Status: By narakusgirl44

Second halfof story

Reverse This Curse Howl Pendragon 12

Calcier went wide eyes"I cant!Its impossible!No one but Howl can take me out of this hearth"Calcifer said tryin to ack away but there was no place to run"Theres no time to lose!We have to try something"I said as i picked him him"No!Dont do this!No,no!Help,help,crazy lady with a shovel!"Calcifer said as I ran to the steps of the front door"If you take me out that door,the castle could collapse"Calcifer said and I smile"Good!Dad come on"I said as I let him go out.I stood there waiting for everyone to get stiuated"We're ready"Sophie said and i nodd"Ok,step back"I said and she nodded as I started to walk down the steps"Make sure I go out last Jessie.I dont know what'll happen but Im sure it wont be good"Calcifer said as he whimpered.I let him out last and then the castle looked like a vacume and sucked everything away into darkness.The castle crumbled amf fell to pieces"I told you it would collapse*gasp*Rain!Rain!Rain!"Calcifer said and I look seeing a ship"That ship is headed for town!"Markl said"Sophie look after the witch and kids ok?"I said and she nodded"Turnip head help me find a way back in"I said and he hopped over to me.Turnip head had found a way in and I called for Sophie"Hey Sophie I found a way in!Come on"I said and they all followed after me"The roofs leaking.Dont let me get wet"Calcifer said"Hold on for a second"I said as i set him on a stone table thingy"Its wet here,Jessie!Ah!To damp to damp very damp here!"Calcifer sed as I picked up big pieced of ply wood and threw them on Calcifer"Hurry!Hurryplease!"Calcifer said as he ate little pieces of wood"Sophie get in here hurry"I said as they helped the old hag get in"The castles a wreck"Sophie said looking around"Told you we should of stayed put.Howl and I could have handled it"Calcifer said as I threw a heavy and big piece of wood right on his head"We have to tell Howl we're not attatched to the Hat shop now"I said as Calcifer ate wood"Move the castle and take us to Howl"I said to Calcifer's shock"Ah!"Calcifer dodged a water drop"What?"He said sounding like im crazy"I kno you can do it.Your a class A demon...I like your flare"I said like i did along time ago"But theres no chimney here,and I keep getting dripped on.And the woods all damp"Calcifer said doubting himself"They say the best blaze brightest when circumstances are at their worst"I said smiling"Yeah but no one really believes that.Come on lets be honest."Calcifer said"Oh what a pretty fire"Sed the witch"Why dont you have a seat"Emi said as she put a stoold behind the witch"Alright.I need something of yours Jessie" Calcifer said and I look all over and saw my mother's hankerchief"All I have is this"I sed and Calcifer looked"U ok with me using that?"He asked and I sigh looking at my dad"If it means saving Howl...then yes"I said and he took it and ate it.He glowed a blackish blue at first and then he grew like ALOT and his clolr went as red as lava.Calcifer was like a fire giant and then he pushed the ceiling up and started to get the castle to move a part of the floor broke but we were quick to move all that was moving was the part of the castle that was Calcifer's head.I laugh in amazment"Calcifer youre the best!Youre fantastic!"I said amazed"Imagine wat I could of done with your eyes.Or your heart"Calcifer said still big as ever"Thats it!You've got Howl's heart!I found it"the witch said but no body noticed not even me.We were so close to getting to Howl.I put my head in the hole that was made and saw Howl still fighting"I can see Howl down there!Looks like he's trapped!"I said and then a shock of light went through im"Calcifer please hurry!"I said but as i looked I saw the witch taking Howl's heart
"No!"Calcifer yelled as she grabbed the shovel"Put it back!Let go!"I yelled as she took the heart along with Calcifer"Howl's heart!It's mine!"She yelled as the castle started to shake because Calcifer was getting weak by her taking him.We fell off the cliff and the wtich started to catch on fire"Put him back now!"I yelled but she wouldnt let go"It's hot!AH!It's burning me!"The witch said and I growl"Thats because he's fire your idiot!Let Calcifer go!Youre catching on fire!"I yelled as I tried to take Cal away from her but she wouldnt let go"No,it's mine!"She said and i had to let go other wise I'd be caught on fire"Its mine!It's mine!"She kept saying and I had no other choise but to throw a bucket of water on her...making Calcifer go out.All I could see from her hands was a small flame of blue slowly getting smaller until I couldnt see it any more.I stood there panting but before
I could try to get Calcifer again the castle split in two and Kirara and I fell down that cliff with a scream.It happened so fast I couldnt use my magic to save myself.And Kirara was still weak to help"Jessie!"Sophie yelled as we crashed but their part of the castle was still moving away.I landed and I was perfectly fine...physically anyways.I sat up but started to sob.Kirara walked over to me after shaking herself off.She meowed twise and I look at her with a wet face ful of tears:Kirara...what have I done?I poured water on Calcifer!"I said sobbing"What if I killed Howl too?"I said and then started to sob harder in my hands.Kirara turned big and nudged her head on mine gently trying to make me feel better.Kirara started to meow and nudge at me over and over gently.I look and saw the ring Howl gave me was glowing.It was pointing at..something"It's moving...Is Howl still alive?Can you lead me to him"I asked and the ring glowed again and pointed at a piece of scrap metal.I ran to it and moved it with Kirara's help.There Howl's 4 way demension door was there against the wall.The ring pointed at the door.I opened it and saw...
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lol gotta love cliffhangers xD next chapter is THE LAST OMG!