‹ Prequel: I Love the Way You Lie
Sequel: Worldwide

His Only Love

A Call to Tom

They went forth to find the horacruxs and with help from Anna they found the cup in bellatrix's volt at greengots. After that they rushed to Hogwarts. Harry had a hunch that a horacrux was there. The moment they got there all hell broke loose. Harry was standing in the great hall dressed as one of the students, Snape was telling them that they would be severally punished for hiding him. Before Harry could step forward Anna did. She was also dressed as a student, a Slytherin to be exact.

"and you are?" he asked not recognizing her.

She held her chin high as she sucked in a breath. When she released it a sound flooded the hall. It was light, like a faint voice riding the wind, but it was the most powerful and beautiful voice Harry had heard. He saw Snape's face relax, he took a step forward as if pulled by an invisible string. He was muttering something that Harry couldn't quite make out but whatever it was, Snape clearly treasured it.

And then his face turned incredibly sad and he stopped moving. Anna stopped as well, her eyes wide and full of sadness for the man before her.

"what are you?" he hissed threw his teeth as he shook with anger and sorrow.

"that was a beautiful story Severus, I'm glad you shared it with me" Anna said with a small smile. "you've done so much in your life that you regret, and you missed your chance at love... Much like your master"

"what do you mean?" he hissed at her.

"do you know who I am?" she asked him, "does he ever talk about me?" Snape just continued to look at her for a moment before his eyes went wide and he took a step back.

"Anna?" he asked and she laughed once, a hard helpless sound. "but- what are you doing here? You're a muggle!"

"I am here to stop him Severus" she said in almost a pleading way. Like she was desperate for him to understand her. "I have to, I'm here with Harry to kill Voldemort" there was a gasp that ran threw the crowd as she spoke the name and Harry quickly walked out into isle.

"you seem to have a security problem headmaster, I'm afraid its quite extensive" just then the doors burst open and the order of phoenix walked in. Snape tried to curse Harry but MaGoneagul blocked it. They went back and forth a few times before Snape fled the castle.

"Harry!" Anna said running towards him. "harry he's coming you have to know that! Your time just ran out!"

"what did you do to him?" he asked her. "what did you do to Snape?"

"I used my call" she said. "I want him to tell Tom what I can do"

"but then he'll know you're not human!" Hermione said in confusion. "he'll think you tricked him"

"and he'll hate me for it" Anna nodded before cracking a small smile. "trust me Children, I know what I am doing. This plan has been forming for seventeen years, now is the time to act on it" Before they could question her she vanished into the crowd.

She was right however, their time was up. Voldemort and the death eaters arrived and he said that anyone who brought him Harry would be rewarded. While that was going on Anna was lowering herself into the chamber of secrets the sound of Tom's voice sent shivers down her spine but she pressed on. She needed the fang, it was the only way.