saw her love for him growing; And they saw him push her away. Tom cared for Anna but he couldn't show it to her properly and Dumbledore believed that Tom wasn't quite sure what Anna was to him until it was to late.

He also believed that Anna was hiding something when he asked her about the young tom she knew. She was keeping one last secret for him.

When Dumbledore died and Harry started the search for the horacrutz thoughts of Anna danced around his head. He told Ron and hermione about her and they agreed that she was a good place to start. But things with the locket picked up and their search for her faded away.

They found her on Christmas eve in godrics hollow. They were searching for harry's parents in the grave yard when he stumbled across a lady placing flowers at a grave as he got closer he saw that it was his parents grave.

"um excuse me" he said stepping forward.

"yes?" her voice was smooth but tired.

"did you know them?" he asked and she stood slowly.

"I knew of them and their son" she said turning to look at him. "just like you know of me Mr. Potter" he gasped and took a step back. He was looking into blue and purple eyes; this was Anna.

"Harry?" hermione's voice called as she came around the corner and spotted the two locked in what appeared to be some sort of odd starring contest. "harry?" she said again, softly, and he jumped in shock.

"you were here the whole time" he said to Anna. "you've lived here the whole time"

"yes" she said looking off into the distance. "since the people who adopted me lived here, I never felt the need to leave"

"Harry?" Hermione's voice was shaking now as she backed away from the two. "Harry come here"

"what is it Hermione?" he asked turning to look at her. "this is her! The one we were looking for; it's Anna"

"you never said that she was a siren!" Hermione hissed and he paused in confusion.

"you can relax young one" Anna sighed, "I've never used my call on anyone. I am no harm to you or your friend"

"sirens lie" she said quickly. "they will do anything to get their prey"

Anna smiled, "you are very smart aren't you?" she chuckled.

"wait, you're a siren?" Harry asked with a frown.

"I'm only half" Anna said looking off into the distance. "how old do I look mr. Potter? Fifteen? Twenty? Sirens age very slowly compaired to humans Mr. Potter, I am sixty-five years old. I will live to be almost two hundred and fifty and then I will die alone because everyone I love and have loved will be gone. You are here to ask me to help you kill the man I have always loved and I will help you. I need to preserve what, if anything, is left of the child I knew."

Hermione took a step forward, "why did you love him? HOW did you love him?"
Anna sighed before looking up at the sky, "what you have to remember about me and Tom is that we were young; and as i told Dumbledore when he asked me the very same question; children can't be evil.

"mr. potter I will help you in every way that I can but I want you to take me with as you embark on your journey"

Harry looked from her to Hermione and back again, "you do relies that we will run into Him, and when we do we will kill him"

Anna nodded, "I've known for a long time now that you will kill him Harry, I just want to be there when you do"