Status: completed.

Caught Up In You.

Complicated Situation.

I knew I shouldn't had let him in, I knew I should have been more stern, but when it came to him I had a weakness.

I sighed as I ran my fingers through his hair as his head rested on my chest and his arms were wrapped around me tightly.

"Why are yeh wif Matty?" He mumbled and I breathed in deeply.

"Because I like him." I managed to get out.


"So? When you like someone you want to be with them."

"That must be why I like to be wif yeh." He whispered and I tried to ignore the butterflies now filling my stomach and tell myself he was intoxicated.

"Yeh don't get it." He added.

"Get what?"

"Nuffin." He grumbled loosing his grip and moving off of me.

"Clearly it isn't nothing." I tested as I stared at him. His dark eyes gave away that he was now tired and yet he was still so adorable.

"Doesn't matta now, love." He said with a weak grin.

"Yes it does."

"Truss meh, it doesn't." He said softly as he closed his eyes. I sighed and decided to just cuddle up to him. I liked being close to him and it wasn't like this was cheating, right? I decided to just keep quiet after that and we both eventually fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning alone and to say I felt slightly disappointed would be an understatement. I sat up and ran my hands in my hair. This was becoming too much. I sighed and crawled from the bed making my way into the living room only to my surprise, to see Oli sitting on the couch.

"Oh, hi." I said taken a bit off guard.

"Hi." He said softly and I forced myself to sit by him.

"Sorrah bout lass nigh'." He grumbled as he ran his hand through his now messy hair.

"It's ok."

"We're neva gonna beh tha same huh?" He said his eyes locking with mine.

"What do you mean?"

"Meanin' I screwed up everyfing. We had a good relationship, and then we slept togetha and now, I mean, it's like this."

"Oli, it wasn't just you, you know?"

"I know, but it feels like my fault."

I sighed, "I mean, how can we make it better?"

"Guess we can't, love. Damage is done." He said shrugging.

"So what?" I asked nervously. The thought of not having him around scared me a bit.

He sighed and ran his hand down his face, "I don't know. Whateva yeh want Soph."

"I want you."

He stifled a laugh, "Not like I want yeh, love."

I frowned, "Is this about the whole sex thing?"

"Is that all yeh fink I want from yeh?" He asked seriously.

"I don't know Oliver! You never tell me anything!" I said throwing my hands up getting frustrated again.

"Cause it doesn't matta what I want!" He said louder than before and I rolled my eyes, "Then what matters?"

"What yeh want! What do yeh want, Sophia?!"

"How can I make that decision when I have no idea what goes on in your head!"

"So yeh don't know what I fink so yeh scared ta tell meh?" He asked.


"Yeh lyin'. Sophia, whateva yeh want I want. Whateva that may beh. If yeh wanna be wif Matty than that's what I want. If yeh wanna join a fuckin' covenent then hell that's what I want!" He said throwing his hands up as he got up from the couch.

I glared at him now angry and standing up to be face to face with him.

"I wanted you! I have! But you are so vague and closed up I don't know what the fuck goes through your head!" I yelled and a grin hit his lips causing me to cross my arms, "What?!"

"Yeh said fuck. Makes meh laugh."

I rolled my eyes and deciding to just walk away. Before I could even take a step he grabbed my arm pulling me to him instantly.

"Yeh want meh or yeh wanted meh?" He asked seriously.

"Like you always say Oliver, doesn't matter now."

He frowned, "It does. It mattas a lot, love."

"Why?" I challenged and I could see him growing a bit nervous. He bit his lip as his eyes studied my face.

"Why?" I repeated.

"Because, I'm in love wif yeh." He said so serious that I couldn't even breathe now.

"What?" I managed to get out. That was not what I expected. Maybe an I like you but not an I love you.

"I love yeh." He said cupping my face.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do." He said chuckling.

"This isn't funny." I said pushing his hands away and a smile hit his lips.

"Yeh righ'. It's not." He said crossing his arms with that stupid look.

I glared at him and he stepped closer, "I mean it though."

"I'm with Matt." I said trying to stay strong. He had too much power already.

"Yeah, for some reason everyone keep tellin' meh that like I care."

"Well you should."

He shrugged and brought his hand to my cheek, "I don't."

"I do."

"I don't."

"Oli." I whined and he cupped my face, "That nigh' we had togetha, yeh told meh yeh wanted meh. I know that juss doesn't go away."

"It was the heat of the moment." I grumbled.

"Mhm, yeah don't fink so." He said holding me to him. I held tightly onto his shirt as he stared at me intently.

"Fine. If yeh truly want Matty...actually yeh know what? No. I'll let yeh date him and when yeh realize how perfect I am for yeh, I'll still be here waitin'. I'm not goin' away." He said seriously and my nerves were now shot.

"And sure, go ahead and sleep wif Matty juss so yeh can see how much betta I am." He said with a wink as he pulled away.

I rolled my eyes and he pulled my face to his, "Yeh love meh. I know it. Be stubborn my love. Makes meh wanna try harda."

"Oli. Stop."

"No. See, I don't give up when I want somefin'."

"And maybe you now want me just for the chase."

He rolled his eyes, "I've liked yeh since I laid eyes on yeh, Sophia. So sorrah that isn't it."

I sighed and he kissed my cheek gently, "I know I may not beh tha greatest guy in tha world, but I want ta try and be that for yeh." He whispered.

"You make me so mad." I grumbled and he chuckled, "Why?" He asked his arm wrapping around my waist.

"If you liked me you should have told me before I started dating Matty."

"Why? Yeh'd be wif meh?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, "I don't know. It's just so complicated now."

He shrugged, "It's what I do bess love."

"I noticed." I mumbled and he kissed my forehead, "Come on Soph. I know yeh wanna beh wif meh."

"I'm with Matt." I said trying to keep my ground for once.

"Yes, I am aware, but do yeh like him more than meh?"

"I never said I like you Oliver."

He smirked, "So yeh don't?"

"Stop it!" I whined causing him to laugh.

"I seriously hate you."

"Yeh don't." He said bringing his hand to my cheek, "Yeh like meh."

I stared into his lively brown eyes as he smiled at me knowing that he was right. He then swiftly picked me up and before I knew it his lips were on mine and he had pulled me down onto the couch. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed feverishly.

"Tell him I kissed yeh. Tell him it was all meh and that I don't plan ta eva stop kissin' yeh." He said between the kisses he placed all over.

"Oliver." I said breathing heavily and his eyes locked with mine, "I want yeh Sophia. I won't beh happy until I have yeh. Do yeh not get that?" He asked with a questionable look on his face, "I love yeh. I wanna be wif yeh. So tell Matty I'm not juss gonna throw in tha towel and I'm still gonna kiss yeh when I can and hold yeh hand and tell yeh sweet fings cause I want ta be wif yeh."

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes as he ran his hand into my hair.

"So tell meh now Sophia. Do yeh have any feelins for meh at all?" He asked and I slowly opened my eyes to look at him.

"Do yeh?" He whispered and all I could do was shamefully nod my head because vocalizing it would make it even worse.

"Ok." He said removing himself from me.

"And Soph? How bout yeh don't tell Matty bout this, this time ok?" He said with a wink and I rolled my eyes as he left.

I fell back against the couch with a sigh. This was not going to go as planned. When I finally realized my thoughts weren't going to go anywhere but to Oli I quickly got up to try and put myself together for today.

Once I was ready and feeling a bit better my phone started ringing and I sprinted to my room to find it.

"Hello?" I answered a bit out of breath.

"Hey love." Matty spoke cooly and I sat down quickly, "What's up?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh nuffin much. I was juss finkin' bout my beautiful bird and I was wonderin' what she was doin' tonight?"

I chuckled, "Oh, she's got a date with her other boyfriend."

He laughed at that before speaking, "The guys wanna have a bonfire tonight. Maybeh yeh'd be up for attendin' it wif meh?"

"I may." I responded with a laugh.

"Good. Well, I shall see yeh tonight at 8. Dress warmly. I'll pick yeh up like a gent."

"I have the sweetest boyfriend."

"Yeahhh. I know."

I giggled, "Why don't you come over earlier?"

"Do yeh want meh too?" He asked like he was shocked at my question. I needed a good distraction and I knew he could provide that.

"Well, you are my boyfriend which I haven't seen in a good 12 hours."

He laughed, "Don't fink it's been 12 yet but I won't argue."

"I mean, unless you don't want to see me."

"Ha. When do yeh want meh ta come ova, love?"

"Whenever you want."

"So, thirty minutes?"

I laughed, "Perfect."

"See yeh soon doll."

I fell back onto my bed with a sigh. I liked Matty yet I felt so guilty because I knew Oli was right. I liked him more. I just didn't want to.

Matt arrived exactly when he predicted and I threw my arms around him as soon as he walked in.

He chuckled as I relaxed against his chest.

"Someone's happah ta see meh." He said softly. His hands pressed firmly against my lower back. I grinned and leaned up to kiss his jaw. One thing about Matty is he made me feel carefree and sweet. It made me love being around him.

"I'm glad yeh wanted meh ova earlia." He whispered and I looked up at him, "Why?"

"Cause I wanted ta see yeh badly."

"You could have came over anyways. I wouldn't have minded."

He shrugged with a grin as he leaned down and kissed me softly.

"Yeh such a lovely bird." He whispered as he ran his hand up my arm causing me to shiver.

One thing great about Matt's compliments is you knew he was sincere and he wouldn't have a problem saying them around anyone. Oli on the other hand well, you never knew what to believe and if he acted soft around anyone I'd pass out.

He kissed me as he walked me backwards to the couch causing me to giggle as I fell back onto it. A smile hit his lips and he kissed me again.

"Sorrah bout that love. Not reallah tha smooth type clearly." He said as he straddled my waist.

I laughed, "It's ok. It's what I like about you."

And in fact it was because if this was Oli, he was so charming, my clothes would already be off.

He brought his hand to my jaw and pressed his lips to mine. He nippled at my bottom lip, allowing his tongue to graze it ever so lightly. I finally parted my lips enough for him to make this kissing not so innocent anymore.

"Ok. It wasn't my attention to come over and make out wif yeh." He said with a grin and I laughed, "Do you not want to?"

"Well, yeah." He said smirking and I kissed him once more.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissing down my cheek, "Are yeh excited for tonight?"

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever been to a bonfire."

"Reallah?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and I nodded.

"Well yeh gonna have fun." He said pecking my lips before cimbing off of me.

"Come on love. We'll go get somefin' ta eat then I gotta go pick up some shit for tonigh'. Do yeh mind come wif meh?" He asked holding out his hand to me. I shook my head no and he smiled as he pulled me from the couch.

"Good." He whispered kissing me again.

I wrapped my arms around him and he smiled, "Yeh propa cute."

"Am not."

"Are so." He said tugging me to the door. If he knew everything he probably wouldn't think so anymore and he'd probably hate me.

What was I going to do about this?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are getting messyyyy. :3

Thanks for commenting;
StellaSykes (Yes! I plan to just not while I still have these two going on right now)