Status: By narakusgirl44

Second halfof story

Reverse This Curse Howl Pendragon 4

"So what are we getting?"Emi asked and I smile"Just some things I want to get to make our new home more comfy...and I had to leave 1 or 2 of my spell books at I'll have to buy new ones"I said and she nodded.So we bought,silver wear,food,extra blankets and a pillow for Emily,some clothes for Emily(even though she had some)and rubber gloves and an apron for us both cuz god knows we'll need it.So after that we came baack and I saw Markl in his disguise running in and out of the house followed by a cloud of dust"Markl whats going on in there?"I asked and Markl gave me a nervous look"A witch on a rampage in there"He said in his older(Yet fake)voice"Oh boy"I said as I came in.I put on my apron,doctor mask,and rubber gloves.Every
thing else I just put in Howls room for now.I came back down stairs and called Emi"Help me with these dishes"I said tieing my hair in a high pony tail.I had changed into my grey short shorts and shite spagetti strap t-shirt along with my boots.So Emi and I did the dishes and BOY was it hard"This is the problem of MEN living alone in a castle"I said as I finished the dishes.When I had finished I heard Calcifer"Sophie please!Sophie please!Im going out!Please get me some wood quick"Calcifer sed but all she did was put him in a bucket an cleaned the ashes from the fire place ~Hell die!~I ran over as he fell through his wood and burned out
"Sophie!He's the one powering this castle!Move"I said pushing her out of the way.I pulled Calcifer out picking him up.My eyes widen at the sight
~Its...a heart~I then remembered what that girl said
(Flashback) Howl will just eat your heart!" (end flashback)
I stared at him
~Could this be...Howl's heart~
I thought but then heard foot steps"Come on Calcifer tough it out"
I said and blew on him gently.He grew but was tired"Ah he would of been fine"Sophie said and I scoff"Wat a bitter old hag you are"
I said as I put 3 logs of fire on for Calcifer"Howl might of died"I mumbled to myself angrily.I felt arms wrap around my waist making me jump"Thankyou"Howl said and I close my eyes blushing"H-Hey what ru doing"I said and he smiled nuzzling my neck"Sophie,I'd appreciate it if you didnt torture my friend"Howl said as he walked to the door and closed it.He turned the dile on the black" careful please"I said and he looked back smiling"Of course...and Jessie..make sure the cleaning lady doesnt get carried away while Im gone"Howl said and jumped out into a fiery darkness.I was worried he might get hurt but non the less I desided to help clean"Sophie,what did u do now?"Markl asked confused"She almost murdered me!If I die Howl dies too!"
Calcifer said and I look over to Cal"I knew it!I knew u were"I said and Calcifer smiled"Oh be quiet!Youre al right arent you!"Sophie yelled and I growl"Chill out Sophie...just because Howl's mad at you doesnt mean you take it out on him"I said and she glared at me"I'll take it out on anyone i want!"She yelled at me and i growl"What ever!Im gona clean the bathroom!"I yelled back at her,stomping upstairs to the bathroom.I didnt touch any of Howl's bottles but I did mop,clean the sink, floor,walls,toilet, and tub.I was soooo dusgusted!"Uh!BOYS-ARE SO-GROSS!"I yelled opening a window to let the steam of Howl's bath water out"Sophie!Dont touch Howl's bottle ok!He probablly has them in some way only he knows whats what"I said and she scoffed
"Whatever!"She yelled back and I roll my eyes going to the kitchen down stairs and mopping that.I look at Calcifer and smile"You know...I bet Howl doesnt give u alot of Credit...but I for one think your a class A demon...I like your flare"I said giggling"Really?"Calcifer said turning red"Yup"I said giggling as I took the broom and when up stairs.I heard Calcifer yell woohoo only making me laugh...I desided to see what Markl was up to so I peeked and he gasped and slammed the door shut.I only laugh as I saw Emi in his desk chair.I turned my head and saw a door so I desided to open it and a ghust of wind blew my long hair"Wow..."I said and let it stay open as I watched all the green moutains and rivers and it was just beautiful"This place is called Star Lake"Markl said and I smile at him but heard a thumping noise.....
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sorry to all the Sophie fans. I like Sophie,but not with Howl xD